How cold are Yall?

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The wind howled here all night..and power went off for 3 hours this morning. Lucky, I had already had my coffee and grits. :p :p Drove into village for hubby coffee and a pastry. When we came back, power was on. :) I think everyone was off..and I know everyone was thinking about the Falcon/Eagles game on...On now, we are behind...The wind is killing us..Excuse :p ..Bonnie
Yup. The blasted plows came back. Filled up in front of the mailboxes and packed it into the driveway again. Took another hour cleaning it out - and it was even harder this time, more refrozen and nasty, and the wind was much worse.

15 degrees in eastern Colo this AM. 65 degrees now at 2:20 PM. With our low humidity, we have frequent 50 degree warm-ups and cool-offs. No snow except 50 miles away on top of Pike's Peak and 9,000 ft higher than we are.


Loved the picture..who is that handsome Marlboro Man?.........Bet he kept you warm... :D Bonnie
BAD BAD Snow plower boys!

BAD BAD Snow plower boys!


Were these the trucks that plowed your driveway closed again. LOL Well maybe not if you still have a mail box standing! Here's a pic my hubby took at 4:00 a.m. when we were gettting 2 inches an hour. Amazingly it ended with only 18 inches. One in his crew got so painced with zero visability that he had to bail. We are having strong winds today with lots of drifting so hubby is only home for a few hours to recoup.
Totally understandable at the height of the storm. It's hazardous and demanding work, and the hours can go very long.

However, what the plow did to me was at about 3pm in bright sunshine, on a road that was really completely plowed already. He was "tidying up," I guess. As it was Route 28, it may have been a state plow. There's no way that he could have not realized what he was doing. If it were that important, he could have easily made the swipe again and undid his mess.

I wonder if it's technically a federal offense to block a group of mailboxes?

Still grumpy about it,
Bad Bad Snow Plower Boys

Bad Bad Snow Plower Boys

Well I think you should file a complaint to recieve one brand new snow blower to compensate you! :D

tobagotwo said:

I wonder if it's technically a federal offense to block a group of mailboxes?

We had this occur during our big pre-Christmas snow fall. The Postmaster issued a statement saying that every homeowner is responsible for clearing a path so their mail can be delivered. It doesn't matter if it's a mailbox by the road, or one on your house. If its not cleared, they do not have to deliver your mail. Unfortunately some senior citizens found this out when their mail, with S. Security checks in them, were not delivered for almost a week after the snow storm.

Now THERE'S a reason to be grumpy! :D
On Red Mountain Pass in western Colorado there is a tombstone with a picture of a snowplow truck on it. Inscribed are the names of the drivers who have been swept away by avalanches since that road was built. Many of the mountain roads do not have guardrails. This allows the snowplow trucks to have a wing plow on the side of the truck. The plow on the front pushes the snow toward the side of the road and the wing plow hangs over the cliff so that they can get rid of the snow.


Walked into the office tonight (Sunday) after having to switch cars since mine won't start again (it's MINUS 5 degrees tonight) and I notice the air INSIDE the building is a little nippy.


I'm bundled up with about as much layers as I'd be wearing if I was clearing the snow off my car right now. Just not wearing my gloves. Kinda hard to type that way.

Something happened to the central heating system, it seems to have taken an extended leave of absense...

Sad part is, the ventilation system works fine so we're all being blasted by COLD air....


I might have to break down and buy a cup of coffee from the vending machine tonight... :eek:
Here's Cambridge, MA, before my son-in-law cleared the cars this morning.
I lied yesterday. Officially it went from 14 to 71 degrees. A 57 degree warm-up. Back down to 24 this morning, supposed to go to 70 again today.
it is only -13c luckily I don't live in Ottawa where it is really cold...

it is only -13c luckily I don't live in Ottawa where it is really cold...

It was -21 here the other day with a wind chill of -35 c., -17c is about 0 farenheight... the news and weather on the radio is constantly going on about the wind chill, I fell like phoning in and sying yeah we know it's cold out... luckliy I don't live in the north of Canada like Winnipeg or Ottawa where it is really cold!
Fie! :mad:

They did it again, overnight. Now the mailboxes are blocked with two feet of plowed Midnight Mush, which has refrozen overnight. It is predominantly ice now, and basically unassailable with normal shovels or a snowblower.

Have to go out tonight in the dark with the railroad chipper (bladed, 6-foot, metal rod - about 40 lbs. of steel convincer) and see if there's any reasonable approach to removing the worst of it. *sigh*

Have to finish clearing out the neighbors' driveway, too. They were previously apartment dwellers, and naively bought an entirely inadequate single-stage machine this summer. Certainly not fit for the well-drifted 400 feet comprising their driveway and our shared driveway. I have shoveled and snowblowed to their cars from my side, so they can drive out through my driveway, but theirs will stay unusable for weeks if we don't get the snow off it before the next storm comes.

Snow expected again tonight (flurries) and Wednesday (some accumulation), and another good-sized storm expected Sunday or Monday.

Of course, all you lake-effect people already know all about that.

Best wishes,
I was in San Antonio TX for a cat show this past weekend. Normally, San Antonio has pretty mild temps in the winter. Not this weekend!!!
Heard the news about the blizzard up in the Northeast and really felt for every one of y'all up there and those in other parts of the country socked by winter's deep freeze.
There were several Sphynx cats in the show this weekend -- these are the "hairless" cats. In the winter, Sphynxes usually wear little sweaters marketed for dogs to stay warm. I got cold just looking at the "naked" Sphynxes on their way to the judging rings.
Oh to be 39 again!

Oh to be 39 again!

I have to let the cat out of the bag and tell y'all that's not me in the picture. It's my 39 year old son (betcha old Dick would like to be 39 again :D -- hey Dick, how are you these days?) and his brand new 37 year old fiance' who is an absolute doll (I'd sure like to be 37 again :D ). It'll be a first wedding for both of them -- a confirmed bachelor and bachelorette. We're excited!

Miss you too Gina and where is Raingirlfriend these days?


It was -17 this morning. Nasty cold. The sun is out and you would think it was a beautiful day, until you inhaled the cold air.

Had to disconnect the dryer vent tube and stuff the opening with a towel. It was causing frost to form near the floor where it entered the house, and the dryer itself was like opening a freezer. Also have to keep the water faucet in the lower level cranked on a touch to keep the pipe from freezing.

In spite of it all, the dog and I did take our little walk this morning. She got a haircut yesterday, and I had to double coat her and she wears lined boots.

One month to go and then it'll start to melt, I hope.
Hold on..............

Hold on..............

I'm going out to take a picture. :p

Dick IS only 39!! :eek: Gina, she isn't a day over twenty! Janie 35 on her last birthday...... I got pictures to prove it!!!
Beulah, a tiny town about 35 miles west of here, got 50 inches of snow over the weekend. We got a light dusting. It is amazing to see the cars from there with about 4 feet of snow on top of them driving around. I can't figure out how they were able to drive all that way without it blowing off. Everyone says that it was a heavy, wet snow because it was 32 degrees while it was snowing.

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