Expected but still sad

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Thanks to everyone of you who supported my family and me in words, thoughts, or prayers. You all mean so much to me and I sure appreciate all your kindness. We are back home now and ready to decompress tonight and get back into the groove again tomorrow. My mom's funeral was yesterday and even though there were many tears the time spent with family and dear friends was wonderful.

The funeral for the young soldier I had mentioned in the opening post was picketed by protesters of the war. The protest was complete with signs saying how God hates America and how happy they were that another soldier was dead. A patriotic motorcycle group numbering about 100 formed a protective barrier between the mourners and protesters in attempts to dampen the effects of the protesters. I'm so glad they were there too! How very very sad and cruel in my opinion that families are subjected to this. This was not in a large city but the rather rural community of Hudsonville, Michigan where things like that just don't happen....but happen it did.


I know that you will not sleep well..for a few weeks. I didn't after Mama and Daddy passed. I kelp thinking, did we do all we could for them..did we make the right decisions on their care...... We know, Brother, sister and myself did..but I have always heard..after a death..you feel sadness, guilt, anger, ect.. but in the end..you will finally feel peace with yourself..Knowing all we did..and there is nothing that we can do to keep our loved ones with us forever...My kids still tell me stories about their Memi..she loved them dearly..My daughter's only regret is that she did not live to see her ..children from Russia. But, in my heart, she is in heaven and sees them:) I was so happy to see so many of my first cousins that came to my Daddy's funeral. they adored their Uncle Punk...( I had not seen many of them for 30 years) Your Mother left many family members that adored her.........Yes, I have seen the awful people going to the Military funerals on T.V......To me. they are the scum of America..Not real Americans..just someone who does NOT deserve to live in our wonderful Country......Bonnie
Dear Betty,
I hope you can take the time to decompress and slowly get back to normal life. It's been almost two months now and there is still a big hole in our lives after the loss of Dick's Dad. It's the little things like the turkey dinner I made tonight and thought about how much he would have enjoyed it. I can't bare to open the liquor cabinet and see the Manhattan mix and Canadien Club that was there only for him. Every time he came over I made a Manhattan for him and he wouldn't allow anyone else to make it. He was a note taker and left notes for us on almost everything in the house- like a letter from the widow of a friend on which he wrote, "notice how nice her penmanship is!". We have also found his favorite "stories" written out on scrap paper so that he would remember them- can't figure that one out as he must have repeated each one of them a billion times!:D I hope your fond memories bring many smiles to your face and you eventually find peace.
Best wishes,
Glad you're back, Betty. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.

That picketing thing is simply obscene. Illinois has passed a law restricting picketers to a certain distance from a funeral; ditto Colorado. I'm surprised all the states haven't done the same. That bunch from Kansas ought to be hog-tied and dumped.

I've been digging through Mom's stuff and papers etc. etc. We've talked so much about her and laughed and cried . . . well, you know.

Take care.
Betty, I was gone for 5 days so I missed your post. Please accept my sincere sympathy. May your good memories sustain you and give you pause to smile.

Glad you are back home. Thoughts/prayers continuing for you.

As for those picketers....aye.

It is always difficult to lose a Mother. I hope when the immediate pain passes, you can reflect on the happy memories.
Warm hugs, Betty.

Warm hugs, Betty.


I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your Mom. It's always hard, no matter the circumstances.

There is such a special Mother daughter bond... it's hard to let them go.

Warm hugs to you, Tom and your family.


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