Joe's in the hospital again

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hi nancy!
i was so sorry to read that joe was in the hospital. i'm so glad that he is doing better andis home now and recovering.
c.diff is so awful and hard to get rid of, he was almost better off with just a stomach bug even though it seemed to be a nasty one.
you must also be so thrilled to have him back home.
please let us know how joe keeps doing.
wishing you all the best, sylvia
I'm glad to hear that Joe's at home with you...where he belongs! Still praying for you
Here's Beetlebomb bringing up the rear

Here's Beetlebomb bringing up the rear

You have to be "a certain age" to recognize that!

Nancy, I'm so glad that things turned out to be better than they could have been. But don't you wonder how you can be dehydrated by diarrhea and also trapping fluids from chf?!?:eek:

I sure hope you don't drop the poor conditions you encountered at the hospital. Shame on them. And you're right - certain areas always seem to be ok, and others are awful. But at ours, cardiac care as a whole is great - was Joe just on a medical floor this time?

I've been off the pc for the last few days; I'm glad to see that this was a short-lived emergency.
Hi Nancy,

I had sent a post on this thread a couple of days ago, but now see that it is gone. Something is obviously wrong with the system at times, that posts just disappear. I know that no one deleted it, just somehow it went away!

Anyway, I wanted you to know that I am sorry to hear about Joe, but think of him having to be hospitalized as a "tune-up" - he is now enjoying the comforts of home and I hope will improve day by day.

You and Joe are in my prayers.

God bless -

Christina L.
Joe's in the hospital again

Hi Nancy,

Sorry to be late replying..been on the road again getting away from this cold Canadian weather.

Hope Joe is recovering and I really hope you are looking after yourself. Don't let yourself get worn down and tired out.

With all you two have been through together I just know some greater power is watching over you and will reach down and bless you both.

All our prayers and thoughts are with you.

jackc (Welland)
Thanks again everyone.

Georgia- I sure do wonder how the two conditions could co-exist. It would seem that the diarrhea would have dehydrated him completely.

I think there is something about congestive liver and/or ascites. I believe the liver has a hard time getting rid of fluid, and maybe that is why he only had a minimal amount of fluid in his ankles and legs, and his belly was very distended. Probably would have been much worse w/o the diarrhea, but it would have also been much more evident because I would have noticed his ankles and legs. The diarrhea dehydration also gave us a false sense of security because Joe didn't have his normal CHF weight gain, which we also would have noticed.

So I guess it's a case of the moon being in the seventh house and Jupiter colliding with Mars. Wouldn't happen often. Just shows you how complicated things can be at times.

Joe was housed for the first night in the ER because there weren't any beds. It was actually better there than where he ended up in the Medical Cardiology Telemetry unit, plus it was the weekend and I know they were very short-staffed. I stayed with him quite a bit and kept an eye on things, bathed him and stuff like that.


Hello Nancy,

we just met yesterday, and first I would like to say, wow what a woman. so happy to hear how close you and your husband are.

as far as the CHF stomach always gets distended when I'm in failure...and of course I see a weight gain.
My fee, or ankles never fill up with fluid....the stomach is bad enough.
I actually look pregnant when the failure is pretty bad. Once that fluid passes I'm back to normal....(whatever normal is.). lol

I was recently in the hospital a week before Thanksgiving and I could hardly walk from my front door to the car...They admitted me right on the spot.
Only thing is the hospital I go to is an hour away....
Does Joe have to watch is fluid intake....I am always so thirsty I could drink a gallon of water, but I cannot. There are times I have to drink because I am so throat gets hoarse....

Hope to talk to you again,
Hi Lori-

He does try not to drink a lot of fluid, especially when the CHF is active. And his diet is just about as low as you can go with sodium. I even bake his breads and other baked goods and we shop online at the Healthy Heart Market and Mr. Spice salt-free sauces. Loads of good things there including sodium-free pickles (really!) and they're good.

I have put links for those site in the Recipes section, you may have to look back in the older posts to find them.

He's been in Kidney Failure in the past, so he really has to watch things very carefully, probably like yourself.

It's good to know other people with the same problems isn't it?


Not to change the subject..but my Grandson was in ER. 30 hours too. Small hospital..but they were wonderful there. Always a nurse or doctor in room.. Cat Scan on chest and spinal tap at 2 a.m. Many people with him..Of course, they told my son they would move him next door to Pediatric,s in the larger hospital if needed.Thank goodness. all tests were normal. Just a Viral syndrome..High fever came down after good meds....Brought him home at 11 a.m. and he slept for 2 days..Bounced back. Son had worked for 12 years as Law enforcer and knew not to take him to the big hospital next door. You can die waiting to get into Er in some hospitals.:eek: :eek: glad Joe is better. Bonnie
Hi Bonnie-

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandson, you must have been so very worried, and it's scary for him too. I'm glad all turned out OK.

Amazing how fast things can happen isn't it?


He was in school all day....and No teacher noticed how sick he was..and he didn't say anything. Came home and called his Dad. Dad flew home and took him into Er at 4 P.m...Daughter called us at 11 P.m. and we drove the fog, ect. at midnite. I had my sayso with school ..the next morning..They were having a 40 percent absentee...with flu.ect..Should have called his Dad. Bonnie

I hope that today was a better one for Joe,

My thoughts are with you both.
Granbonny, I am glad that your grandson is better. Please don't blame it on the school. After all, he was probably sick before he left the house that morning, and apparently his own parents didn't notice it either. I am a teacher. I have 22 students in the morning and 19 in the afternoon. Sometimes I notice that they don't look normal and send them to the nurse. Sometimes they tell me they don't feel good so I send them to the nurse. Often in both cases they are tired because they didn't get enough sleep the night before or the weather has changed, etc. If I have several students absent, I often expect others to follow suit, but imagine being the parent of 22 children. Sometimes you are going to miss something.
Hi Nancy and Joe -

So glad things are going better for you both again. Good job, Nancy! Every patient does better with an advocate, especially a tenacious and loving spouse. I have one too and now I'm feeling great at three months out; I plan on submitting my "story" soon.

Best wishes, ~Susan
Nancy, great to hear some good news! Joe must have more than one angel assigned to his side.


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