Hello from Rapid City, SD
Hello from Rapid City, SD
Here we are in Rapid City, SD. We got here around 6pm today. No grandbaby yet!

but it will be soon. We're stayin in a hotel that luckily, has a computer in the lobby, like the one in Golden did. I thought that was great, since my hubby is up in our room watching the Viking's game. Football, yuck!!
Anyway, we had a wonderful time in Golden, the weather was great, the scenery was absolutely beautiful...and the company was fantastic as usual.
BTW, when we split up on Sat...our group didn't just go shopping...we went to Heritage Square, where there is a huge Alpine slide, which a few brave souls, (Rain, Janie, Gina, and Sherry), rode to the top of on a chair-lift and then came down on a sled-type thing. Lorraine went up too, for the view, but opted to take the chair-lift back down, I wasn't even brave enough to go up there!
I've got pics of them all at the bottom of the slide, that I'll post as soon as I get home. After that...we went to Red Rocks, which was spectacular!
All in all, it was a great weekend...Thanks Dave and Rain for all your work!!
I'll be sure and post those new grandbaby pics too...as soon as he makes his debut!