Covid Vaccines

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I am supposed to get my "shot" on Thursday. Have any other members got the covid vaccine and how did it go? Just wondering with a mechanical heart valve what others that have received the vaccine how it went?
Got mine in March, forgot when, but did fine with the first shot, just a sore muscle from the injection. Second shot, did experience feeling sick to my tummy and chills, slept it off and was fine 12 hours after the shot. And I have a St. Judes' leaflet valve.
It's pretty hilarious that people jump to 'conspiracy theory' talk when they hear someone that doesn't agree with the main stream air waves. Nobody has brainwashed me, it is quite the contrary, look in the mirror. I have spent at least 2-3 hours per day on average since covid19 became a thing, researching it. I am not a scientist nor do I have a medical background. But I can use my God given brain and common sense.

I will not subject myself to an experimental vaccine on a disease that has well over a 99% survivability rate for most everyone in the population. Also if you had your vaccine, what are you worried about if someone else doesn't have it? You can sit here and try to guilt others to try and take it but it won't work.

I never asked my cardiologist about the vaccine, it wasn't out the last time I saw him. Frankly I've lost faith in most people in the medical industry that push the mainstream narrative. Unfortunately so many have been silenced this past year with censorship and being fired from their jobs.

Have any of you asked yourselves logical questions?
Why does the CDC say less than 10% of covid deaths are only from covid?
If your mask worked why should I wear mine?
If social distancing worked why wear a mask?
When this thing was a big unknown (early 2019) why did they say no masks?
Why have the total deaths not gone up in countries in 2020?
What happened to influenza?
Do you know how small covid19 aerosols are and how even an N95 mask is not rated to stop aerosols so small?
Do you know why study after study is now showing Ivermectin and HCQ as viable treatments?
Do you know that for the FDA to grant emergency use authorization to a 'supposed' vaccine, no viable treatments had to exist? Hence the shutting down of drugs like HCQ.
Did you know the Lancet report made a fake study to discredit HCQ?

I could go on and on, do yourselves a favor and turn off the television.
Bahaha. The idiotic theory that the flu "disappeared" because all flu deaths are being counted as Covid19? Actually the reason the flu was virtually non-existent is because of masks and social distancing which tells you how contagious Covid19 is. "if your mask worked why should I wear mine"- literally explained thousands of times but....the mask helps prevent you from spreading it if your contagious.
Who is the "they" in " why did they say don't wear masks in 2019". Because clearly telling Americans to wear masks was going to be very contentious so they erred on not doing it until they absolutely had to.
Why masks AND distancing? Simple- belts and suspenders.
This is dead simple: if Hillary had won and this virus came along during her presidency Trump would have constantly tweeted how " this is the worst virus ever and her handling of it is a total disgrace" then your opinion would be totally different given the same facts
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Dear @Admin

This thread began as a simple question on the topic of possible issues with taking the vaccine with a (mechanical) heart valve, however it has morphed into a lengthy discussion on COVID-19 and is now trending into denial territory. This may soon be subject to criminal penalties.

I will leave a few links here to caution you against letting this thread continue on its current trajectory and I would advise either closing it before it gets out of hand or actually doing your jobs and censoring mis-information (something even Facebook is now taking seriously albeit in an erattic manner)
I don't believe people are wise enough to know when they don't have sufficient knowledge on a topic to refrain from having a vociferous opinion about what is not correct.

The discussion on "freedom of expression" with respect to the interference of genuine medical issues is not new and indeed is well under way. I sugget this paper:
Noteworthy in that is the following:

The actions of these surveyed countries demonstrate that their newly added norms were focused on punishing “the dissemination of false information about the spread of infections subject to quarantine and other infections dangerous to humans” (Uzbekistan), or addressed the dissemination of false information about the pandemic specifically (South Africa, Tajikistan), or were broader and prosecuted the spread of any “false information that may pose a threat to the life and safety of citizens”.​
Other countries preferred to rely on older laws for prosecuting the spread of misinformation, although they started to enforce these laws more vigorously. In Nepal, for example, police warned people that they would face up to one year of imprisonment for spreading fake news concerning COVID-19 on social media, and in...​

I personally always encourage discussion but with reliance on the facts and with the premise that both sides of the discussion be willing to admit they are wrong when there is no evidence.
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The Washington Post today reported the results of a study showing that non-vaccinated people in the US are still contracting covid a the same rates as during the January surge. The reason the national infection and death rates have sunk so low is because so many people have been vaccinated.

I agree with the person who said non-vaccinated people are free loading on the rest of us. It's selfish. Patriotic people who care about the well being of their community and country get vaccinated.

Further, deniers are deliberately endangering the lives of children too young for vaccination and also for people undergoing certain cancer treatments or with certain immune system conditions. I know 2 people who have gotten the vaccine, but due to such conditions did not develop antibodies. They live in constant fear of non-vaccinated people infecting them. They must continue to self isolate and mask. Vaccine deniers are not just infringing on their freedoms but also threatening their lives.
The responses on this board to people that disagree with groupthink and the 'acceptable' way you should think nowadays is a saddening state of humanity. I originally got attacked for stating that I will not vaccinate myself.

I am not going to waste my time replying to people that are lost and this thread has already gone into the waste basket. If you want to have a debate without name calling like children about any of the points I have raised, feel free to PM me.
The responses on this board to people that disagree with groupthink and the 'acceptable' way you should think nowadays is a saddening state of humanity. I originally got attacked for stating that I will not vaccinate myself.

I am not going to waste my time replying to people that are lost and this thread has already gone into the waste basket. If you want to have a debate without name calling like children about any of the points I have raised, feel free to PM me.
Again I know logic isn't a strong suit with a lot of anti-vaxxers but nobody really cares about your opinion regarding getting vaccinated if you just feel it just isn't proven or it's unsafe personally. I think the problem people have is when people make unproven non-scientific conspiracy driven claims about vaccines in general or bring politics into it. Case in point the person who started this thread by the third post started launching into the government turning into socialism and communism as his reason not to take it. Not only is that nonsense in my opinion but it has nothing to do with the science of the vaccine. I assume he has major problems with the current US administration but none of those people develop the vaccine and The development was actually done before January 20th. That's the problem, a valid scientific debate about the effectiveness and safety of a vaccine is fine I don't think anyone has a problem with that.
Also just because there are two opinions doesn't mean they are of equal validity. In other words if I say the moon was likely formed when parts of the Earth were broken off after being hit by an asteroid (s) and you claim that it is actually made entirely of blue cheese and was fashioned by a giant space cow those are two opinions but they are not equally valid.
[QUOTE="pellicle, post: 906725, member: 12469

also, for the record, you riled me when you started speaking disrespectfully to Dick ...

Thanks, pellicle for coming to my defense with a t-nut like this guy.........but I always try to consider the source. That guy is just "pissed off" at life.......I was there once. Hopefully, he will grow out of it.
Thank you @kimcdougc
I moderate a little community forum and hiding a thread is a simple task or can be with the software set up
if I say the moon was likely formed when parts of the Earth were broken off after being hit by an asteroid (s) and you claim that it is actually made entirely of blue cheese and was fashioned by a giant space cow those are two opinions but they are not equally valid.
I can understand you're issue here, but it's a Space Goat not a Cow. Silly Billy.
Hi there

I take issue with unprovoked attacks on anyone who is fundamentally helpful and polite. I mean I get why I might be a target, but you?


....but I always try to consider the source. That guy is just "pissed off" at life.......I was there once. Hopefully, he will grow out of it.
Don't hold your breath.
I have asked the mods to delete this thread a few days ago. I am so sorry this has turned into what it is. I hope they will shut it down. So sorry.
I'm glad to hear you got your second shot and are doing well, it's not that big a deal I wouldn't be too worked up. I can't speak for everybody but I can argue vociferously about something and not necessarily hold any animosity towards the person I'm arguing with
I had to work a bit to get my first shot back in February but now many pharmacies in the U.S. you can just walk in and get a shot-ez peazy- the one right across the street from my work is taking walk-ins. So depending where you live there's no LOGICAL reason to not get it.

A logical reason would be we have no long term data and it was hurried to market using a new process. That said, so far so good. But I wouldn’t begrudge anyone who was uncomfortable with the new process. A couple of months is not long term. Especially for low risk individuals who are weighing the potential challenges of Covid vs potential long term vaccine issues. As long as those who aren’t getting it are sensible enough to mask and social distance.

Just because the zombie apocalypse hasn’t happened yet, doesn’t mean it won’t! 😁

After reading more of this, I feel I should add in my defense:

- I still mask in public
- I still work from home in my basement
- Any trips we’ve taken have been rural and distanced
- I hardly went out to dinner before for the pandemic. No change now.
- I totally get that influenza was non-existent this year largely because of Covid protocols, not because of conspiracy cover-ups.
- And I’ll run right down and get my shots if they say we can visit the Canadian Rockies from the US! Zombie apocalypse be damned!
- My parents and in-laws are all vaccinated and my oldest got his at college and all are fine.
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