Here is one to give you the creeps ...

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Hey Harpoon,
The Pentax Camera sounds good to me. :D
Like the others have said only God knows when it is going to happen.
Take Care ;)
My husband and I just got a good laugh out of this. I decided to press pessimistic instead of optimistic and it came up July 7, 2002. Then the little internet window pop-op appeared saying:

Sorry, your time has expired.
Have a nice day!

It seems I am living on borrowed time :D
Normal: Sunday, August 6, 2034 (which would make me 73)

Optimistic: Sunday, October 21, 2057 (which would make me 4 days shy of 97)

Looks like it really pays to see the glass half full! :D

I put the worst possible scenerio and I died 9 years ago. :eek:
My wife said I was pessimistic .... imagine that. I just re-did it. I have gone from 2,033 to my WIFE'S BIRTHDAY on July 4th 2010! She gets a birthday present, (my insurance money :mad: ) and I go out with a bang! :rolleyes:
On borrowed time?

On borrowed time?

:confused: Hey Mark I checked with that "death clock" and it said I died in May 2001.
I am only 77 but I must be on borrowed time!
OH NO.. somebody call 911!

OH NO.. somebody call 911!

I did mine, and I'm going to die on September 11, 2033!! That only gives me 29 years. I'll be 75... not bad, but I was hoping to do a little better than that. :confused:
2038..making me age it was my too much chasing the old men around the Nursing home.. :D :D Bonnie