How did you come up with your screen name?

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"Catwoman" was a natural.
We got our first cat 5 months after getting married. I've been showing pedigreed (and at least one household pet) cats for 19 years. I am also involved in a rescue program, fostering cats and helping get them into new "furever" :) homes.

I joined a motorbike forum some time ago and couldn't think of a name there either, my motorbike colour was 8Ball black so i chose the name 8Ball.

A month or so later i found out there was an 8-Ball already registered so i flicked it to Magic8Ball, partly because i was lazy and partly because i've been told that i have an answer for everything...even when shaken.

I've never had any good nicknames throughout my life but at my current work i have three which would have served be better...they are....

"Golden Balls"
Don't Ask....

Because if you go to the website of my name (not my site) there is a guy playing an electric guitar.

Because i'm like the cheif gorrilla of our department....came about when i was explaining one of my pills (coversyl) is like concentrated banana's....and the fact i'm 260lbs+ and have grey hair....and you wouldn't want to come across me in the jungle...:D
Susan, Birman is the specie. Bermeese is another type. I need to find a recent photo:) She just turned 5 Ross!
WayneGM said:
First name....middle inital......first letter of last name.......I'm pretty boring. :(

I think I'm worse. First name and year I was born. I know it's a tough name to spell, and I'm sorry that everyone has to spell it when answering me so politely (thank you all). But I started out here as Marg53 and there was a Marge who was very busy with us for awhile, and I felt that people were confusing us, so Ross very kindly changed me over to my full first name....which is what I go by.

Growing up I was Margie which is Marg ee and not Marjee (as in from Marjorie) and I got very tired of correcting people. So when I hit 21 I decided people could learn to say and spell Marguerite!!

As far as other possible screen names, I have toyed with the idea of using Magpie (an old nickname) or Hag (yes, my best friend of 50 years still calls me Hag), but neither one is particularly friendly!

Knightfan...... very cool. but yours is so complicated! Doesn't surprise me! ;)

Blanche. I had a Great Aunt who was just the coolest jazz loving, siamese cat owning, heavy bangle jewelry, whiskey voiced kind of lady. We called her Bla (like blah). She was Auntie Bla. Loved that woman.

Oaktree .... that is a lovely story. We have a "dying" ancient oak 10 feet from our house and it moans and sways and threatens in wind storms, but it seems so determined to thrive. It is magnificent.

Ross. Good job. Fun reading!!

:D Marguerite
Bina said:
Marguerite is popular and extra special in french: it is a daisy flower.:)

Thanks, Bina. Yes, I forgot that. However, also in France, there is a famous cow named Daisy. I only know this because when my daughter was taking french in high school; they get to choose french names to use. She very sweetly chose my name, Marguerite, knowing it was French (I'm not). The teacher laughed out loud and asked her why on earth she would want to be named after a cow! :eek: :p Well, imagine the teacher's red face when my daughter proudly replied that it was her mother's name!!

Of course, now that I have a bovine tissue valve, I suppose I really should go by Daisy!!!

Hey Rossman.....maybe I should change again. I use Daisy in chat, but I rarely make it to chat. What do you think, Bina. Should I just change my screename to Daisy?? :D

Mine started almost 11 years ago. When I was dating my husband. His screen name for years had been GrafxGnu because he enjoyed doing graphics and the "Gnu" part came from a Smothers Brothers' routine. Many people would shorten it to "Gnu" rather than write out the whole thing. Since I was his "gal" I became "Gnusgal" (= Gnu's Gal). He doesn't use GrafxGnu anymore, but I've never come up with anything else, so I've just stuck with it. When I try to come up with other screen names I always forget them, so just stick with the "old faithful."

Interestingly, even though he'd been using the Smothers Brothers' reference for years before we met, we actually started talking BECAUSE we were both familiar with the Smothers Brothers! We've also managed to see them in concert twice in the last 10 years. People look at us a little funny, since we were not alive when they were popular. Just happens to be that both of us had parents who educated us well! ;) His new screen name is actually another Smothers Brothers reference, as is our Team name for the annual 24 Hour Video Race and his web site.


I worked for the National Weather Service for 32 years...retired a week ago.

Good meteorology schools depend on where you live...I went to the University of Utah. University of Washington...University of North Dakota (plug for the home state) University of Oklahoma...State University of New York at Albany is another bigee...Forida State...Texas A&M. It kind of depends on what area of weather most interests a person.
When my oldest Grandson was 1992..I felt too young to be a Granny..:p so..I started calling myself Granbonny for him....:) and now 15 years later. all my Grands call me my own kids....Was Granbonny on chat..but something went wrong a few months I have to go by Bonny now on Sunday Night chat....where I am leaving now to go..come/join us..Bonnie
Australian girl...obvious I know :rolleyes: ...there is another aussiegirl on here as well but its not me...I am the original one:D . I used to change my avatar but have kept this current one for ages as someone once said it suited me...cos I love purple!
Marguerite53 said:
Knightfan...... very cool. but yours is so complicated! Doesn't surprise me! ;)


Is that a good or a bad thing?


At the church I used to attend, we had a Margie (short for Margaret) and a Marj (short for Marjorie).

And, everytime I see Blanche ... I think of "A Streetcar Named Desire" and, of course, "Golden Girls". he he

As for using Daisy ... best put "Duke" behind that then ;).

And, wxman...congrats on your retirement!

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Hood slidin' like Bo Duke"...Dierks Bently...'What Was I Thinking?'
hensylee said:
when I joined in 2000 my mother was still living and I wanted to honor her so I used her name........

Oh, Ann. I"ve always been curious!! I love that name and using it certainly keeps her close. :)

Cort. Complicated in a good way. You have got your oars in so many seem so genuinely interested and supportive of so many aspects of life. You are not a simple person, content to sit and relax on the front porch. You are living!! And you are constantly analyzing and perfecting. Very admirable.

And the Daisy Duke thing. Well. Better to be thought of as a Susan Sarandon character than a cow!!! :D We tevoed the Duke movie and probably won't get to watch it til next weekend. Was she just awful?? I don't know much about her.

Congrats, Wxman. It's on the horizon for us. So what's life like now?? ;)

:) Marguerite
Nickname shortened from pressure cooker?.My last name, although not spelled that way is pronounced pressure. Oh, and I do cook a great deal:cool: ?..but I draw the line at rattle snake!!! Now fried eel is another thing.:D

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