*reviews further new posts*
So many things to discuss, so precious little time. But, plug on, I will

Disclaimer: I hope people are taking this all for what it is...great comic relief. I know many of us are suffering with many different heart and non-heart related issues and I certainly do not mean to belittle those issues. But, at the same time, I do believe this type of comic relief helps us all

*straightens up in the computer chair and begins tackling the new issues that have developed while I was away*
Re Magazines ... Nancy, LOL! I can _proudly_ say that those are not my grandmother's magazines. Most of hers are home- and inspirational-related. Keep in mind, she was the wife of a pastor

. Then again, my aunt and I did find some, ahem, questionable stuff....LOL! And, I do very much appreciate your ideas. Tearing out some pages will also help us to save space...and create more space for more magazines...which I'm sure those in the Waiting Room would definitely enjoy on those cold winter nights. Speaking of which.......
Re Fire place ... Steve, did you ask the contractor about the fire place? It _is_ going to be included, right? Or, did you forget about that, too?

Re Garage ... Now, Steve, I don't like the plans for this...very unsatisfactory...at least to me...ya know, just the biggest car nut here

. Altho, I must admit, the contractor's comments/ideas seem to be just right for what we need.....I spose we could make that work. Of course, tho, since I had to remind you of this...my Monte Carlos get the best parking places year round

Re Wide Screen TV ... Yep, I noticed the prices had gone down...and, of course, I can get an extra discount if we purchase one at Sears. As for the installation, Steve, that'd be great if you'd do that for us

. And, I do like the computer monitor suggestion, too....
Re Surround Sound System ... Gosh darn it, Ross, why'd ya hafta go and mess up my plans for a surprise

Re Treadmill ... Absolutely! A fantastic idea! Lisa, I _believe_ (course, we'd have to check with Steve), that the contractor has in his plans to install a few treadmills along with a TV for each. I can't guarantee the cable, but we certainly could look into that....
Re Kitchenette ... Melissa, it is going to be built just off the main room, I believe. Again, we'd have to check with Steve to be sure.... And, it won't be just a "kitchenette". I thought that the plans were for a full-fledged kitchen, but maybe not...? At any rate, plenty of space for all types of goodies. We just gotta find a great cook or 2, especially if Chris & Nancy get that recipe book ready for us

. And, for the record, I agree about the junior mints!
Re Beepers ... Betty, another fabulous idea! These could also be part of the PA/security system that is being considered....
*Pauses to re-review posts*
Phew...I believe I got everything.... If not, more tomorrow
