It's almost time......the final countdown

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2021
I'd like to thank everyone who has provided very helpful information. My surgery to replace the aortic valve is scheduled for this Friday February 19th early morning. Will be at the Cleveland Clinic. Decided to go with the mechanical St. Jude Regent valve as I do not want to be doing this again! I'll be glad when this waiting is over and I can move on. Thanks again!
Wishing you and yours well during the procedure and recovery. You may have addressed this elsewhere, but how’s your recovery set up at home? Everything easy to get to? Got a favorite recovery chair with easy ingress/egress?
Wishing you and yours well during the procedure and recovery. You may have addressed this elsewhere, but how’s your recovery set up at home? Everything easy to get to? Got a favorite recovery chair with easy ingress/egress?
Thx. This area still needs fine tuning and more thought. Do have my chair with electric power recline ready!
Good luck! You are getting your SAVR at an amazing clinic and I'm sure will be in the best of hands. I'll probably be not too far behind, as I have my consultation with my surgeon next week. I think you made a good decision with your valve. Mechanical is how I am also leaning at this point, for the same reason you mention- to hopefully be done with it.
Please give us a shout out when you feel well enough on the other side.
Best of luck and for what it's worth: It wasn't until my surgery at CC 50 weeks ago that - despite all of the imaging - they found a unicuspid. My surgeon said that most folks with a unicuspid have it replaced BY their 30s-40s. Mine was severely stenotic, but I felt I was asymptomatic. The reason or the lack of systems, the surgeon said, was b/c my heart grew to become an "athlete's" heart to compensate. He says it should "remodel" back to normal size over time with the new valve. As it turns out, I must've been somewhat symptomatic b/c as good as I thought I was exercise-wise pre-surgery, it's better now. I go faster and longer without tiring or getting bored, as was the case pre-surgery. The best way to describe it is that I feel as though I have reserve power. It's a crazy good feeling. Cheers.
Best of luck and for what it's worth: It wasn't until my surgery at CC 50 weeks ago that - despite all of the imaging - they found a unicuspid. My surgeon said that most folks with a unicuspid have it replaced BY their 30s-40s. Mine was severely stenotic, but I felt I was asymptomatic. The reason or the lack of systems, the surgeon said, was b/c my heart grew to become an "athlete's" heart to compensate. He says it should "remodel" back to normal size over time with the new valve. As it turns out, I must've been somewhat symptomatic b/c as good as I thought I was exercise-wise pre-surgery, it's better now. I go faster and longer without tiring or getting bored, as was the case pre-surgery. The best way to describe it is that I feel as though I have reserve power. It's a crazy good feeling. Cheers.
Excellent news. Thanks. I predict (and hope for) a similar outcome as it's logical. They visually inspected my valve at 52 and left it alone since it was healthy at the time. Now severely stenotic and calcified. Thx again.
Man, this last day sucks! Had my final bloodwork and catheterization done yesterday. No blockages as expected. Amazing that they go thru the wrist now. Met w/pre surgery members today and briefly with surgeon. Discussed the valve again. Left it up to my surgeon to choose which one is best for my specific anatomy (SJM vs. On-X). Good to go early tomorrow morning with early 5am check-in. Still can't shake the damn Deja-Vu feeling with old (suppressed) memories coming back. Thanks again!
I have a scar an inch wide just below my bicep close to the elbow. 1970’s heart cath as a four year old. Five or six stitches to close that one. Had to have a separate appointment to remove the stitches. They’ve come a long way.

I hear you. Anticipation is the worst. Hang in there. Don’t feel bad if you don’t sleep tonight. Stay up and read or watch movies. They’ll knock you right out tomorrow! Plenty of time to sleep then.

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