Grandson needs prayers

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Addiction is a very powerful thing and can make people do things that others deem utterly rediculous. Unfortunately unless your grandson genuinely wants to change his life, he will probably find his way back to his addictions.

I've got a family member that has battled addictions as long as I can remember. Alcohol and pills. Some people can function and appears normal for the most part. Some, like your grandson, go over the top and the results are usually similar to what you just went through. We have done two interventions so far. Both were due to overdoses. Since this person is in her 60s its hard to envision her changing her ways after 40 yrs of abuse. She was dry from an alcohol perspective for nearly 25 years until just recently having a relapse. Unfortunately we think the addiction when from alcohol to pills (oxy) and the core addiction issues were never really addressed, they simply took a different form. But we are supportive and hopeful. She has been in the hospitals psyc ward 4 times in the last year. 3 days the first 3 times, 30 days this last time. Its only been 2 weeks since she was released and appears to be keeping it together with daily AA meetings.

It is my opinion that the only way to get someone out of the vicious cycle of addiction requires not only a change of heart but a total change of scenery as well. Is there someone in your family that lives far away that your grandson has a relationship with and can go stay with for an extended amount of time ? Not only would it be good for him, it would also be good for the rest of you as well.

Best of luck to you and your family, its a difficult thing to deal with for all involved.

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