Ice Storm for the South

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
My Yankee friends..feel sorry for me..they are predicting a large Ice storm from Atlanta thru the Carolinas Tenn. tonight and all day tomorrow. I live on top of a Mountain. Power will go out due to falling pine trees on power lines. If you don't hear from me..send a helicoper.:D :D :D Bonnie
Hi Bon.....Glad you made it back from Thanksgiving. We're supposed to get that storm on Thursday...wind, snow, sleet, and slop....UGH!! Maybe you can get it all and prevent us from getting any....ha, ha, ha!!! Do you guys have a backup generator? Evelyn
wood fireplace

wood fireplace

is my back up generator. ha..but we do have a gas log fireplace in den and one of those huge grills from Sam's..boil, grill, ect. Must be sure and have it covered good so ice will not freeze it together....All on T.V. out of Atl. is ice storm weather ha. We panic down south at the first flurry.
Hi Bonnie-

You watch the ice on the roads, black ice, you know. Put you car in a lower gear coming down that mountain, it helps to stabilize your car and give you better traction.

We're having temps in the 10-20 degree range. It's very cold. I'm going to put some outside decs out today, I hope I don't freeze my fingers off.

I'm wondering how Hensylee's sister is liking her upstate New York winter experience.:)
Stay off roads

Stay off roads

We are 2 miles from gate..Will not leave house. Could be fallen trees (pines will fall due to drough) or power lines. Will stay until all is clear by Friday. I just called Dentist. They said to listen for school closings. If schools close, everything is closed. That's the South.:D
Nancy - Nancy is bearing up tho I have not heard from her about this most recent Buffalo snowfall - think they aren't too far from there. I feel for everybody. My daughter is in Atlanta and it's VERY cold there, too.
Hi Bonnie,

I also live high on my own little mountain just outside Nashville, TN I usually park one vehicle at the bottom. It's a long walk.. but I can at least get around when the mountain is iced in.

I have to admit though, there have been times when a surprise storm hits, and I am stuck up there. Hmmm, 2 fireplaces, beautiful view, hopefuly some sledding down the mountain... even if the electric goes out.. Still have the heat..and water...

I look forward to those few. . (stressing the word FEW), times to escape for awhile.

Nashville is also under the ice/snow winter warning..Guess we will both see what the evening has instore for us.

Happy Holidays,

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas...
I think that "Beefcake" photo posted of you under another thread has heated things up in such a way that ice is the least of your problems.

I expect that you will have trouble with your "escape" . A corp of ladies will be climbing your mountain in search of...

Well these gals need another reason to go on. And, lo and behold there you were.

Isn't it hell to be sex symbol?

Best wishes to you during the impending onslaught.
Hi Bill,

You sure know how to stir the imagination... hehehehe

Hmmm.. Imagine the possibilities...Ahhhh yess...Snowbunnies !!!!

Dear Penthouse Letters.....Whew... now now, I could get way carried away with that fantasy...

LEt it snow ...let it snow...... let it snow....

Winter is here!

Winter is here!

Hi Bonny and other southerners. Yes, I heard about your impending ice. When my daughter lived in TN, that was always the big fear and problem.

One time we were traveling to Ashville, NC in April when snow started flitting down in KY. Just outside of Ashville they had closed the interstate...I couldn't believe it. Only about 3, maybe 4, inches of snow. But everything was paralizyed...trucks jackknifing and everything. The other weird thing was they just closed the interstate and left us stranded out there...we pull people off and into the towns . And that is after 10 + inches....I realize you'all don't have much experience on snow, but that was so frustrating. We had been having no problems...just snow! We sat there for over 12 hours!

Good luck tonight you is bad whereever you are.
Careful Bonnie! Being a transplanted 'Yankee' myself.... TN for four years until recently, I hear you. Ice is scary, especially when there is not a way to clear it. No salt trucks or plows if it did get bad I am afraid.

Today we have beautiful light and fluffy snow falling here in the 'Windy City'. On and off since yesterday. Have been out driving in it today. Broke the snow blower out for the second time. We have accumulated close to 5 inches it seems thus far. Doesn't slow us down a bit here.
Hi all:
I was a complaining about the cold weather this morning. I had to wear a jacket until Noon. My feet were freezing. Perhaps I shouldn't have worn sandals. I just looked at the temperature and it is 63 degrees. When I moved to the Phoenix area, I thought it would be warm all year long.

The above is in jest. Actually, we take our good weather for granted here. I know things are bad in the East when my sister-in-law starts calling us early in the morning from Buffalo. They have been having a really hard time with the snow and ice. Her house is near the river, so she gets more than her share of wind and cold. She told me today that the snow drifts covered the first floor windows on one side of the house. As young people, we were able to battle the elements. I don't know what we would do now. My heart goes out to all of you and send my best wishes for an early spring.
Well, there is something called the January thaw in the Northeast. It's a for real thing. Almost every January there is a fairly warm period of time, at least enough to go above freezing. So January isn't too far away.

I got my lighted snowman set up today outside, nearly froze my ___ off. I had on two heavy sweaters and a parka, boots, heavy sox, a hat, scarf and mittens.. When I took the dog for a walk, I wore my ski mask. Scary! The dog had on two coats.

Tonight the windchill is supposed to go to 0 degrees.

"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" HaHa
Hi Bonnie......How are you doing today, girlfriend???? From what I could see, looks like you might be spared some of the ice, hope so!'re a better woman than I....we're going to wait till this weekend to do outdoor decorations, it was just 'TOO COLD yesterday to go anywhere...a high of 26 for me is not cutting it! I usually take the dogs for a run in the back fields, but not if it's less than 30---with the asthma, it just doesn't cut it. Here's wishing us Northeasters good luck tomorrow.



Already sleeting here. School next county closed and all schools north of Atl will be closing early...Atlanta and all Northeast Ga. under ice warning. I live in Northeast Georgia Mountains in corner next to S.C...My daughter-in-law is expecting baby anyday. She is a 6th grade math teacher but taking day off so she won't have to drive. She is huge. Just run my grandson to school 5 min. away. Wes works in next county..I know he will be working wrecks all afternoon if it gets bad..(policeman) Southerners can't drive in ice. Can't drive period. :D Bonnie
Bonnie, I don't think anyone can drive in ice...even up north...the snow is usually very doable...the ice...nope...stay home. And I always fear the downed power lines. Life on the farm without power is fun....actually all is ok except for the barn water pump...generator isn't able to take furnace, water pump in house and in barn and the lights. So I get to carry water from the house to the stock tank and the buckets in the barn...sheep have stock tank and goats have buckets.


Lived on a farm for 25 years..back then life on a farm was awful with John off flying for Delta. We raised Araibian horses. Water troughs would freeze down 3 feet and I had to try to make a hole in them..also throwing out hay..Ended all over me..itching yikes.Remember the stink from Kersoline heaters all over the house..:mad: :mad: Now they have the nice wood heaters for fireplaces, ect and auto water, ect.:) I',m talking ice storms, ect..but Yes..good old summertime.:D Bonnie

Boy did you say a mouthful, definitely is NOT doable. I don't mind the snow, but that black ice and sleet just kills us up here. Especially people with SUV's who think that just because they have 4 wheel drive they're protected....what fools!! Jean, I remember MANY years carrying water out to the barn, and we don't have a huge place. It was always a labor of love, though, because all our horses were special, especially my old guy who died 2 years ago...had him for 27 years and he saved my life more than once when we foxhunted. Oh well.....

Anyway, STAY WARM and INSIDE if ya'll can. Right now we're 26 here. If it gets to 35 I'll take the blackdogs out for a run in the fields, if not, it's housework....ugh!!!

Here's a scary story about ice. Joe had one of his sojourns to the ER one afternoon, we were in the midst of an ice storm, but he had had a serious TIA (this was prior to his latest surgeries), so off we went. It wasn't too bad driving. He was there for about 7 hours when they finally decided to keep him overnight. He had been stabilized, so I went back home to get some rest, since we only live about 20 minutes from the hospital.

Driving back home was a nightmare. The storm had worsened. It was sheet ice all the way, and the roads in my neighborhood were completely iced over, and the salt trucks were nowhere to be seen. Even when applying my brakes, the car didn't stop going down some minor inclines, but I did manage to get home. I went to bed and about 1:30 AM, I got a call from Joe's doctor, saying that he was not going to be admitted afterall, and that I had to come and get him. I suspect the insurance company made that little decision.

I made it back to the hospital, going about 3 miles an hour and in lower gear all the way. I packed him up in the car and drove him home, but with great care. All I could think of was that if anything ever happened to us and Joe in such very sick condition, he probably wouldn't make it. I could just see the car in a ditch. Our neighborhood was horrible by this time complete glare ice and the car slid and had a mind of its own. We didn't get back to the house until about 3:30AM.

It was a scary, scary night that I'll never forget, and I guarantee you that if it had happened today, I would have been much more proactive about the decision to send him home. I can't believe how wimpy I was then.

You never know what kind of bonehead move you're going to have to deal with.
According to the radio, it was 4 above in Michigan this morning. I actually had to drive with some of the windows rolled up. Some of the kids waiting for the schoolbus this morning actually had their coats zipped up -- they must be southern transplants. I love the way you can tell how cold it is by the crunching sound the snow makes under your feet. I had a listing of how Michiganders regard winter, something like when the temp drops the zero, it's time for the last barbecue of the season, but I can't find it.

Actually, I'm as petrified as anybody else of the ice. I spun out on the expressway on the north side of Flint a half dozen years ago, and I can still see myself sliding backwards down the expressway with the traffic coming straight towards me. Fortunately, I finished spinning and went into the ditch.
We had two inches of snow Monday on the grass, but six inches wherever shoveling is needed.