One of the issues is that there are more different types of large wind tubines than you would think. The brand being employed in the foothills leading to the DownEast portion of Maine is known for its "thump." Why they can't use another type, or why they don't give the contracts to other companies who would use quieter ones that only wreck the landscape is unknown - other than possibly a lot of money changing hands. Unfortunately, the investigations and the recriminations come later, well after the damage is done. Then the political perpetrators just shrug and say, "Oh, well. Too late now. Nothing we can do. They're already there now." All this destruction for a result that is labelled by their own experts as "marginal."
One of the things every fourth grader knows is that stripped soil on mountainsides causes flooding, erosion, and permanent damage (e.g. California mudslides). As well, most of Maine is considered rain forest, which is damaged by each encroachment. These are among the vast forests that pump out the oxygen and clean the air for the Northern Hemisphere. Funny how we have activists to try to save the Amazon rain forests, and shamelessly sell our own breath to no value. It's already been brought up about the loss of birds and bats, and the abandonment of the area by other wildlife, which makes virgin, forested mountainsides with marginal winds an especially poor choice. And as for those of us who love to fish: we know that the phosphorus from the opened soil washing into the streams, rivers, and eventually lakes decimates the salmonid populations (all types of trout and salmon). Maine is destroying its future, which rests with its astounding beauty and natural recreations like fishing.
I do believe there are areas that have bountiful winds and would cause far less wildlife loss. And there are likely ways (mesh? high-pitched sounds?) that can help to protect some birds and bats. But just throwing wind turbines up everywhere that land is cheap doesn't make sense, either economically, or environmentally.
Best wishes,