I'm Morphed

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Girl Scout cookies

Girl Scout cookies


You can have a girl scout cookie or two. I am on weight watchers and I have the point count on each of them! I can eat more trefoils for the points than the richer cookies, but nonetheless, I do get my thin mints when I want them!


You look great...:) :) You are lucky to live in a good climate...Here in North Georgia..we have had cold rain and wind all winter..now 3 inches of snow on ground.:eek: Cannot wait until Spring to start walking again.... My weakness..is bread.:eek: I am a very early bird and love toast after about an hour after I have been up.:eek: :eek: Plus..hubby of 38 years still wants that big Southern dinner...meat, potaotes, veggies, ect.He fusses if I don't eat with him:( :( but, I will start again walking. ect. when warm weather comes again...:p Bonnie

You are a hero! I had noticed your new avatar, but the progression really shows how far you've come! Congratulations!

I weighed in at 197.5 on the morning of surgery. That's on 6'3", so it's not too much, but I don't like the distribution! ;)

My goal is to get down to 180-185 and be FIT! The surgery has given me a whole new reason (and time!) to do this, so I want to take advantage of it. I'm carrying about 6 pounds of water weight today, 7 days post-op, but I'm hoping that it will come off soon, as I ramp up the activity. The surgery has really supresses my appetite, so I'm eating only when hungry, and then small quantities and healthy stuff. I've never been able to run, but am hoping to start soon, or if not, to use a rower and get fit that way! I'm feeling the need to compete a little (Sorry, Suz! :D )

I bow to your progress, Tom. You are an inspiration!
Way to go!

Way to go!

I thought that guy in the avatar looked familiar.... :p Congratulations!!

You really do look younger and healthier!! That much wieght loss shows some real tenacity.
COngrats to Tom!

COngrats to Tom!

A big congraulations to you on yoru 40 pond loss. I have bee losing a bit more. But I am sure you feel a tons better now that all the weight is gone. I still have 60 pound to go on my goal. I am trying to get to 150. Maybe by the end of the year, I will reach it, or be close. Just keep being as active as you can to keep the cardio-vascular going strong. So proud of you, having com a long way. Keep up the good work.

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