Just had the fastest rooy canal on record

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Our little town got a Super Walmart and they made lots of promises of employment and the town was so excited at the prospect of an improved tax base. Guess what, the first thing, the very first thing they did after they opened was to declare that they were going to renege on their taxes and they started negotiating a much lower rate. It's going to hurt the town drastically.

I really hate going there because you have to wait in line forever. There is a food market as part of the store, and they stock such large quantities so far in advance, that the food is old and stale by the time it finally gets to the shelves. Plus you have to watch the quality of the special priced items. The return counter is the busiest part of the store. The lines there are long too.

we also have a KMart which is much friendlier and seems to have good quality for the pricing category.
We had a fantastic Super Walmart in TN. For the four years we lived there......we never witnessed a turn over in employees. They all were happy to have a job. The store was clean, organized and a pleasure to shop in.

Can't say the say for my local Wal Mart in IL. So, I guess it's based on geographical location. Southerners take great pride in themselves. And.....we do miss it down south.

I liked your quote Janie.........
"The folks I'm speaking of don't comprehend the word 'greed"

Northerners need to get a clue. It's actually a very sad situation. This coming from a born and raised "Yankee"
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Last of the Old Time Dept Stores

Last of the Old Time Dept Stores

Last month I was browsing in one of the last old time Department stores (wood floors)when I notice a rack of children;s Harley Davidson Jackets. Of course, they didn't have my grandson size. The sales lady ask for my home phone (long distance) and said she would call the other 2 stores...One is South Ga. and one in S.C..I never expected to hear from her..but in less than 2 days she called and said she had found my size and they had shipped it and I could come down and pick it up.. Only $44.00 dollars and what a nice Xmas present for my 10 year old Grandson. Can't find service like that at WalMart...Bonnie
I'm pleased to say that Walmart is not the first store to employ the handicapped. Several large stores do, and our wonderful regional market chain (Price Chopper) has for many years. They are one of the largest employers in the area and have owners who believe in philanthropy. The monies they give each year to various institutions and other charities and local cultural projects has benefitted the area for many, many years. They are clean, offer fresh foods and are priced very competitively.

Walmart is going to have to do a whole lot more to match what these people have done. It might be different in other locals, but I don't see any bragging qualities with Walmart yet.
Root Canals

Root Canals

I have no opinion about WalMart since we don't have any in my area of the Bay area....but as to the title of this thread..lol..we sure do get sidetracked..LOL

I've had a root-canal since my AVR. It was quite complicated and required two procedures as the first one did not do the job and they had to surgically get to the root thur the gum. It was 2 days of coumadin (scary) and then done while under conscious (sp?) sedation. My cardio and my dentist recommend the sedation..(probably because I'm a nervous wreck in the dentist chair). Well..it's the way to go..out like a light and it's over. Wake up..all better! BUT...the COST..yikes!! Dental insurance does not cover ($1000.00 or more) nor does health insurance. I can't remeber exact amount 'cause I just handed them the good ole credit card.

It was 'pain free' except for the'pocket book' and worry about being off meds. Geez..it only cost $300.00 for my doxie dog to have his tooth pulled. Hmmm...wonder if..nah..just kiddin...LOL

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