Ice Storm for the South

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winter weather

winter weather

Here is SW Missouri we've had from 5-11 inches of snow in past 20 hours or so with a sheet of ice underneath. Every school far and wide was closed today. Sure puts a person in the Christmas spirit. I baked all day!

Two years ago this month Jerry had prostate cancer surgery scheduled for the morning of the biggest snow in years. I think it was 17 inches or so. We live in the country so stayed overnight the previous night with our kids in Springfield. Were we glad we did! We woke up at 5:00 to a winter wonderland and heavy snow still coming. We were wondering if the surgeon could even get to the hospital but he did make it. Since there's a long hilly driveway to our house I stayed in town for 3 days and they actually kept him an extra day due to the weather!

He was released on another really bad day with near whiteout conditions. During his convalescence I had to battle the deep snow and wind to feed & water the cattle. (only 3).

This past Feb. when he had the AVR there was a little snow but nothing compared to the "big one" of 2000!
No Ice Storm

No Ice Storm

Not only can we not drive in ice ..the weathermen cannot predict the weather..Over 100 trucks had come in from Miss., Fla to help..Nothing but rain...Claimed on morning news it rained TOO hard..and didn't stick:confused: :confused: Oh well, I get to go and have my teeth (other side) deeped cleaned this a.m. Have to take 4 amox's 1 hour before...and then come home and put away emergency supplies (lamps, candles, ect.):D :D Bonnie


It's coming your way..3-6 in.????Put out the newspapers for the dogs. You don't want yellow snow:D :D Bonnie
Hi B

Yep, they're talking about 4-8 inches for the island, but of course, 8-10 for Eastern Long Island.....that's us and we often get socked with more. We're on our way out this morning to get oil for the tractor...Tyce does an oil change prior to the snow blade and chains, so we're getting oil and a filter.....UGH!!! I was hoping that we'd have a few more weeks before snow starts. I'm not going to jail to teach today, already told them if it snows I don't go. The nice part about being retired is that I can go there when I want; the guys are always there, kind of like a captive audience so to speak!!!

How much did you end up with? Did you mostly get ice? Lose power? I sure hope not! We're going to spend the afternoon doing the tree.

Chat later.

Hey, were getting snow this morning that we weren't supposed to get. Did someone down south blow the clouds a touch more northward? :)
More Michigan Weather cues

More Michigan Weather cues

When daughter was a youngin' we were in the barn doing chores one morning before school and she said "It is bugger-freezin weather!" and it stuck in our family. It has to be below 10* and it depends on the humidity, but if you sniff in, your nostrals stick together momentarily...Michigan "bugger freezin' weather!" This morning was a heat wave 13* and the sun is out and so pretty with the sparkly snow...see we truly are crazy...but I love it...clean, white snow on the ground, clear roads and sun!
Hi Guys

Just got back from a walk with the 4 leggeds in the SNOW....YAY!!!! We all had a great time. The best part is that we're all in for the day, no one has to go anywhere and we'll put a log on the fire. Tyce is going outside into the barn annex to do the tractor after we have coffee, the dogs will all sleep, and I'll get everything put away to start putting Christmas out this afternoon and tomorrow......I just love it, what fun!! Of course, I wouldn't be saying that if I was driving home from school because they let us out early for the snow or if Tyce was at work knowing he would have to drive home in the LIE rush hour.

Happy snowing, all.

Let me see...49 degrees and SUNNY here! We can't eve ski here! We've been dry all year! HA HA HA! I grew up in MN where for the last 3 years I lived there, we had 6 foot snow drifts, and straightline winds, and ICE EVERYWHERE! There would be like 2 inches of ice encasing my car most mornings!
I will tell you all what....... I MISS THE SOUTH. I am freezing my $utt of today. 22 with a wind chill of who knows what. Yes, it's really time to break out the long johns.



I think the worse thing about being cold is getting out of the shower. I make sure my bathroom is hot before I go in..Brr...And how do YALL drive with all that bunky clothes on..gloves, heavy boots, ugly hats, ect.:D Road rage, Road rage,:D :D Bonnie
Oh, BonBon what do "ugly" hats have to do with abiliy to drive?

As for the cold shower, my "fan humming" warms it up.

What ugly hats?? I have some pretty cute hats for the winter. We don't think of ourselves as wearing bunky clothes, instead we like to think of ourselves as "snow bunnies", LOL:D

I think I'll go get on my ski-bibs and turquoise parka with matching hat, dickie and mittens. Compliments my auburn hair.

Are ya jealous yet???
In the teens and single digits here in Northern Indiana.

As far as what helps in the cold...Uncle Jack Daniels. MMMMMM
Makes Ya Warm. HAHAHA:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


You and Hensylee need cold showers:D :D :D Nancy, those awful pull down stocking hats or worse the fur ones with ears muffs:eek: :eek: Your outfit sounds cute. Hope you don't have to go to willie after you get it all zipped up:p :p Terry..We have and always will be Uncle George Dickel..(hubby) me just a Miller Lite:mad: :mad: We will resume this thread in Jan...Last one standing wins:) Bonnie
Cool shower this morning - hot shower tonight. Rains came, brought cold-ish winds. But I am not going to say what our temp will be tonight as you would all laugh your heads off at us chickens in Florida. Right, Bill?
Well, I know our high temp for the day was this a.m. before I got up. It was 65 or so, I think. I do find it tough here when it get so cold that I have to wear a long sleeve shirt. Like I did today, I needed to have blood drawn. Such a pain, the long sleeve shirt that is.

I don't complain much about the weather here, I remember my 20 years in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and this is heaven. I must say, we had a neighbor move there from Lousiana and on below zero mornings he would be out chopping and brining in wood in his shirt sleeves. What a guy. He loved the cold dry north better than his native hot muggy swamp/bayou home. It takes all kinds, I guess.

But, Bonnie what do you mean about my needing a cold shower??



"And how do YALL drive with all that bunky clothes on..gloves, heavy boots, ugly hats, ect. Road rage, Road rage, Bonnie"

Very very carefully my friend. Maybe that is why we have so many fender benders. Not only do you have to look once, but 3-4 times while backing out of a parking space. Oh....stopping for pedestrians, what's that? My first month back I almost bit it twice in the Jewell parking lot! Got balled out after a driver nearly ran myslef and groceries over. Yeild to the right of what?
:confused: Crazy

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