Here I am again--3 Weeks Post Op

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hi again. i thought i would update with a 3 week post op picture. looks a lot better i think. i can't wait until i get to start using the scar cream on it. anyone know when i can start that?

Wow! Your scar looks really good after only 3 weeks. It took 4 months for mine to look that good. I guess the surgeons take more care with women then with us men. (-:
one advantage to a hairy chest is that I can simply do a comb over LOL ....and Gil I think your advice about "wearing protection" during "OTHER" activities shows a bit of the brilliance that shines forth from our Quebecquois brothers
And just to keep Gil's mom happy .... my wife sees to it that "those activities" are moderate.....I've even got rid of all of the stuff hanging from the bedroom cieling .....Bina and Ross just to be clear it was cobwebs that I took down ....I know how your dirty minds work cuz of mine LOL

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