Joe was in the ER

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We spent last Christmas in the hospital with my son Clay, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone! So I was really glad when I read your post that Joe was able to escape hospitalization during the holiday season.

When you wrote that Joe had "SOB syptoms" for a second I thought he and I had similar personalities, then realized it stood for "Shortness of Breath":D I hope that has improved. The few days I had that after surgery were very uncomfortable.

In spite of his health problems, Joe is one of the luckiest guys in the world to have a wife like you.

Best wishes to you, Joe and your family for a joyful (and uneventful) holiday season!

When you wrote that Joe had "SOB syptoms" for a second I thought he and I had similar personalities, then realized it stood for "Shortness of Breath"
John, do you know how hard it was for me not to say something here. :D


I hope Joe is feeling better..He sure is lucky to have such a caring wife..:) John, Ross..that was SOB symptoms ..NOT SEX symptoms:D :D Bonnie
Well, the shortness of breath has improved, but the SOB, well-l-l-l that's a story for another day, LOL:D :D :D

Nice to know we have such "spirited" guys on board. SOBs every one of them!:D

Words sure are funny aren't they?
Nancy, I'm really glad Joe is OK! I don't know how I missed this thread.

I'd just like to point out that HAVING SOB and BEING an SOB are not mutually exclusive, as my own pre-operative past demonstrates. :D :D
Nancy and Joe,

It is so distressing to hear about your ongoing problems and visist to ERland.

I really never know what to say when I encounter people of such superior strengh and fortitude.

I have personally been such a wimp and been blessed with such minor problems, I feel guily for my weakness and concerns.

I must say that Nancy has contributed so much love, warmth and wisdom on this forum while bearing up under all your problems, I can only say, God bless you.

Thank you for your many encouraging words and thoughts. Many of us owe you more than we can ever repay.

Good luck and thank you for your wonderful example of human kindness, caring and courage.

Dear Nancy:

So sorry to hear about the ER trip. Any idea what prompted the episode? Joe is incredible, but you are unbelievable!

Hi Marybeth-

We don't have a clue what prompted the episode. He has a cardiology appt. later in the month and I hope that can shed some light on it. And he has his pacemaker interrogation this Friday.

He's on a pretty strict low salt diet and he keeps to it. One thing that was mentioned was that he should restrict his liquids and he hadn't been doing that. That's hard, because one of his meds, plus his diuretics make his mouth extremely dry.

But CHF ebbs and flows. Usually we can take care of it at home, but he had some back pain and his lungs were more congested than usual.

He's a little better now, but not perfect.
Hey Nancy:

I don't know if you recall, but sometime late September, early October, I had to take Wayne to the ER with similar symptoms. His pain though was located in the upper left chest area, and he was quite SOB, which seemed to build up through the day. The ER ran lots of tests, and could not find anything. I remain convinced that this episode was due to the valves. Personally I think the valves sometimes throw off more "cavation" of the blood than usual, creating more gas bubbles. (gas embolism) I think these micro emboli travel to various areas of the body, the lungs being one of them. When the bubble evidence, and yet all of the symptoms of pulmonary embolism....or in the case of the brain, I think it could be the cause of so many of the mini episodes so many of these folks expereince.

It took Wayne about a week to get his "normal" SOB back. He was quite uncomfortable for 2 to 3 days with the chest pain.

Just thought maybe Joe had the same thing, cuz these two guys are almost twins.

Hi Marybeth-

One of the things that Joe's card. might do is to put him back on a beta-blocker, or one of the other blockers.

He was on Metoprolol but had a really bad nausea reaction to it. I'm not sure it was the med or something else, anyway, Joe didn't want to be on it.

But I think he needs something like that to decrease the load on hs heart.

It's either that, or we'll be visiting the ER lots and lots.

How is Joe's twin, anyway? Say hello to him.
Well, we were able to get Joe's cardiology appt. bumped up and he had several blood tests.

The doctor called tonight with the results and it appears that there are some signs of kidney failure. I don't have a complete handle on the severity of the situation yet. The cardiologist and the PCP are going to have a conversation tomorrow. Right now, he has to hold his diuretics and Digoxin.

It would explain a lot of symptoms he's been having, back pain, high blood pressure which fluctuates a lot during the day, headache, lack of appetite, itchy skin and fluid retention.

His heart failure wasn't too bad, the card. ordered the BNP test.

So here we go with something new and different.
Hi Nancy

Hi Nancy

Was sorry to read of Joe's latest health problems. He has really been thru the wringer..but with you by his side, I'm sure he will be just fine. Bonnie
I'm utterly speechless here. Do you two ever get a break? I'm gonna go have a one on one with God and see what we can do about this. I'm sorry to hear it and worse, you don't need these things right now or ever for that matter.
i am so sorry to hear that joe is having all these problems and that he is such a puzzle for the medical profession.
i truly hope things start looking on the brighter side for you two.
you are in our thoughts and prayers. please keep us posted.
be well, sylvia
Dearest Nancy,
One of life's biggest puzzles is why bad things happen to good people. I do hope that Joe's kidney problems can be taken care of quickly. Best wishes to you and your family during this difficult time.

All my best wishes,
Dear Nancy:

Oh gosh, I am SO sorry you two are going through this. Do you know what the next step is?

You know, I had read once about the itchiness, and Wayne has had some pretty significant bouts of this on areas of his body at times. Lasts for weeks, and then goes away. He also has kind of an all over body rash.....they called it a sandpaper rash, often comes with strep. The rash does not itch.

I know from Joe's previous problems, that he also has some liver issues as well. He certainly has a plateful. From what I have read on the net, these things accompany CHF at times.

Please let us all know how things are going.....often.

With much love, and many prayers. - Marybeth

PS - My Wayne seems to be doing ok for now. Still SOB upon exertion. The Dr. has lowered his beta blockers cuz his heart rate is high 50's. In the morning though it is 80-90 BMP at rest, then he takes the beta blockers. I also recall that they do stop the digoxin when there is a bout with CHF. You have another journey here, I think.

As an aside, we became grandparents on November 11th. Our daughter had a 9-1/2 lb. baby girl whose name is Maeve Bergeron Jordan. When Wayne held her for the first time, we both filled up with tears. Had it not been for Dr. Vlahakis, Dr. Boucher and Dr. Harbison, this moment would not have been possible. The Grace of God gave us these days, and we are so grateful.
Hi Nancy,

My prayers are still with you and Joe. I too realize by your example how little I've been through and know about these things.

Marybeth, congrats on the granddaughter; I was just blessed with one too on 11/7.

Your theory about the bubbles is very intriguing for me, because it seems plausible that the near fainting episodes and and other symptoms like fluttering I've occasionally had are definitely stemming from some sort of episodic increase in valve leakage or interruption of the blood flow that might generate a bubble or something. Pure speculation on my part but it sure seems to relate to my symptoms better than what any of the docs have come up with, which is virtually nothing!

Keep me posted if you find out anything more about that.

Thanks all and God bless you Nancy and Joe.
Dear Nancy - I hate that you and Joe are going through this. remember when you first posted - and it's been up and down ever since. You are both in my prayers and hope they can fix things once more. He must have more patches than anybody. Just keep on patchin. God bless :)
Hey Steve:

The "bubbles" are often found when they do an echo, for folks who have artificial valves. They are called cavitation bubbles, and are actually "gas bubbles" which implode in what is thought a short period of time. The "gas" is actually elements of the blood. The artificial valve creates turbulance.....sort of like the cavitation bubbles behind an outboard motor on a boat, which implode upon relatively short order. However, my theory is, just like you can "see" in the wake of the water the remaining tubulence/bubbles, it is quite possible that this same event happens with the blood from the heart. It would certainly explain the short term memory problems, lung issues, etc. that many folks complain about. No evidence would remain after the bubble implodes, dispersing the gases back into the blood. Whaddya think?? (I started lookiung into this after I read that my husband had cavitation bubbles evident in his echo....just seemed interesting........)
Oh, Nancy.....I came on here to find out if you have heard anything new from the cardio or the PCP......PLEASE let us know.