Good Morning My Lovlies

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I'm not going anywhere fast. It's Sunday for one, which means they won't do anything except check it, draw blood, perhaps blood cultures, then maybe admit me and leave me sit till morning. No sense spending a day sitting in there when I can get some things done here. Can't do much, but a couple things, then I'll go. Lyns already balking at the idea. She's about fed up with hospitals, me and the situations that it causes.
Gosh Golly Gee Whiz Ross. Hope this is a quick fix for you.
Do you know when you are going in?
Special Hugs and prayers coming your way.

Causes of Cellulitis

Cellulitis usually starts with a break or tear in the skin. Many species of bacteria inhabit the skin's surface and can thrive underneath it if the barrier is broken to let them through. Bacteria can infect burns and bruises as well as cuts and scratches, puncture wounds, and dermatitis. Other traumas that can lead to infection include:

* surgery
* dental work
* animal or human bites

Yes freddie I know. My legs and feet are always swollen from CHF. My kitty got my foot about 3 or 4 weeks ago. I promptly doused it with peroxide and then antibiotic cream until a scab formed. The scab is still there, but the pain and such is eminating from the left metatasarsil? just behind the little toe and spreads across the ankle joint. Where the kitty got me is dead center of the top of the foot, but that doesn't mean she's not the cause. The only other thing I can think of is, I sat on my foot Friday while cleaning the fan blades off on my fan and maybe I broke the skin open enough for some nasties to creep in. No matter what, I have a problem of some sort festering here and it's got to get checked.
Ross .. Man a guy sure deserves a break, and your surely do!

I just popped in and saw the good morning greeting and decided to respond. I had no idea you were struggling with this.
I am praying that you get quick treatment and a speedy recovery!
big hugs ((((((Ross)))))
Damn man, between your car and your body ... I'd be pissed. Hopefully you'll get all fixed at some point. Keflex doesn't work for you? I imagine you could get a script for vancomycin from your doc.. Just putting ideas out there. Get well soon bro.
Well call me stupid, but I'm waiting until morning and call my doctor. He'll probably slap me in the head for not going to the ER today, but lets face it, they aren't going to do anything to me until tomorrow anyhow. Way I see it, why ring up $250 for an ER visit, possibly get sent home, then still have to see my doctor and then maybe be admitted. I'll take the $25 route first, thank you.
Well I already know the ER doc isn't going to listen to me about no veins for sticking and won't order a PICC line, which I'll need if it is Cellulitis. My veins have been through 18 world wars (a couple of those Nuclear too!) and there isn't anything to choose from anymore. I'm just not interested in dealing with staff that won't listen to me and sound like broken records saying, "Your doctor will have to order it." Then being Sunday, no one is going to show up before morning anyway, so I feel it's the right thing to do.
hey, Ross. I just got in to read the new posts for today and found this dreadful news. It is a shock; very distressing when you just can't get a break for just a little while. If I could, I would give you one on my days even tho you might not feel very normal but could get a rest for a day. Hope you are able to get to the hospital and/or dr first thing tomorrow to get help. You are always in my thoughts and prayers, you know. Rest if you can tonight. Blessins, m'dear..............
Awww Ross ~ I'm SO sorry to hear you have Cellulitis. You sure have been through the mill lately and my thoughts and prayers are with you that it will clear up quickly. Dawn-Marie
Well gee Ross, aren't you just a glutton for punishment..?!! :eek: :( Hope it's something you can get resolved nice a quickly.

Meanwhile, will send a big roll of bubble-wrap your way to help you stay out of trouble! :p

A : )
Ross I can't imagine what you are going through and what you have been through. I wish I was there to give you a big hug! Prayers are coming your way. The Bible says He won't give you more than you can handle but boy you sometimes wonder don't you?
Ross ... GOOD LUCK on Monday.....

Thoughts/prayers continue coming your way.....
Ross, you probably made a good call there waiting for Monday - just try and get out the house BEFORE the mailman brings any more hospital bills, OK ???:D

Now, go see that doctor pronto and get better soon

Thinking about you today Ross as you head to the doctor. I hope your doc gets everything taken care of.