Fourteen stitches and didn't "bleed out"

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Eat the elephant one bite at a time
Supporting Member
Feb 10, 2007
louisville, KY USA
I just returned home from Emergency Care Center after a 2" gash in the fatty part of my left hand. I did it with a box cutter while stripping a golf grip off of club. Required fourteen stitches to close wound. While there was a lot of blood from the cut, it only took the stitches to stop the bleeding. I post this for the newbies who wonder about "bleeding out" because of warfarin. I do something stupid like this every couple years and have never had a problem related to excessive bleeding. Like I have said before, if I ever have a shark bite off one of my limbs I'll probably have a problem......but that ain't likely since I've never seen a shark in the ponds I fish.
Good to hear dicko!

I get asked if I worry about being bitten by a shark while on warfarin (I do see sharks in the ocean where I paddle) and I reply no, if a shark bites off a limb warfarin isn't going to speed up the rate at which blood comes shooting out my arteries any more than in someone not on warfarin. :)

However I never expected that golf would be a dangerous sport, I'm going to stick to paddling with sharks and mountain biking.
Good to hear dicko!

I get asked if I worry about being bitten by a shark while on warfarin (I do see sharks in the ocean where I paddle) and I reply no, if a shark bites off a limb warfarin isn't going to speed up the rate at which blood comes shooting out my arteries any more than in someone not on warfarin. :)

However I never expected that golf would be a dangerous sport, I'm going to stick to paddling with sharks and mountain biking.

I was just thinking that Dick's post should escalate the danger rating of Golf from 4/100 to 30/100 ;)
Hmm GymGuy I think 'golf with a box cutter' is 30/100 but golf itself should still be 4/100. And only because of the danger of falling over out of sheer boredom. :)

(sorry dicko)
Hmm GymGuy I think 'golf with a box cutter' is 30/100 but golf itself should still be 4/100. And only because of the danger of falling over out of sheer boredom. :)

(sorry dicko)

I don't know. Have you ever considered a golf ball to the head? What about another angry golfer with a serious attitude problem going after you with their golf club or worse yet, trying to run you down with their golf cart? I think I was disrespecting golf with danger score of 4/100, perhaps we should raise it to 5/100 ;)
Thanks for sharing your experiences, Dick. I was concerned when I first got my valve and the warfarin that I would have an issue such as yours and not be able to stop the bleeding, but sounds like it was easily managed. That certainly would have scared me to see a gash of that size!
Just today, I was modifying the front panel ports on my PC case, trimming plastic with a utility knife, and wound up with 2 (two) band-aids on different fingers. I keep a first aid kit with, among other things, band-aids, gauze and tape, between the kitchen and living room. Funny, I don't seem to bleed any worse then I ever did.
You guys are dangerous. I've heard that more people have died from golfing accidents than from boxing. This might be ********, by the way, but it sounds good.
You guys are dangerous. I've heard that more people have died from golfing accidents than from boxing. This might be ********, by the way, but it sounds good.

I imagine that this is true.....but there are a lot more golfers than boxers LOL......and golfers are often at differentl levels of sobriety while on the course. I remember a time(many years ago) when I hit a tree head on while driving a golf cart.....ah, but that is another story. When they tell you that you can't have a few beers while on warfarin.....don't believe 'em LOL.
Sorry to hear of the box cutter incident.

I remember a time(many years ago) when I hit a tree head on while driving a golf cart
Did your golf cart have air bags?

A whacko engineering mate of mine (and I know some) did some ultra modding on his cart and had it drawing 80amps per wheel. 4wd electric :)
an example of another wakko engineer ...


perhaps grab yourself a set of these for next time?

Boyz with their toyz

OK, so it's time for a refresher.

When you use a knife always push the blade away from you.

When using a wrench or ratchet to loosen a very tight bolt or nut always pull the handle. Never push because when the bolt breaks loose you will smack your knuckles into some sharp piece of metal.

When using a chisel or scraper always push away from you also.
Thanks bocco . . . frankly I prefer 'when you need to use a tool, put on a pitiful face until a man offers to help'.

It hasn't worked yet, so I may print out your instructions and carry them with me :)
Dick, hope you are feeling okay. That must have hurt like hell, but thanks for sharing your story.
Any idea what your INR was ?

2.8 a few days before injury. Actually have had virtually no cutters cut clean like a razor blade. Biggest problem is trying not to get my hand wet for a week LOL.

Skigirl and Pellica....Not a bad idea but.......I am an old man and probably couldn't find a young lady to take pity on me.....and a young guy would just tell me "it served me right and I should have paid somebody to regrip my clubs"....and they would be right after considering my bill for emergency room, antibiotics, dressings and follow up visit to remove stitches....but, as they say, "We get too soon old and too late smart" LOL.
Dick - Did those clubs have Eaton brand grips? Half a lifetime ago I worked for a major sporting goods manufacturer and they had a huge recall to replace Eaton grips on golf clubs. The grips turned gummy in the heat.

Pellicle - that skateboard reminds me of the ones I was seeing around here a couple of years ago. The kids were grafting the motors from weed-whackers onto their boards and scooters. Those darned things would to 20-25 MPH. . . with NO brakes. Made for some very exciting moments in rush-hour traffic, too, when some of the messengers found that they could out-do the bicycle guys that way.

Oh, BTW, I think we should order a second Superman cape. Not only do we have SuperBob, we have SuperDick. (NO off-color references intended, but. . . )
Dick - Did those clubs have Eaton brand grips? Half a lifetime ago I worked for a major sporting goods manufacturer and they had a huge recall to replace Eaton grips on golf clubs. The grips turned gummy in the heat.

Oh, BTW, I think we should order a second Superman cape. Not only do we have SuperBob, we have SuperDick. (NO off-color references intended, but. . . )

No, they were Golf Pride. Nothing wrong with them. It was cold and snowy outside and I was bored. Building and re-building golf clubs is a hobby of mine.

.....and about the nickname.......Uhhhhhhh.....shoe doesn't fit LOL.

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