Oops. I have a confession...........I still wear glasses. I guess I got a little excited and forgot to put them on for the pics.
Thanks for your kind words and encouragment.
The weight loss program is pretty simple. Actually the weight loss is a subset of what I call my fitness program. The devil is in the discipline.
Eat less
Exercise more
Drink lots of water.
It's been an "up and down" (or "down and up and down") battle. Sometimes I go for weeks without any loss, and several times had a big bounce back up.
The weight loss and waist loss do not always coincide with each other, but eventually both are reduced. The 40" pants that used to be snug, are now too big. I'm buying 38's. The big surprise was in the shirt size. I've been wearing a 17" neck for years. My wife bought me a 16" shirt for Christmas and it fits!
Keeping the INR steady hasn't been a problem except for getting in and out of the Lovenox bridge for hernia surgery last fall. I expected that exercise would raise my INR, but it really hasn't. In fact my coumadin dose was raised once about 10% and is steady at that dose.
I still have a way to go. I don't yet feel that the lifestyle change is ingrained premanently. I have some very weak moments. After 25 years of bad habits, it takes more than 8 months to call it a done deal.
Second, I really want to trim down closer to the "ideal weight" in the low 180's. It was a real treat to check my BMI and move from "obese" to merely "overweight". Next stop "desirable".
The real benefits are the spring in my step, higher energy level, the boost in self image, and the absence of those stupid nagging aches and pains of a sedentary life style.
I'm glad I could share this with you. Take care.