How cold are Yall?

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We're definitely warming up a bit here. (Not sure how high -- check my weather strip) It's actually tolerable though.
Today, I felt the cold worse than yesterday..Yesterday, the sun was shining. Today, never got above 32 degrees, cloudy. About froze, when I went outside... :eek: Just walking from car to inside Lowe's. :eek: I made Hubby walk the dog. I really think the coumadin thins my old bones. :D :D I think we may have a warm up but snow by Sunday. Bonnie
It is too cold. :(

When I took my protime monitor out of the drawer last night to check my level the display showed the BATTERY WAS TOO COLD and for me to try again later! I think my battery is too cold too!
We always keep a bottle of water. plastic, in our car for our dog...After, we walk him..Today, on the way home from Lowe's, after walking him, I picked it up to give him a drink. Frozen. :eek: That tells you, how cold it is in a car parked outside. :eek: (Last night) We have a double garage, but hubby keeps both sides full, with his toys. :eek: Bonnie
Bonnie, I feel for you - hard to believe it's that cold up there. It's to be warmer for us today, thank goodness. I have to go out w/brother and put it off til today waiting for the warm-up.
I think we "hearty" Minnesotan's had y'all beat!

I think we "hearty" Minnesotan's had y'all beat!

Here in Princeton, it only got down to -22 on Monday morning, (that's temperature, not windchill), but there is a town in northern MN called Embarrass, that got to -54! I shudder to think what the windchills were there.
The strange thing Tuesday night at was +40! Now, that's "downright balmy" for MN in January! ;)
Well, it warmed up a little here - good news. However, we now have 4 inches of new snow on the ground - bad news. Just enough snow to make drivers psychotic (sp?) and things very messy.
In for the weekend anyway - still too sick to go out. Went to work today for about 2 hours but ran out of energy real fast. Man, bronchitis really s---s. I can't imagine how bad pneumonia must be. I feel like I am having to do the coughing thing after OHS.
Oh well, things can ALWAYS be worse. However, I am ready for spring.
Smiles, :)

Started here about 10:15 this morning (and THEY said it wouldn't begin until after 3 p.m) and we now have about 3 inches of the 24 or so we're supposed to get on the ground. Have shopped, cooked, done firewood, filled tractors with gas, moved vehicles and gotten videos and we're just sitting inside till tomorrow morning. Will have a fire in the fireplace tonight and tomorrow and just hope we don't lose power!!!

Wishing you all a "HAPPY SNOWSTORM!!!"

21 and -7 wind chill did not make for a long run over at the old sled hill today:rolleyes: I still say we should move back to the south~! This weather is not even for the birds :eek:
They've upped us to 22-38 inches through tomorrow. It started collecting right away, as the temperature has been in the teens.

The birds have been going wild today at our front-steps buffet. At one point, we counted 24 mourning doves on the steps and roosting in the nearest tree. Two pairs of cardinals, a pair of Carolina wrens, two dozen assorted sparrows, a few house finches, a couple of tufted titmice, two pairs of downy woodpeckers and a pair of nuthatches at the suet, at least eight black-capped chicadees, and four disreputable starlings. Not to mention the squirrels who came for their share of the sunflower seeds, before settling into their nests for the duration of the storm. The steps have been cleaned and the food replaced several times.

Snowblowing will be for tomorrow.

For now, the fire is going, wood for the weekend is inside. Plenty of food. Nowhere to go. Not all that bad, actually...

Best wishes,
Hello All,
18 F here right now. 10 inches snow but getting hit hard by lake effect right now.
Stay safe, But going outside with bluegrass in your heart keeps you warm
Last night (Friday night) I was sent out to shoot a fire at a trailer park at about 11pm... It was MINUS 8? according to the outside temerature reading on the dahsboard...

Fortunately, it wasn't my fire department handling the call so I didn't have to stay and play firefighter, though we have one of two county support trucks and there were guys from my department at the scene filling airpacks and brewing HOT coffee for the firefighters battling the blaze. (see attached photo)

This afternoon I had an EMT class scheduled. I showed up to find out it was cancelled on account of the bad weather (so far we've gotten 6 inches of new snow today...) so I decided to try and get some paperwork done, including get a pager. Just after the department secretary arrived to help me get thigns squared away, a call came in for an "unresponsive male" on the I-90 (interstate that goes coast to coast -so they tell me-) so I hoped in back of the rescue truck with the secretary (she's an EMT in the department) and we headed out.

Half an hour later we turned back, never found the trucker that was described in the call. The "paid" ambulance service was out as well, neither one of us could find the semi even though we both passed by the location several times....

Oh well. Probably a diabetic who woke up from his "nap" and popped a candybar before getting back on the road....

Anyways, it's STILL FRIGGIN' COLD here. :eek:
We never did get the second round of snow called for - I like it when the weather person is wrong :D.
However, it's still pretty outside. I ALMOST wish I was well enough to go out - NOT.
No snow in Boca, but we have a frost warning for tomorrow night- will have to take our flower pots in. Can't remember it ever being this cold in January in the 19 years we have been coming here. Our daughter in Boston went grocery shopping this morning and the checkout line ran all the way back to the meat counter. Our grandchildren in Annapolis are sound asleep after a day of frolicking in the snow. Our youngest will be five on the 25th and she was born in the middle of a blizzard- I remember it well as I was there taking care of her older sister and my son had to park the car at a gas station and walk home about five blocks after her birth as the roads were unplowed. Wishing you all a warm and cozy weekend- stay in and stay safe!
It went from freezing cold and dry here to record hi tempratures of 57 and rainy. You just can't win. I think the weather made me sick...EriK too. I'm not too jealous of Kevin-he keeps saying how his team is fighting. He's in Zhania, the Island of Crete, in Greece. It's about the same weather we are having here. I think that's funny, he was saying how HOT it was going to be, and now it's the same kinda weather we're having. It was funny, he called me this afternoon, saying he had to drive today(It's currently 7:45AM , Sunday the 23rd there, here it's 9:45PM the 22nd.)

I don't miss the extreme weather in MN. I grew up in Rochester. TOO cold! Kevin wants to move there when he retires, but we'll have to see. Well, I need to go, I am going to bed...Kevin will be calling me in a couple of hours.


brrrrrrr... and snow but it looks so pretty outside. With a windchill of -1 here it doesn't feel as pretty as it looks. So sweaping the porch is a far as I go right now. Teeth chattering... Luckily the neighbors have been shoveling all night while my hubby is on a long bout of overtime plowing the roads. So I'll just have to snuggle up with a hot cup of tea and a DVD.

Our daughter reported from Boston this morning that they can no longer see the tops of their cars, still snowing and gusts of up to 70 miles/per hour. Called our neighbor at home in CT and the snow is up to the windows on his car, still snowing, no problems with high tide at 8 AM this morning as the wind was pushing the water out, but they have wind gusts of 70 miles also. Glad we are here in FL even with a frost warning for tonight! :)
The Weather Channel lied. Trying to keep us glued to their forecasts, I guess. I haven't heard how much NYC got yet. They're only 30 miles away, but the back side of the storm may well have stayed with them longer.

I liked the way the Weather Channel seguéed over to their correspondent in Boston, who they said was "handling" the weather up there. Thank goodness we have people from the Weather Channel to "handle" the weather across the country! Imagine how much more snow Boston would have gotten if the Weather Channel Guy hadn't been there to "handle it." Oh, brother..! :rolleyes:

We wound up with about 16" and a lot of drifting. Not bad. Took three hours to do the driveway, mailboxes, doorways and steps. Also did a walking ring around the tree for the dog. Her body is only about 9" or so off the ground, poor little thing, and that makes certain things very cold for her in the snow.

The plowed area near the mailboxes was taller than me, and had been packed by the town trucks who did the driveways of the school across the street. All heavy, ice-chunk-laden snow. I had to cut about six feet into it to clear the boxes. I really hope the state road plows don't come back and screw it up later.

Back inside, full of hot chocolate. Do some laundry, pay a few bills, watch some tube. Work tomorrow.

Best wishes,
Well, I thought I'd check in to report we're all plowed, shoveled, big plowed out and swept off. We're the eastern end of Long Island and really got hit big time. We probably got about 20 inches, but the blowing from the Noreaster just pushed that snow right down our back paddocks into our driveway. Our tractor just couldn't handle it, so a friend of ours showed up with his truck to do the rest. Tyce got the top of the driveway and parking area done. We had about 3 foot drifts in the driveway, so we weren't moving till someone came in to plow us out.

Luckily we didn't lose power, but there are about 7,000 in Suffolk County who did. Since we're about a mile from the Peconic Bay, we don't have to worry about the flooding, but there was some.....basically from the wind pushing the water from east to west.

Hopefully this is it for the's more than enough for me.


Stay warm, everyone.


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