Best of luck and for what it's worth: It wasn't until my surgery at CC 50 weeks ago that - despite all of the imaging - they found a unicuspid. My surgeon said that most folks with a unicuspid have it replaced BY their 30s-40s. Mine was severely stenotic, but I felt I was asymptomatic. The reason or the lack of systems, the surgeon said, was b/c my heart grew to become an "athlete's" heart to compensate. He says it should "remodel" back to normal size over time with the new valve. As it turns out, I must've been somewhat symptomatic b/c as good as I thought I was exercise-wise pre-surgery, it's better now. I go faster and longer without tiring or getting bored, as was the case pre-surgery. The best way to describe it is that I feel as though I have reserve power. It's a crazy good feeling. Cheers.