Harrybaby Has To Have Major Surgery......

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...He has to avoid eating seeds found in many fruits, vegetables, sesame seeds, because they could lodge in the pockets inside the colon thus causing major problems again. (he does NOT, unfortunately, follow this rules as he should!)...

Good info for you Harry. I was thinking too how many breads and crackers have sharp little bits of flax seed in them now too; I've read those can be bad for intestines. Hoping all goes well for your surgery; take care :)
I'm sorry to hear you will be needing surgery. Hopefully it will make you felel much better after it is all over and done with.
Yeah Mary, Its not been a good summer thus far thats for sure.....Between the A Fib and now the Diverticulitis, I am beginning to feel like I am on a down hill slide...at 100 MPH
I know someone who was 30 something when she had part of her colon removed, got a colostomy bag, and then had her colon re-attached to perform normally. She did very well and I'm hoping that you do too, Harry.
Thank You Bina....they are hoping to stay away from the colostomy bag if at all possible, but should I have to have it, I have heard from multiple people that they are not bad to deal with.....I am praying I won't need one....
Hi Folks,
I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I wanted to come in and let you know that I have been really sick with Diverticulitis and hospitalized for the last week with it. This, however, is not the end of things as in 4 to 6 weeks I will be undergoing a resection of my colon (taking part of it out and reattaching it).....This is going to be one bumpy road so I just wanted to let yall know what was up town.....:frown2:

Harry, We all know you haven't been well for a long time - now this! I am so sorry to hear about it and you know you will be thought of and prayed for while you go through yet another rough time. May God keep His hand on your shoulder to guide you right on through. Blessins..... Dear Harry.
Thank You Ann....

Truthfully, I have to say that I am beginning to wonder how much time I have left on this earth given all the medical issues that I have been faced with especially this past year.....I am trying to keep going but it seems like its just one struggle after another. I won't say that I am not scared..because I am.....surgeries have always scared me and this one is going to be a whopper and therefore, my fears will be no different from any other time....As I have said here and on Facebook, I am going to put my care into God's hands and plan for the worst but hope for the best and Try and get through this......It never ceases to amaze me though how a person can be so sick yet be so resilient when it is time for healing.....but I guess that is how God has intended me to be and I will embrace it as best as I can. Blessins Right Back At You Ann, and everyone here on VR.Com.....I will keep yall posted as I can, but as I see it right now, we are looking at somewhere around the 10th of October for the surgery.....HUGS From Harrybaby :D
I've been following this bad news on Facebook, Harry, as you know.


Same here.

Very sorry, Harry ... thoughts/prayers en route, as you are aware.....

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"I've had enough" ... REO Speedwagon ... 'Time For Me To Fly'
So sorry you are going through this, Harry.
I wonder why, given you are so happy with your MGH doctors, you aren't having the surgery there?
I am sure wherever you are getting excellent care.
We all send you our blessings and best wishes.
Harry sorry to hear about your upcoming surgery ....continued good thoughts @ prayers
for you Please keep us updated
Harry, just wanted to let you know that I think of you often and I was sadden to read this news.
You have my special prayers and heartfelt Canadian ((((hugs)))) coming your way.
So sorry you are going through this, Harry.
I wonder why, given you are so happy with your MGH doctors, you aren't having the surgery there?
I am sure wherever you are getting excellent care.
We all send you our blessings and best wishes.

Well, because JKM....at first, I thought I was having more problems with uric acid kidney stones.....for which I have a local urologist that I like EXTREMELY well and he knows my case......secondly, he told me that it was NOT kidney stones but a severe case of Diverticulitis and immediately sent me for a CT Scan at the local hospital which confirmed the diagnosis.....as it turns out, I ended up in the hospital for 8 days after finishing one round of antibiotics, and the diverticulitis immediately moved to a different part of the colon. That being said, it was much easier on me given the severity of the Diverticulitis to deal with it locally....A major reason that I go to MGH is due to the fact that the heart doctors in NH are VERY VERY arrogant....they do not like to deal with patients who are on medicaid and medicare, as I am.....I went down to MGH for Heart and Pulmonary issues because of this and have gotten very good treatment, but because I don't like driving in Mass or Boston unless I have to, if its something I can handle locally, I do.....besides parking and gas to get me to Boston costs WAAAYYYY more than taking the train in.....Essentially, if its something I can get treated for locally, I do...but if I can't, then I go to MGH....
Thanks, Harry. It was very generous of you to explain and I apologize for asking. I didn't 'think before I wrote'.

Please know I truly wish you very successful surgery and easy, fast recovery. I so hope you find relief as you've gone through so much.
Godspeed...... we'll all be thinking about you and waiting to hear how you are doing.
JKM, don't apologize for asking, you didn't know.....The bottom line is that I have some very arrogant doctors in my area who do NOT listen to the patient as they feel they know everything because they have a MD....but the truth is, these doctors who treat you ARE NOT IN YOUR BODY and therefore, they should be listening....but they don't....they, in their own self absorbed opinion are GOD......Don't get me wrong, I do have some very good doctors who I have stuck with, but there is always one or two that I don't care for...such as the Cardios....MGH listens to the patient and takes what they have to say into account without cutting you off and it does really seem to matter to them, so this is why I go to MGH for Heart and Lung and because I am completely satisfied with Dr. Maher (Gastroenterologist) and Dr. Evans (Urologist) I don't have to make the trek down to MGH for this operation, which will make it easier on both my brother, mother and also myself. I am scared, I won't deny that, but I am putting my care into the hands of God and the hands of doctors I really trust and admire....

Thanks, Harry. It was very generous of you to explain and I apologize for asking. I didn't 'think before I wrote'.

Please know I truly wish you very successful surgery and easy, fast recovery. I so hope you find relief as you've gone through so much.
Godspeed...... we'll all be thinking about you and waiting to hear how you are doing.
Good luck with surgery. You will be fine. The next time you are over at MGH give me a holler.
I will NN....I am thinking that I won't be going down to MGH until sometime in December or Early January after I am healed from this surgery.....

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