Thanks to everyone of you who supported my family and me in words, thoughts, or prayers. You all mean so much to me and I sure appreciate all your kindness. We are back home now and ready to decompress tonight and get back into the groove again tomorrow. My mom's funeral was yesterday and even though there were many tears the time spent with family and dear friends was wonderful.
The funeral for the young soldier I had mentioned in the opening post was picketed by protesters of the war. The protest was complete with signs saying how God hates America and how happy they were that another soldier was dead. A patriotic motorcycle group numbering about 100 formed a protective barrier between the mourners and protesters in attempts to dampen the effects of the protesters. I'm so glad they were there too! How very very sad and cruel in my opinion that families are subjected to this. This was not in a large city but the rather rural community of Hudsonville, Michigan where things like that just don't happen....but happen it did.
The funeral for the young soldier I had mentioned in the opening post was picketed by protesters of the war. The protest was complete with signs saying how God hates America and how happy they were that another soldier was dead. A patriotic motorcycle group numbering about 100 formed a protective barrier between the mourners and protesters in attempts to dampen the effects of the protesters. I'm so glad they were there too! How very very sad and cruel in my opinion that families are subjected to this. This was not in a large city but the rather rural community of Hudsonville, Michigan where things like that just don't happen....but happen it did.