My sister just called me and asked me if I had a face-lift in the 17 hours she was in the hospital for 2 stents put in.. total bill she received today just for that..$37,000 ..she went in earlier that morning in another hospital for a Cath of heart..where they found 2 blocked arteries...and sent her by ambulance to this larger hospital an hour away..Now..she stills has to receive that ambulance ride and 2 visits this past week to another doctor for her huge hematoma..where the sheath was put in.....Still not doing good due to swollen foot from the hematoma.......We are thinking now at least $50,000 for everything.she only gets $1,000 a month from deceased hubby's S.S. and makes about that a month from her part-time work at Red Cross....minus her tax..... she is hoping they (insurance will pay 80% and maybe because she makes less. the hospitals will cut her bills?I was with her the 17 hours and saw no way for $37,000..only saw her have 1 heprain drip and a morphine shot?when they removed the sheath..In fact..they forgot to bring her breakfast and I had to go to the hospital cafe and get her something to eat. I'm sure she will ge more bills. from other people. just awful...Bonnie