It's SO shallow minded to be anti Wind turbines ! Harnessing the Earths natural resources has got to be the way to go, surely ? Look at the alternatives, Oil, coal or nuclear ? Oil and coal are fossil fuels that are not only running out but also the cause of massive global unrest (you can't tell me that the problems in Iran and Iraq aren't oil related?) and Nuclear, well that's just plain dumb, it might be ok right now but there's still no way of dealing with the medium and high level radioactive waste ? Except just sweeping it under the carpet for the gran children to deal with ? Or of course dumping off the coast of lawless countries like Somalia, and look where that's got us !
We use so much electricity these days, everything is getting bigger and greedier. Take a look at your house for a moment and consider how many things actually stop when you turn the mains power off ? I bet there are quite a few of you that only use a tumble dryer for laundry and cant even remember the last time you had a washing line ?
So, I say harness the wind, the sun, the waves and even the rivers. The structures used to capture the energy may not be too easy on everyone’s eyes but sure beats the twisted, limping deformed children born to the thousands of men and women who got a lung full of Chernobyl high level fall out !?
My great great great Uncle Isaac once said that "every action has an equal and opposite reaction", which I recon could mean that for you to switch on your Laptop, dish washer, TV, hot water etc then you also need to be more tolerant of things like wind farms ?! Oil wells, gas pipe lines and Nuclear reactors may be out of sight but they're not out of the minds of the thousands that are killed, maimed, tortured and displaced each year from the relentless quest to secure and trade the stuff !?
The wind is free ! The technology is still in it's infancy but improving all the time. It knows nothing of boundaries, it's boundless ! If we fall out with Russia they can turn our Gas off but they can't turn off our wind !?
So they whirl and whoosh a bit, stick up like sore thumbs on the horizon, kill some Geese and Bats ... All of these points have varying degrees of regret depending on your view point but none of them can trigger wars or even the end of the world ?
Looking out of my window here I can see fourteen 400 kw turbines, they're huge and the landscape was prettier without them but they power my laptop which is charging right now at with 90watts ... Lets see, that means between 14 of them they could charge a staggering 2.2 million laptops !!