hello,we survuved! Ithink?
hello,we survuved! Ithink?
hello everyone i hope everyone is safe,we made it through the storm,but there has been such trumendous damage that we are going to be out of power for at least two weeks,every power line here in manns harbor is down,and thats not even an exageration,trees are down everywhere along with wires allover the roads,only one section with about six houses have power around me and God really protected me because they put my power on last night ,because my O2 needs and that got a couple other houses power,but all other residence do not have power and we are all on well water with electric pumps,houses are split in two,Cape Hatters is no longer there and the rest is divided in two
they have called fema in today and we are under an emergency diaster area,we have curfews: you can't go on the roads until 12:00am--8:00pm,you can not cross over any bridges to go to food lion or kmart for supplys,i live in manns harbor and i'm not allowed to go to nags head,kdh,kitty hawk,so we cant purchase the things we need,all of the groceries that i just bought that week before the hurricane are completely ruined and that is hurting us alot because we only have a certian amount of money for groceries a month and now there gone and i have no money,i don't know what to do this is all so frustrating,and i'm really stressing out on how toget the pieces back to gether
this place is a mess and i dont know how long its going to take to clean up and build it,please pray for us all,iam one of the lucky ones to have power i'm sharing my house with everyone and its hectic,also please pray for me i'm having a hard time, and i know i'm getting weaker and with all this stress i feel like im going to fall out,but at least i can say i'm safe and God protectedthe girls and i and our home and that is a whole lot better then others could say thanks for listening