Hurricain Isabel

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Ann, you must have been so relieved! I think burial vaults all have to have some kind of identification number so that in cases like that they can be returned where they belong.

It seems like Isabel is loosing steam so the overall outlook is better than it was. I think Penn. could be in trouble if they get alot of rain since they already have flooding and are so saturated. The same season that Floyd flooded NC we had a hurricane Dennis pass over and soak us with torrential rains, it went into the Atlantic and sat for a few days and came back in and did it again. We were already so wet that the rain from Floyd proved too much. It was considered a once in 500 years event. We flew over the area in an army helicoptor and it was incredible.
I am working on building an ark. . .valve patients welcome - two of every kind. :D :D So far the basement is dry here in PA. . .

If I close my eyes it won't happen

If I close my eyes it won't happen

We're sailing out of NYC Wednesday afternoon to cruise to Montreal. I'ma thinkin' that the ship may be high-tailing it further north than Newport, which is supposed to be our first stop. I vote that the 'cane go 'way out to sea, and NOT hit the northeast.

ARGH.:eek: :eek: :eek:

I've been at sea during a hurricane before; not fun. But I don't get seasick, and I have patches in case I feel urpy.

btw: there's a bit of irony here for me: a couple of years ago there was a girl at work that I loathed; and it was quite mutual. While walking by each other one day she slugged me - I was so astonished. I told my boss but decided to be nice and not get her fired. She ran to personnel and lied. Got that straightened out pdq. She was only around for a couple weeks more. Her name was Isabel. I have this naggy little feeling that she's haunting me (even alive, this girl could haunt you).

I will be incommunicado until the 29th. I'm sure all of you can keep this going just fine without me :p

I go armed with a real good inr report, a tub full o' meds, and lots and lots of paperbacks.
I hope that Isabella leaves you alone and that you ahve a wonderful trip
MelissaM said:
I am working on building an ark. . .valve patients welcome - two of every kind. :D :D So far the basement is dry here in PA. . .

Are you sure theres room for 2 of my kind? :D
Luckily it looks as though we're going to be spared here on LI......My cousin, in VA, doesn't look so good, though......


PS our neighbor's daughter's wedding contingency plans are to have the reception in a real good friend's potato barn.....the decision will be made by Wednesday a.m......we all have to clean it out first....sounds like fun, huh!!! Sure hope we are spared, who wants to clean out last year's potatoes!!!
We are packing our wedding and family photos, important docs, etc. and high-tailing it to Atlanta. We live on a small island with neurotic tourists who run red lights and act generally crazy when a hurricane threatens. They remind me of Washingtonians who forget how to drive when a half inch of snow hits. I hope this is all a firedrill and nothing more!
i see everyone has caught a whirl of our lovely weather but i bet you can't can where i live......? directly in the path of this terrible ugly looking monster,being oriaginally from NY i dont know what the heck to do I live here right on the outer banks more specific manns harbor,surrounded by nothing but sound and even during a puny storm the water floods,the only place we have to go is manteo and thats the next town closer to the ocean and of course that has sound flooding,iam in a trailor right now and during floyd and dennis i stayed and we flooded bad i have pictures i wish i can attatch them,but i think thier packed well antways for three days we were paddeling around in small outboards and had no electricity for five days,now this is my scariest part iam on O2 24 hrs i dont know what to do if power goes out,i have only one 4foot tank that has 24hrs worth of O2 the main machine is electric,i have my portables but they only last about three hours and i only have 5 so please pray our group,everyone here is preparing for the worst the older men who have fished all there lives 50 and 60 yrold have pulled up thier nets and boats and they dont do that often they say that when they pull up the storm is coming ,so keep us in your thoughts because were right here in the center of the bullseye,i pray everyone will keep safe GOD BLESS until we can talk again


Please pack your car with your pictures, papers, ect. Gas up today..and leave. I'm sure there are shelters being prepared off the Island. Schools, ect. What are your neighbors doing? Bonnie
Nicole, if you are still there in the outer banks, the police will probably be along any minute to make you move. And there will be medical facilities to take care of your O2. Just get the H*** OUT! You won't have a choice anyway, once the patrols get to you. Do what they tell you - they are trained. My boss was head of emergency and he had much training - every year. My prayers are with you.

It sounds like the storm has reduced winds to about 125, however, that's still plenty of speed to do much damage. When opal hit here, the winds were about 75 miles with stronger gusts and we had trees down everywhere around us -
Hi Nicole,

Who is the supplier for your oxygen? Give them a call and ask them what contingency plans are in place. You are going to need to get out harms way very soon. When you can, please get back in touch and let us know how you are doing. I am very concerned about you and your girls.
Nicole - get you and your girls outta there! Ask around, see what people are doing - what resources are available. Your hard-earned tax dollars are put to use building shelters, etc, for times like this. Here is the information for your local red cross. Their website says to call and they will tell you where the local shelter is:

Greater Albemarle Area Chapter
Address: American Red Cross
Greater Albemarle Area Chapter
905 Hasstead Blvd, Unit 3
Elizabeth City, NC 27909

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 252-335-2185

Fax: 252-335-4232

Web site:

No excuses, now!! :( You've got to take care of yourself and your little girls!

Keep us posted,

I too live in NC. Im about 15 minutes from the sound and an hour and half from Atlantic Beach,NC...4 years ago yesterday our world turned upside down do to Hurricaine Floyd. We lived near the river and got flooded. We lsot everything we ever owned in a matter of minutes. They evacuated us from our home right before the flood and we got to dry land safely but lost everything in the process except what clothes we had on and our vehicles. We were fortunate to find a hotel for a week and then we stayed with relatives until after sveral months a 1 bedroom apartment became available to us thanks to a co-worker of mine that owned property. Those were very scary days that I hate to repeat. We are no longer in a flood zone but we do live in the country and when we have any storm we loose power for hours so all we can do is pray. We do have a generator and supplies and are waiting and watching carefuly. I have an appointment at Duke tomorrow for my checkup (ekg/chest xray/echo). I just had all this done in the hopsital when I had surgery a month ago but my cardiologist at Duke still wants to see me and repeat all these things. Its been a very busy week and its only Tuesday! Hope everyone is safe.

Thanks, Rossman.

Looks like good ole' Long Island is fine, but I'm still worried about my cousin in VA. They moved the boat and tied it down really well, so I guess that's about all you can do. Luckily it seems to be weakening. Thank goodness my neighbor's wedding will be able to happen.....what do you do with 300 guests in your back yard without a tent???

Good luck

Good luck

hey you lot over there across the pond ...just wanted you to know we are thinking of you here ....Good luck ...and take care
I sure hope that everyone is safe out there. Nicole, I hope you and the girls are safe and found shelter. Good Luck.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies

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