WayneGM said:
First name....middle inital......first letter of last name.......I'm pretty boring.
I think I'm worse. First name and year I was born. I know it's a tough name to spell, and I'm sorry that everyone has to spell it when answering me so politely (thank you all). But I started out here as Marg53 and there was a Marge who was very busy with us for awhile, and I felt that people were confusing us, so Ross very kindly changed me over to my full first name....which is what I go by.
Growing up I was Margie which is Marg ee and not Marjee (as in from Marjorie) and I got very tired of correcting people. So when I hit 21 I decided people could learn to say and spell Marguerite!!
As far as other possible screen names, I have toyed with the idea of using Magpie (an old nickname) or Hag (yes, my best friend of 50 years still calls me Hag), but neither one is particularly friendly!
Knightfan...... very cool. but yours is so complicated! Doesn't surprise me!
Blanche. I had a Great Aunt who was just the coolest jazz loving, siamese cat owning, heavy bangle jewelry, whiskey voiced kind of lady. We called her Bla (like blah). She was Auntie Bla. Loved that woman.
Oaktree .... that is a lovely story. We have a "dying" ancient oak 10 feet from our house and it moans and sways and threatens in wind storms, but it seems so determined to thrive. It is magnificent.
Ross. Good job. Fun reading!!
