You can tell I'm avoiding the turns out that if I was pessimistic in my outlook, I would lose 26 years. Looks like all that therapy I did years ago was a bargain. Sue
Sorry to burst your bubbles, but if you keep clicking the button, the results changes. My date ranged from 2036-2051. Do I get to pick?
On a brighter note, from an Internet search I found a guy 102 years old that is still competing in track and field events. Everett Hosack. Maybe I'm related. My grandfather lived to 96. My Dad is 85.
I noticed that as well...because the first time I ran it, it predicted my (untimely) demise at December 15th of this year! Obviously, I repeated the exercise to determine whether or not I needed to go through the trouble to make out a Christmas list!
Gee Tom, burst my bubble. I thought I had until April 11, 2053. That would make me almost 95. Yah, right! My children plan to do away with me well before that.
It just gives you a chance to see who predictions are not what it seems. Only God knows when I will go and how. Just take it one day at a time. Take care.
Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
McCln, I'm with you. You are so right! Only God knows out appointed time. According to doctor's I should have been dead several times already. As I've said before God's not through with me yet. He still has things for me to do. By the way, where in Missouri do you live?
It's good to have you back! I love your sense of humor and all your postings! By taking this test I better start making out my will! I don't have long left! (2017) I am obese but working on it. I lost almost 60 pounds after my kidney surgery and all the chemo but have gained it all back while on the miracle drug "Gleevec" for leukemia. One of the side effects I was told. Bummer ! ! But, it is keeping me alive. Hopefully after the heart surgery I will feel like exercising. I'm also a diabetic so I have to watch my diet closely. No sweets at all.
How come Janie gets to live to be 99... not even being optimistic and tellin' us she needs to lose wieght ..... and I only get to live to be 94?! And I even said I was optimistic and my BMI only 20!! Is it the time of year I was born?? Because I?m tall?? Am I sending bad vibes through my computer? What?s the scoop here? I feel cheated......... I'm gonna live to be 101 just for spite!