Hurricain Isabel

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In North Georgia..feeling winds talked to my Grandson's mom in Thomasville, N.C... she said wind and raining hard. Grandson lives with me. No problems down here.
Very blustery here with the occaisional strong gust. Steady rain with the occaisional downpour. On the way home from the mall there were a few branches down and the power has been wavering. It is supposed to crest sometime during the night and start clearing up tomorrow.

Reporting in from rural PA. ..
Hi All

We just have rain and about 40 mph gusts.....can deal with that. My VA cousin has a basic disaster. Luckily no water got into the house, but they lost about 8 trees.....they probably only had 10 to begin with. The marina just called and their boat is basically ok, but the rest of the marina took quite a beating. The marina guy said that if they hadn't moved their boat up the marina, it would have been lost.....they lost the entire portion of dock where their boat had been prior to being moved.

Maureen, my cousin, says there are wires down all over, they still can't see their dock, their next door neighbor lost half his dock, his boat house, and lots of trees, and things are just a mess!!!

The important thing is that they're ok!!!

Here in NJ...

Here in NJ...

We just got a touch of Isabel, just the outer edge of the storm hit us, I can't image being hit full force.

My backyard is littered with fallen branches, and our power was turning off/on all night. No complaints here, I know other had it much much worst.

hope Nicole

hope Nicole

And her neices are where they can have power for her O2...Bonnie
Just got power back on after 39 hours without. . .what a trial! Spent most of the night Isabel went through awake, fearing that a tree was going to come crashing through the roof, since the house is surrounded by them. Ends up it happened to the neighbor, but our house was spared. We finally gave in and went to a hotel to get showered. Since we're rural and on a well, no water when the power goes out.

Looking forward to a good night's sleep. Probably still others without power. . .?

Glad to hear you are all doing OK. Just hope Nicole and the girls are also.
Take Care.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies
hello,we survuved! Ithink?

hello,we survuved! Ithink?

hello everyone i hope everyone is safe,we made it through the storm,but there has been such trumendous damage that we are going to be out of power for at least two weeks,every power line here in manns harbor is down,and thats not even an exageration,trees are down everywhere along with wires allover the roads,only one section with about six houses have power around me and God really protected me because they put my power on last night ,because my O2 needs and that got a couple other houses power,but all other residence do not have power and we are all on well water with electric pumps,houses are split in two,Cape Hatters is no longer there and the rest is divided in two
they have called fema in today and we are under an emergency diaster area,we have curfews: you can't go on the roads until 12:00am--8:00pm,you can not cross over any bridges to go to food lion or kmart for supplys,i live in manns harbor and i'm not allowed to go to nags head,kdh,kitty hawk,so we cant purchase the things we need,all of the groceries that i just bought that week before the hurricane are completely ruined and that is hurting us alot because we only have a certian amount of money for groceries a month and now there gone and i have no money,i don't know what to do this is all so frustrating,and i'm really stressing out on how toget the pieces back to gether
this place is a mess and i dont know how long its going to take to clean up and build it,please pray for us all,iam one of the lucky ones to have power i'm sharing my house with everyone and its hectic,also please pray for me i'm having a hard time, and i know i'm getting weaker and with all this stress i feel like im going to fall out,but at least i can say i'm safe and God protectedthe girls and i and our home and that is a whole lot better then others could say thanks for listening
While it's not terribly comforting right now, we thank God that you are indeed safe. Is the Red Cross in the area? The should be helping you with food and needed items. I imagine phone lines are down but then again, your on the computer so maybe not?

Try to get in touch with Red Cross and see what can be done. I can only imagine the stress your under. Hang in there kiddo, the cavalry will be there soon.
Nicole, if they put your power back on and not others, then you are on some kind of list that is a priority one. Somebody will be along to help you out soon. You are in my prayers. Being a Floridian, I know exactly what your area looks like and it is just a horrible disaster and you are helpless to make it better yourself. Take all the help that is offered - and it will be coming your way soon. If you are sharing your good fortune with others, they, too will spread the word that you need help. Hang in there, girl - hug the little ones to you as they exude comfort, don't they? You are going to make it. God bless - Love, Ann
Hi Nicole

So glad you made it through the storm......was glad to see your post. I can't imagaine what you're going through there. My cousin didn't make out too well either......You know the old adage, One day at a time. As far as the people you're sharing your house with....I assume neighbors for showers, etc., how about them lending a hand for food??? As Ross said, the Red Cross should be there quickly, if not already, and they certainly can provide. It will work for you, just keep the strength....God will come through for you. The most important thing is that you and the girls are fine, you're back on o2, have your computer, and are probably alot better off than many of the people down there.

I wish the best for you.



e-mail me your street address..My sister works for Red Cross. I will be home Wednesday. Will talk to her. She is in south Carolina..but maybe can do something about replacing your food. I know you live in Manns harbor..Look at my User id under MEMBERS..Click on G's for on I get e-mails. Bonnie
thanks everyone!

thanks everyone!

thanks for all your prayers and advice things are looking up here,red cross is here on the outerbanks and i'm sure the assesing the damage in the hardest hit areas,which is for us CapeHatters,the inlet and kitty hawk,they are priority for help,but tonight one of the resturants MAMMA QUANS from the beach donated all this food,we had hot dinners,hamburgers,rotini,stuffed shells and cheese,clams and shrimp,i think we were eating better that most people who aren't even affected by the storm,i think red cross will set up ther truck tomorrow for food and supplies,tideland elec. have over 900 trucks working on the lines and power is slowly coming on I think that is so awesome because they estimated 9 to 2 weeks because of having to replace lines but thy sure did get some people together quick,i think thats the only good thing coming from a disaster is people of all classes and races work side by side to help one another.I know tomorrow the harbor should have all its power restored now as for cable and school who knows when it will come on and school start up agaian my oldest girl is in kindergarten.and she driving me crazy she loves school,but she also loves her two hours of cartoons,and being cramped up in this place is driving me WAKOOO .
I do appreciate everyones concerns and advice it defiently keeps me in check,things will be back to normal soon even without the things that were destroyed"the world doesnt stop going around"


ididnt know the pictures would come out that big i tried downsize them,but obviously it didnt work,well anyways here are a few pictures:
PICTURE#2: of all the water and the car to the left side {i think the car dint make it in the transfer but this picture is across the street from my driveway,that was a very small inlet to allow the fishermen to dock small trawler boats
PICTURE #1:is hwy64/264,turning left to go to post office and the "old bridge"which takes you straight to manteo,but now we have the knew bridge,which is off to the left side of picture out of view.
I got more pictures but i have to develope them and then find the right way to make them shrink.
all the waters in the pictures were there before the winds really even started and we got bombed with water,but as of right now i dont think there is any water its all gone down i think in less then a day,so that it is good news
thanks you for being my VR family

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