Harrybaby Has To Have Major Surgery......

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Folks,
I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I wanted to come in and let you know that I have been really sick with Diverticulitis and hospitalized for the last week with it. This, however, is not the end of things as in 4 to 6 weeks I will be undergoing a resection of my colon (taking part of it out and reattaching it).....This is going to be one bumpy road so I just wanted to let yall know what was up town.....:frown2:
Oh, no! This is not something I wanted to hear about. You poor guy. It seems like one thing after another. I hope you have an excellent surgeon. You will be in my prayers. Let us know the date of the surgery when you can.
Hi Harry.

Oh bummer. I'm so sorry you are sick. That does not sound like any fun at all. Nope. No fun. Will that cure the Diverticulitis? Please keep us posted and be sure to let us know the true date so we can be thinking/praying for you!!

Best wishes.

Hopefully, the resection will make this problem less troublesome for you, Harry. I have some degree of diverticulosis, too, but not yet to a degree requiring surgery. Will be praying hard that all goes well for you, my friend.
You may not need to have it Bob......

You may not need to have it Bob......

Hopefully, the resection will make this problem less troublesome for you, Harry. I have some degree of diverticulosis, too, but not yet to a degree requiring surgery. Will be praying hard that all goes well for you, my friend.

What I was told Bob, is that for those who are under the age of 50, As I am, when diverticulitis hits, there is a very high chance that it could reoccur as it did in my case (I think I have been sick with this for a lot longer than I even realized) and thus requiring surgical intervention so that Peritonitis doesn't set in and potentially kill you...HOWEVER, If one is over the age of 50 chances are extremely LOW that surgical intervention would be required due to the fact that the chances for reoccurring diverticulitis are a lot lower than at my age.....I can only pray to god Bob, that you don't get the full enchilada with this because truly, it has not been fun...Hope it never gets that far for you....Harrybaby
Oh, no! This is not something I wanted to hear about. You poor guy. It seems like one thing after another. I hope you have an excellent surgeon. You will be in my prayers. Let us know the date of the surgery when you can.

Thank You Nancy, And I Will...Right now we are looking at around the 2nd Week Of October if I don't go sooner....And Lord I hope I don't have to as I don't want to have to have a colostomy bag.....
Hi Harry.

Oh bummer. I'm so sorry you are sick. That does not sound like any fun at all. Nope. No fun. Will that cure the Diverticulitis? Please keep us posted and be sure to let us know the true date so we can be thinking/praying for you!!

Best wishes.


Thank You Marguerite....this has sure been some year for me....first developing A Fib and now this........I am trying to stay positive, but some days it is just so hard to keep in an upbeat way....
Harry, Good luck, I'll be thinking of you. I hope you start feeling better once you get over this hurdle.

From what I hear, patients with Diverticulitis have a VERY SHORT Window of Opportunity (typically only a few days) to cure it with anti-biotics before it becomes necessary to have a Surgical Repair.

I would urge ANYONE who experiences Abdominal Discomfort and a Fever to seek Medical Attention IMMEDIATELY,
"even if" the discomfort seems to wane.
From what I hear, patients with Diverticulitis have a VERY SHORT Window of Opportunity to cure it with anti-biotics before it becomes necessary to have a Surgical Repair.

I would urge ANYONE who experiences Abdominal Discomfort and a Fever to seek Medical Attention IMMEDIATELY,
"even if" the discomfort seems to wane.

I have long since passed that window of opportunity.....its the knife for me......sadly to say....
So sorry to hear that you'll be undergoing surgery again Harry!

My husband had diverticulitis and he underwent this type surgery 4 years ago. They removed a 10-inch segment of the sigmoid colon & spliced everything back up again. He had suffered for years with constant constipation, severe rectal bleeding, cramping, unexplained fevers, etc.

He has to avoid eating seeds found in many fruits, vegetables, sesame seeds, because they could lodge in the pockets inside the colon thus causing major problems again. (he does NOT, unfortunately, follow this rules as he should!)

Keeping you in my prayers & wishing you the best outcome w/your surgery! :)
Oh Harry, I am sad to hear this. Please know that you are in my thoughts. It's a tough hand you've been dealt. Hang in there.

Take care
Thanks Everyone....

Thanks Everyone....

Although I am admittedly scared to death of any and all surgeries, I did talk with my Pulmonologist and Cardiologist down at Mass General Hospital today and they have both given me the all clear for the surgery. Although I have the Green Light, I can't help but be nervous about what is about to be.....Harrybaby is putting his faith in God and putting myself in the hands of God and my Grandparents. :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:
I've been wondering where you've been, have missed seeing you on here. I too am sorry to hear about this and am wondering WHERE you are having it done, Mass General or in NH. Sometimes colostomies are only temporary and when healing has taken place they can undo it but at any rate if it comes to that a colostomy can be well regulated. You'll do fine, Harry; look at all the folks here who will be praying for you!!!!!
Oh, Harry - sorry you got hit with this on top of everything else you've been through. I'll certainly keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope for a successful surgery with minimal downtime.
Hi Barb,

Yeah, I have been dealing with this for a while now and I will be having the surgery done at Wentworth Douglass Hospital in Dover, NH...a very good hospital...although I did notify my docs at Mass General and advised them of the surgery....I am really overwhelmed right now with all that has to be done to get prepared for the surgery and such......And thank you for your prayers and I will keep everyone posted as I am able!!!

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