Andy, my solar lights are well fed and shine brightly every night great year thus far and as a caution look at your meds for sunburn as a side effect or warning...I fry if left out in the sun too long so plead with my wife not to lock me out anymore
Jackie, I think you look just great!! I agree with Ross in that your scar shows what a brave warrior you have been. I also heard Mederma works the best on scars. Colin gets terrible scarring due to the weakness of his skin. I am sure he will start using it as soon as he is allowed. I am so glad you are doing so well. Able to cuddle and hold your little ones yet?
Gil, I'd be happy to go outside and get some sun, if the damn thing ever comes out... I live up here in Minnesota, and this is apparently monsoon season or something. We're supposed to have our first sunny day in about 2 wks day after tomorrow, then it's gonna be right back in the clouds thru the weekend.... That's why the tanning bed for me - not so much the tan lines, lol.
But now I just read an article about your skin possibly turning blue if you tan while on Amiodarone... Yikes - I don't wanna move to Vegas an join the blue man group (although moving to vegas for other reasons sounds pretty good right now) so I'm debating not getting too much sun.... Plus, as miss Jackie pointed out - why would I feel ok about putting sunscreen on my scar if I'm not supposed to put vit e on it for 3 months... Ughhh...... Hurry up 3 month mark!!!
PS - can someone in another state confirm the sun is still up in the sky? Is it still round and bright?
(since i'm spreading such joy)
Good morning sunshine!
Also just a heads up, (since i'm spreading such joy) don't be shocked if a few months out you notice your scar isn't as thin and flat as it is right in the beginning.Justin's always look great the first month, then parts spread wider or form keloid later.