I tried................

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
Hi there everyone, Well, I had my cardio app yesterday. I left home at 7.30am and got to Dublin about 9.50. I had to walk up a hill (very slowly) from the train station to the hospital, and I felt soo unwell. My heart was jumping around and I got a pain just below my sternum (iv had it a few times if I stand for a while in a queue or walking, but never had it this bad) I was gasping for breath and I truly thought my heart was going to burst, the pressure was so bad.
When I got to the hospital I had to wait over 2 hours to see the cardio, which is the norm here. The short version of this story is that he didnt seem to consider that any the ''new'' symptoms I told him about, which have developed since I saw him in Sep. were important. He is sticking to the plan he had for me in Sep which is to do an ablation. I asked for another echo, but he said there was no need, as I had one done in Sep and ''things would not change in 6 months, and if they didnt have such 'sensitive' machines they probably would have picked up on the moderate MV regurg''.

I had written out all my symptoms, for him, but he simply glanced at the sheet once, and never once touched it, just left it sitting exactly where I had place it on his desk...it was actually closer to me than him. In fact he was visibly ''not too please'' to see it.

This is a sample of some of the symptoms I had written,

Pulsating/soreness in upper abdomen...NEW
Pulsating pain in my head and right ear...NEW
Pulsating/soreness above navel... NEW
Pain in right foot.
Pain/sorenes/fullness in chest... NEW
Exercise ability virtually nil.
Pain in chest on breathing in, especially bad in morning.
3 Episodes of arms going numb, strange feeling, and
once unable to think/speak.
Difficulty swallowing and hoarseness.

When I was very sob in Nov and had one of those ''funny episodes'' my gp sent me out to my local hospital where they said my o2 stats were low at 93% and upped my dilzem med from 90mg to 120mg....cardio yesterday said to drop my dilzem in half to 60mg because it might be causing my swallowing/hoarsness problem. In fact he spent more time talking about that than all of the other symptoms. I said I felt it had started when I took Amiodarone (cardarone) over a year ago, but he dismissed that immediately. (To be honest, my swallowing problem is the LEAST of my problems right now)

I asked him 'was the ablation a good idea, as I hadnt had any tachy (fast) heart rates in over a year. He said ''thats a very good question, if I cant instigate the tachy, then I wont be able to do the ablation, and we will then look elsewhere''. I should hear about the ablation in 6weeks or so...(in Sept he said I would have it done before Xmas).

He wasnt rude in any way, but I felt he had a 'plan' and he was sticking to it no matter what I said. I feel mentally and physically exhausted, and if we werent waiting for Thomas' ct scan (any minute) I think I would go to the er of my local hospital. I AM IN A LIVING HELL ....honestly....if I didnt have kids to consider...I would rather be dead.

I know theres no answer or solution to this mess. I just thought it was only fair to let you all know how things went, as you were so helpful in replying to me.

I tried.
So sorry to read this Jacqui. I don't know how things work in Ireland, but is there any chance of getting "another opinion"?
God----I hate dismissive doctors. If it were they who were having these problems, they'd be all over it with their own doctors, whining and complaining like the rest of us. Who wants to live with those symptoms, and then have someone totally dismiss them???

It may be the medical system in your country that is dictating what he can do, you would know more about that, but still- it's a nasty way to treat a fellow human being who is obviously in great distress.

I agree with Phyllis, can you get someone else? Maybe he's a misogynist.
Awwww Jacqui you poor thing, I was thinking of you yesterday. I agree with the other posts about trying to get a second opinion if you can, its worth a try, I honestly don't think a lot of doctors consider peoples real emotions and 'text book' everything rather than looking at the whole picture.

Sending you love and hugs

How about a third opinion? I know you are exhausted, angry, frustrated and ill but "soldiering on" is just plain BS advice. Maybe it is more difficult to get appointments with the medical system there but you should try to continue to find answers.

Sending hugs to you.
Jacqui, a while back you wrote about thinking of moving to England in April. Is that still on and could you get a better cardio there? April is not that far off!
Is it possible that your gp could recommend another cardio if you explained what's been happening? It just seems terrible to me that neither of these cardios have given any credence to the fact that your miserable and these symptoms are real! I'm sure your "medical" situation over there is different, but please don't stop trying to get some help.

EireCara said:
I asked for another echo, but he said there was no need, as I had one done in Sep and ''things would not change in 6 months, and if they didnt have such 'sensitive' machines they probably would have picked up on the moderate MV regurg''.

"Things" do change in 6 months' time -- even less!

John had an echo in September or early October 2006 and a repeat 3 months later. Results showed a change, and he then underwent a TEE on 2/1/07.

During John's follow-up on 2/15, our cardio referred to a Mayo Clinic study on MV surgery and said that the trend is now to get the patient into surgery before symptoms appear, rather than taking a sooner-or-later approach formerly (and still) used, thus requiring replacement instead of a repair.

Upshot of your visit: See about a 3rd opinion.
Phone Call.........

Phone Call.........

Iv just had a phone call from the cardio secretary saying ''can I be at the hospital at 8.30am on Friday morning for ablation, angio, and possible pacemaker.... Im shocked !!! (Im not convinced this is the way to go, but so desperate to have something done that even might help.) *Has anyone here had an ablation done??
There is so little I can add after all the poss but I agree that another opinion should help. Can someone go with you to the hospital that is aware of your health situation and able to ask questions in your belhalf? Sometimes doctors are more receptive to answer someone else's questions as they see there is a person concerned for the patient and if something is questionable there is another person who is involved and know of the siutation rather that just the patient. Hope I make sense
This whole thing is very odd, but at least you are getting something new from this guy.
I realize that I am paranoid about aortic dissection - but isn't voice hoarseness a symptom of that?
I would insist on that being checked while you are there, I believe they can check it along with the angio. Make sure it is all done before the ablation.
Hang in there Jacqui - at least we have some forward movement now.
Gosh, if you left behind that list of alarming symptoms, maybe he (or a nurse) finally got around to reading it and thinking about it. Sure hope and pray this is going to work out for you now, Jacqui.
It sounds to me like he reconsidered things for some reason. I would ask him what happened just to see the response.:rolleyes: :D ;)

Best of luck to you - we will be praying that all goes well.

Hope the procedures Friday will be an improvement.

BTW, a friend of mine shows cats under the cattery name Eireannach. (She is of Irish ancestry.) What does "Eireannach" mean? I've googled it, but can't find any translation or meaning.
Jackie- glad to hear that they are finally doing something. I've had an ablation done as I had episodes where my heart would race and I would feel like I was going to pass out. My ablation was really easy - they put you to sleep for the entire procedure and when I woke up I felt fine straight away. Mine fixed my problem too - that being said others on here have cautioned that there are risks with having ablations done. Maybe one of them could provide their point of view for you..... :)
I agree with GeeBee--This guy needs what we call here a "high wedgie", in Ireland, do they know what that is??

Ask him what happened just for the fun of it!