How did you come up with your screen name?

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Mine is boring--my initials and then I added heart since I couldn't think of a good name and I had just had heart surgrery. But since then, I kind of like it and use it on other internet sites. My heart has been repaired and opened up to friends and family in the process.
PillarPaul said:
Now, how did Gina pick hers (and why did she change it from GinaM I think)? And how did Janie ever come up with "Shezagirlie"? Oh, wait, I think I know that one:D Paul

Hey you ornery little meanie.. You better be nice to me or I'll wrap that pink feather boa around your neck and squeeeeeeze...:D

My name comes from horses we owned...first part of their names was always "Sheza".. Guess I thought it sounded better than "HorseGirlie"..:eek:
Nothing fancy nor unusual

Nothing fancy nor unusual

Named for my favourute dog and I've always liked the sound of it. Our dogs at the time were: Lucy, Lance and Lara all three now over the rainbow bridge.
When I first joined VR. COM I didn't expect it to be a long and lasting relationship so I just wrote the first thing that came to mind and I didn't check to see if anyone else had a similar name (sorry Ton). I have often thought about changing it to Finazz which is a nickname my kids get because of our surname but didn't know how to go about it

aussie girl said:
When I first joined VR. COM I didn't expect it to be a long and lasting relationship so I just wrote the first thing that came to mind and I didn't check to see if anyone else had a similar name (sorry Ton). I have often thought about changing it to Finazz which is a nickname my kids get because of our surname but didn't know how to go about it


ooo. I like that....Finazz!!

Ross is gonna regret that he started this if we all start changing our names!!! And is anyone who has been around for a few years going to be able to find who they are looking for if we change things?

But, just PM Ross and he can take care of it for you if you want.

:D Marguerite
Marguerite53 said:
Cort. Complicated in a good way. You have got your oars in so many seem so genuinely interested and supportive of so many aspects of life. You are not a simple person, content to sit and relax on the front porch. You are living!! And you are constantly analyzing and perfecting. Very admirable.


Ohhhh....dearest, Marguerite ... thank you :). You've left me ... speechless. Or, wait, is that typeless?

I've not seen the movie ... and I don't think I want to, considering what I've heard about it. I MUCH prefer the TV series!!!!

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"I'd try to run, but I don't think I can" ... Waylon Jennings ... 'Ain't Living Long Like This'
Gosh, Cort, I've been assuming all along that your screen name meant that you were a fan of basketball coach Bobby Knight. Was wondering how that squared with being a fan of those loveable losers, the Cubs... :D :p

Ahhh...Bob, thems "fighting words", I do believe ;). he he he

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Don't say it ain't so, you know the time is now" ... John Fogerty ... 'Centerfield'
I came up with my username because....

I came up with my username because....

While growing up and spending summers at my grandmothers, there were 3 Harold's and 2 Harry's on the lakefront, and where my mother had already nicknamed me Harry, and I was the youngest "Harry" at the time, hence the "Harrybaby". I am soooo glad that no one nicked named me "HAL" as I can't stand that name even though the 2 Harry's and myself, all of our initials are H.A.L. so I am really glad that no one ever called me "HAL". Talk about confusing...LOL:D :D :eek: :eek: :D :D
Mine's pretty obvious. I took up agility 6 years ago trying to find something for my 'fraidy cat rescue dog, Tank, to do, since he did not "work and play well" enough with other dogs to risk obedience competitions, with off-lead group stays. He's come a long way, baby. And it's what keeps me working to stay healthy since my surgery 17 months ago. I've got an agility acquaintance with metastatic breast cancer (and now heart failure) who still trains and runs her dogs. She's my inspiration to keep on keeping on, no matter what, even on bad days. If she can, I can. And if I can do dog agility, I can do ANYTHING.
Duchess Bear and her friend, Jackpot Bear, are my travelling teddy bears. They have gone all over the world with me. Jackpot is from Las Vegas and Duchess "emigrated" from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Here is a picture of them from the latest trip to Las Vegas. (Notice the denomination on the slot machine -- one-half cent!!)
I'm a bore...

I'm a bore...

Mine is merely my initials. Funny because I have slew of nicknames. At work most people call me "Speedy", which originally was sarcasm, though now I run rings around all but a few, and all the latinos call me "Abuelo", even those older than me. I've recently started signing my posts with an Mc because there are many Brians. For the record, I have become very fond of the names Marguerite, and Glenda:) . Brian Mc
I think I've explained this before...but...

I think I've explained this before...but...

My maiden name is Felix, you know, as in "Felix the Cat", which I was called a lot as a kid, either that or "I dream of Jeannie".

As an adult, I have sort of collected Felix the cat things and have a stuffe Felix wearing a red sweater, which my youngest, when she was about 2 years old, referred to as "weekycat".

When I got my first computer, my son and I tried all kinds of Felix names for my first username/email...but they were all taken. Finally, in desperation, and just for kicks and giggles, we put in "weekycat". Well...of course it was not taken because it really doesn't mean anything. It kinda stuck, and I've used it on pretty much every board or email I've ever had...the drawback is always having to explain it!
Mine is my first name, pretty boring. I usually go by ruthjanette, my first and middle names glommed together. I've used it for years all over the web since the name is always available and Ruth is usually taken.

Janette isn't the conventional spelling, Jeanette is the way it is usually spelled but my mom didn't go for that. I am the youngest and born when my mom was 46 so she *knew* I was her last baby. Jan, my sister, is the eldest so I am Jan-ette, little Jan, bookends of her childbearing years.

Oaktree said:
I thought the same thing. But Superbob, how did you get your name?

Sorry, I just saw this question. We were just joking around last year on Cooker's Throw-Down about how I would intervene and "save" folks in peril from calorie-laden goodies, and the name Superbob stuck....:)
Ross said:
A lot of people are avoiding this thread. :p


I've noticed that, too, Ross...hmmmmm.....

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"I should've drove all night" ... BonJovi ... 'Misunderstood'
BDMc said:
For the record, I have become very fond of the names Marguerite, and Glenda:) . Brian Mc

Aw, Glenda....did you notice that?? Very sweet, Brian. Thank you. ;) Guess I'll stay as I am!

So thought I'd resurrect this thread as there just weren't that many takers on the first round, and I was (being a boring name user) having fun hearing people's screename stories.

So ..... Let's go!! Ross is curious!!

:) Marguerite