I don't care for either Joe the Plumber or the hot chick so guess who's getting my vote for president?
The really old guy?
I don't care for either Joe the Plumber or the hot chick so guess who's getting my vote for president?
Good description.
Duff - I can never tell with you whether you are serious or just trying to keep things lively.
I'm voting for the Marxist commie antichrist.
I always vote absentee, too. this is Florida; hope they count it!
Cort's right - we in the Chicago area have always used the phrase "Vote early and vote often!" going back to the first Mayor Daley's delivering the presidency to Kennedy. Seems to me like all the early voting is a good way to be able to vote many times in different places. There's so many questionable voter registrations, chances of getting caught are slim. I'm guessing that, unless it's a landslide, it could be days or weeks before we know who won.
I hope we do everything possible to protect the integrity of the voting process. It is vital that we maintain faith in the voting process. But I, for one, am a supporter of the option for early voting. Stories of 70 year old people waiting in line in the Georgia heat for five hours or more to cast their vote are simply not acceptable. Where casting a vote becomes a major test of endurance, you have already seriously compromised the voting process, IMHO.
Seems to me like all the early voting is a good way to be able to vote many times in different places. There's so many questionable voter registrations, chances of getting caught are slim.