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apparently pellicle said: планируемое краткосрочное прекращение приема АКТ (варфарина) для этого вмешательства

Yes, they ask to cancel a few days in advance

which confirms my suspicion that you are speaking Russian and are using a translate engine (which doesn't bother me). That you are considering buying a Coaguchek suggests you are not as likely to be from the Eastern provinces.

Since that's the case then I can't really blame corporate greed and instead will agree with your earlier assessment about being lied to. However in their defence I'd say that Russian Doctors may actually misunderstand the "signalling" in the language where just like birds in a tree all writers of papers on valves who push the bio-prosthetic angle continue with words like:
  • the burden of INR testing
  • the risks of stroke from mechanical valves
  • the increased risk of bleeds (0.5% increase is still an increase even if it vanishes to 0 with proper INR management)
  • the refusal to acknowledge the existence of ACT
Best Wishes
I live in Moscow and here every clinic sells what they were told to sell, mostly mechanical ones but without choosing the manufacturer
here every clinic sells what they were told to sell, mostly mechanical ones
to me that's (bolded) encouraging to read ... IIRC Norway also has a strong preference for a mechanical in patients under 60 yo

What really matters is that you maintain INR within the therapeutic range (2 ~ 3) for the greater majority of the time.

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