You seem to believe your way of viewing the world is the correct and only way to view the world.
If someone decides to risk their own safety for the benefit of others, they have decided it is in their best interest to do so. Otherwise, they wouldn't do it. Doctors aren't forced to treat infectious patients, but most choose to do so, but some don't. The president of the FLCCC quit his job in Wisconsin and went to NYC to work in emergency care. No one made him. For him, that was the right decision. I bet there are doctors who got out of emergency care because of Covid-19. That was the right decision for them.
Yesterday I developed a protocol that I shared with others. I wondered what it was about obesity that caused it to be so dangerous when it comes to Covid-19. Aside from the comorbidities that are often associated with obesity, are there factors specific to obesity? I found 4 factors and also ways one might mitigate those factors. What have you done?
Today I offered what I am doing to prevent myself from getting the delta variant on another forum. Even though I am vaccinated, the protocol I am using is the FLCCC's prevention protocol (I-Mask+), which includes Ivermectin as a prophylactic, wearing a mask (I wear a K95 mask), and supplements primarily to help the immune system fight off viral infection. Dr. Paul Marik, the founder of the FLCCC also encourages the use of certain nasal sprays and mouthwashes to kill the virus in the nasal cavity at the earliest infection. I shared all that information with friends, what have you done?