Well-known member
Just a short note to let you know that I'll probably be going to the ER soon. Seems my Cellulitis is back, only in the opposite foot this time. I don't know that is what it is, but I cannot take the chance if it is. I'll be going to Aultman this time, for those wanting to know. So if you don't hear or see me, you know I've been admitted for my usual cocktail of Vancomycin to kill the garbage. This is really getting old and if I'm not eligible for Medicaid after this, then I never will be! I still haven't gotten all the bills from the teeth removal yet.
Lyns car has been acting up since Thursday, so I'm attempting to wait until afternoon, so that it warms up a bit, then change her spark plugs. Don't think they've ever been changed in her car since it was new. It doesn't want to start sometimes and is hard to start when it does.
Lyns car has been acting up since Thursday, so I'm attempting to wait until afternoon, so that it warms up a bit, then change her spark plugs. Don't think they've ever been changed in her car since it was new. It doesn't want to start sometimes and is hard to start when it does.