Here I am again--3 Weeks Post Op

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Andy, my solar lights are well fed and shine brightly every night great year thus far and as a caution look at your meds for sunburn as a side effect or warning...I fry if left out in the sun too long so plead with my wife not to lock me out anymore:D
Gil, you're right, we're hogging all of poor Jackie's bandwidth. Oh, what the heck, she won't mind ;) Just heard on the news we've had rain here 12 of the last 14 days. And yes, it was gorgeous while I was in the hospital.... Go figure... Greg, yea I've read the side effects, and am TRYING to listen to them - like I'm TRYING to listen to all the other things I shouldn't be doing - guess I'm just getting a little stir crazy now. Jackie - you just be quiet and let us keep using your thread ;)
Jackie, I think you look just great!! I agree with Ross in that your scar shows what a brave warrior you have been. I also heard Mederma works the best on scars. Colin gets terrible scarring due to the weakness of his skin. I am sure he will start using it as soon as he is allowed. I am so glad you are doing so well. Able to cuddle and hold your little ones yet?

cuddling, yes! i can only hold them in my lap if i am sitting. and even them i am on guard because you know how fast little ones can be with their movements! thanks!
Sun is shining here in Canada!!!! It really sucks to be you Andy! Lol
Jackie, I am glad you are able to cuddle your babes again. They must be confused as to what is up with you, but the bright side of things is that you will no have many years ahead will little to no limitations. The sky is the limit girlie!
Gil, I'd be happy to go outside and get some sun, if the damn thing ever comes out... I live up here in Minnesota, and this is apparently monsoon season or something. We're supposed to have our first sunny day in about 2 wks day after tomorrow, then it's gonna be right back in the clouds thru the weekend.... That's why the tanning bed for me - not so much the tan lines, lol.

But now I just read an article about your skin possibly turning blue if you tan while on Amiodarone... Yikes - I don't wanna move to Vegas an join the blue man group (although moving to vegas for other reasons sounds pretty good right now) so I'm debating not getting too much sun.... Plus, as miss Jackie pointed out - why would I feel ok about putting sunscreen on my scar if I'm not supposed to put vit e on it for 3 months... Ughhh...... Hurry up 3 month mark!!!

PS - can someone in another state confirm the sun is still up in the sky? Is it still round and bright?

Don't forget Amiodrone has a very long half life and will stay in your system (and can cause the side effects) for about 6 months after you stop it. FWIW, as far as scars and the sun, Justin isn't on any meds (once he stopped the pain meds post op after each surgery) and was always told, be careful of the sun on his scar the first year, keep it coverred before he could use SPF on it and we live by the Jersey shore so spend alot of time in the sun, especially when he was younger. I'm copying this, but this is what all of Justins doctors (including the plastic surgeon who closed him last time for the infection surgery because he was the one that had to move muscles) tell us
"Scars are particularly sensitive to sunlight and can sunburn faster than healthy skin, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Once a scar becomes sunburned, it can remain discolored or darkened and may not fade back to match the color of your healthy skin."

As for the Blue skin, don't forget the face usually gets the most sun, so tends to get the darkest blue grey, usually with white lines in the wrinkle folds, which make the blue look even darker. . If you google blue skin + amiodrone you can see lots of pictures. So be careful.

Also just a heads up, (since i'm spreading such joy) don't be shocked if a few months out you notice your scar isn't as thin and flat as it is right in the beginning.Justin's always look great the first month, then parts spread wider or form keloid later.
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Ross, i thought that 1965 cover looked familiar, or was it 1963 (smile), i did have an older brother, collector of sorts (grin)...taught me everything i know, which i now realize is so little...darn if i can only get another 50 years...i may grow up someday

here we go again using Jacquie's post, poor Jacquie no bandwidth left, but am sure she is out today likely working on her tan, lucky her.
I think your scar is coming along great. And I have to agree with the other people here. I have always looked on a scar as a sign of the braveness and courage it took the person to go through a tough time and come out stronger on the other side. Besides, with such a pretty smile and lovely eyes, who is going to be looking at any scar???
Your scar looks really good for only being 3 weeks out! My scar doesn't look as good as yours. and I am 7 months out. I have been wearing a silicone patch over my scar at night. I did see a dermatologist about 4 months after surgery and have had a few laser sessions on it. It is bumpy and red and seems to have a little keloid on it, so it isn't nice enough to show at this point. :D

If you are interested, there are a number of threads and posts that discuss various creams and treatments for scars (although I don't think you will have to worry about that). I also agree with Ross to wear it as a badge of honour.

My dermatologist told me to definitely stay out of the sun with the scar and cover it up with a very high sun block for at least the first year.
Good input y'all. Seeing as how there is apparently no sun in Minnesota anymore anyway, I guess I don't have to worry about it ;) And I will be careful. I believe the getting darker thing - I had a mole removed off my lower leg and didn't realize I should keep it out of the sun. Have a dark spot there now... At least now I know what caused it (probably got sunburn early on). From my understanding, that blue skin condition is pretty rare (I think only 1 or 2% of people on Amiodarone get it). So I'll keep an eye out for blue skin, but think I would have seen it by now if it was gonna happen - was in tanning booth last week (hope so anyway!). But thanks for the info Lyn - helps alot!
Oh, and on the long-half-life thing w/ Amio - yea, I knew about that, but 6 months after I go off it will be the dead of winter here, lol, so not too worried. And our summer is almost over anyway (we only get summer in June and July here). I'm exaggerating a little, and will probably get chewed out pretty bad by some Minnesotan's, but I grew up in TX and I still say the summers are too short here!
Also just a heads up, (since i'm spreading such joy) don't be shocked if a few months out you notice your scar isn't as thin and flat as it is right in the beginning.Justin's always look great the first month, then parts spread wider or form keloid later.

Yup, Lyn...this is exactly what happened to me! I hate to add to the downer info (but of course it doesn't mean it will happen to everyone).
Bina, it is no longer Victorean times girl, need a wee bit of colour in summer, to shake off those cold tough winters, but for tsanning at least i have not recently heard of tanning mid-summer with baby oil, like we did 30-40 years ago, yikes, am personally surprised, that OHS has been my 1st bump and even more OHS for congenital reasons, as lord knows I have put myself at risk in my youth for so many other frightful diseases.

But seriously folks, wear protection, for sunning and other activities and be moderate in all of those extra curricular activities you may be pursuing (as my mom would say) reasonable
wow...ok your scar is giving me some hope. I saw your early scar and that brought tears to my eyes....but seeing you 3 weeks later is really making me feel better. Thank you for sharing !!

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