Covid Vaccines

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You don't have a clue, you are unaware how badly you don't have a clue and deeply misjudged your capacity for evaluating your ability to comprehend these issues?

No? That wasn't your point...

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If you look at that lot that tried to overthrow the U.S. government on January 6th they're basically the American version of the Taliban so I wouldn't expect a lot of scientific knowledge amongst them.


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Im just having fun with a pandemic. Don’t take me too seriously. I don’t.

My wife’s employer (a hospital) released a policy that full vaccination would be required within eight weeks of full FDA approval. That part is true. Coincidentally, FDA approval moved from first quarter 2022 (which would have meant vaccination by April or May of 2022) to October to a couple weeks after they made their policy known publicly. The full FDA approval stipulation was a concession to those in the medical profession who said they should not require a vaccine that doesn’t have full approval. It was also a concession to the public who felt all healthcare workers should be vaccinated. A compromise.
Yeah I'm not getting all wound up I'm just asking. I assume they knew it was going to be approved fully and yes a lot of organizations were looking for the cover of full FDA approval before bringing the hammer down and requiring it. Still I think I'm going to have to read something from a legitimate source explaining how and why it was rushed, assuming it was. Cheers
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It is amazing how quickly full FDA approval was granted after our largest local hospital (and I assume others) said they will mandate the vaccine for employees within 8 weeks of full FDA approval. When our local hospital made that determination, full FDA approval was anticipated first quarter 2022. Within a couple weeks of that announcement, “Okay fine. Approved!”

So what actually changed about the science that shortened a six month timeline to a couple weeks? That’s a political (perhaps bureaucratic is a better word) decision, not a scientific one.

What shortened the cycle was the huge effort put in to collect and churn through data from various sources. This stuff is usually along (needlessly) drawn out process that "Operation Warp Speed" 😭 help to cut through the normal BS. It just shows what can happen when areas come together with a purpose and mission. You have numerous entities that I am sure redirected resources from other projects to focus on the pandemic. The interesting thing would be to understand what other research was put on hold due to redirected resources (both human and financial).

My concern is the last 4 years the pandemic that was not reported on was the pandemic of the stupid. Seems not matter how many resources we put into education and reasoning with this one it is spreading like wildfire.

In our travels I was amazed at how few mask wearers there are across the country. Random gas stations, grocery stores, tourist sites. Really, only in National Park facilities where they are required were there people wearing them. One gas station/c-store had a sign encouraging people to remove their masks. “Take your mask off! It’s been X number of days since the pandemic started and you’re still alive.”

Often my family and I would be the only oddballs still masking up. Even in crowded outdoor areas. If there was room to spread out we’d pocket them, which thankfully was a lot of the trip. But otherwise we put them on. And I think pandemic or no, there’s a lot to be said for mask wearing in a gas station bathroom. Don’t know why I didn’t always do it!

I am actually surprised how many vaccinated people have relaxed and taken off their masks with the rise in break through Delta cases. I guess they feel the odds of hospitalization or deaths is so small. Just amazes me how if everyone would have properly masked up last April we probably would never had gotten this bad.
Im just having fun with a pandemic. Don’t take me too seriously. I don’t.

My wife’s employer (a hospital) released a policy that full vaccination would be required within eight weeks of full FDA approval. That part is true. Coincidentally, FDA approval moved from first quarter 2022 (which would have meant vaccination by April or May of 2022) to October to a couple weeks after they made their policy known publicly. The full FDA approval stipulation was a concession to those in the medical profession who said they should not require a vaccine that doesn’t have full approval. It was also a concession to the public who felt all healthcare workers should be vaccinated. A compromise.

I am surprised that nursing homes are not mandating vaccinated employees or residents. They are the most at risk population.

There was a story on the news yesterday about a nursing home that did that and at furs lost something like a dozen employees, but most have come back. As more companies require the vaccine the employment choices for the die hard anti-vaxxers will shrink.
I am surprised that nursing homes are not mandating vaccinated employees or residents. They are the most at risk population.

There was a story on the news yesterday about a nursing home that did that and at furs lost something like a dozen employees, but most have come back. As more companies require the vaccine the employment choices for the die hard anti-vaxxers will shrink.
My neighbor works at a nursing home and she was required to get it months ago
This stuff is usually along (needlessly) drawn out process that "Operation Warp Speed" 😭 help to cut through the normal BS. It just shows what can happen when areas come together with a purpose and mission

There was certainly pressure to give the vaccine priority and to muster all the resources needed to speed up the approval. It certainly got moved to the top of the stack. Perhaps the new hemorroid cream will get set back a couple of months as a result. Given the situation, this is entirely appropriate.

But, to suggest that there was something nefarious at work, as a few are now doing, well, then let's see the evidence of it. There are some who see nararious forces at work in all things science. For example, the science that tells us that the shape of the earth is spherical.

This is an actual debate that took place between three scientists who believe that the earth is spherical
and 3 non-scientists who believe that they know better than the experts and are certain that the earth is really flat. Because, you know, those experts just "blindly" follow science.

I would not advise watching the entire thing. You may believe that all things balance out in the end, but I can assure you that if you invest the 35 minutes to watch it, the universe will never give that time back to you. I will confess that I watched the entire video. I guess I like to try to understand how people come to the crazy views that they hold and what makes them tick. I will say that despite their differences, I liked how the individuals were respectful to each other and even hugged at the end of the debate.

I’m pretty convinced many (most?) flat earther’s are just having fun at the expense of those who waste time and energy worrying about what others believe. They don’t actually believe it themselves.

“Then how do you explain the strange truck-like noises coming from the highway!?!”
I’m pretty convinced many (most?) flat earther’s are just having fun at the expense of those who waste time and energy worrying about what others believe. They don’t actually believe it themselves.

“Then how do you explain the strange truck-like noises coming from the highway!?!”

I wish that that was the case. This is anecdotal, but the flat earthers I have met have been 100% convinced that the earth is flat. I became pretty good friends with one of them. He also believed in chemtrails and that the moon landing was faked. He ended up moving to Tenesssee, because he felt that the CA governmnent was too controlling- mandating certain vaccines for children and such. He then felt that the officials in Tennessee might impose on his right to homeschool his kids, so he moved to Idaho. If you watch a few minutes of the video, I think it's relatively clear that the three flat earthers here are sincere in their belief.

I love when one of the scientists asks for evidence that the earth is flat and the woman's answer is: "I live in Dana Point and I can see San Clemente Island, which is 60 miles away." It's about 15 minutes in.
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I live near Lake Michigan. Can’t see Chicago from the beach. Doesn’t get much flatter than one of the big lakes. Except once in a while through a trick of the light it can become visible from Southwest Michigan.
There is a Christian denomination which is know for their advocacy of this scripture. In some of their branches they hold poisonous snakes to prove their faith. .....

Wow, I was just thinking of that snake stuff in relation to what was said above prior to your comment, in that there is a subplot relating to that in the one of the seasons of the TV show Justified a few years ago.

Basically there is a young preacher who handles rattlesnakes as part of his traveling sermons. Unbeknownst to him his sister milks the poison out of snakes b4 he does his sermons though, & he thinks "God" is protecting him from the poison when he gets bit. An adversary figures this out and brings some unmilked snakes to a sermon and tries to tell him he has been deluded by his sister and if handles these snakes he is going to die. The preacher handles them anyway because he is blinded by his faith. Gets bit. Dies....tragic ending...
So, would you conisider yourself a Flat Laker? ;)

Not after being dragged behind a boat on an inner tube on that lake. Choppy has hell.

Milwaukee should be visible on a clear day from the shore. It isn’t. Muskegon is 85 miles away.

I know you don’t need convincing. Just fun facts.

But again, every once in a while, the atmosphere bends the lights just so the lights of Milwaukee are visible from Muskegon. It’s called “fata morgana” per Google.
What shortened the cycle was the huge effort put in to collect and churn through data from various sources. This stuff is usually along (needlessly) drawn out process that "Operation Warp Speed" 😭 help to cut through the normal BS. It just shows what can happen when areas come together with a purpose and mission. You have numerous entities that I am sure redirected resources from other projects to focus on the pandemic. The interesting thing would be to understand what other research was put on hold due to redirected resources (both human and financial).

My concern is the last 4 years the pandemic that was not reported on was the pandemic of the stupid. Seems not matter how many resources we put into education and reasoning with this one it is spreading like wildfire.

Watched the video. Thanks for sharing.
Some deep thinking vaccine skeptics there. I have to admit, I was unaware, until now, that the vaccine wipes out all of our DNA. Sounds serious. Given this new information, perhaps I should reconsider my position.😂
You say "poorly educated." I call it "unindoctrinated". Bottom line is this. You (left wing liberals) hate my guts and wish I were dead. We (conservatives) hate your guts and wish you were dead. So why don't we just get this civil war underway and settle this once and for all. At this point I'm all in winner take all.

Wow! That's some angry talk. Be honest with us, was this you? Did you get maced storming the capital?

Im just having fun with a pandemic. Don’t take me too seriously. I don’t.
one has to have fun with something these days or you'll go mad.

a black sense of humour is indeed a sign of a well balanced mind.
It was also a concession to the public who felt all healthcare workers should be vaccinated. A compromise.

when dealing with most issues (and exacerbated by dealing with more people) this is is exactly what happens. Its inevitable.

Best Wishes
Wow! That's some angry talk.
it is indeed. In his book "The Causes of War" Blainey examines almost every war since 1700 to the time of writing, among his observations that wars which don't end with a mutual agreement of "we're both sick of this" that embers smoulder and will catch on again re-igniting another war.
It has been my view that the Civil War will indeed re-ignite and perhaps in my lifetime. That would be a shame because the Western World does need a coherent United States if we are to avoid China attempting world mastery (which is their plan).

However I'll be dead and it won't matter to me if I see Chinese domination in Australia, I can already read and write enough of that and can brush up quickly.
You say "poorly educated." I call it "unindoctrinated". Bottom line is this. You (left wing liberals) hate my guts and wish I were dead. We (conservatives) hate your guts and wish you were dead. So why don't we just get this civil war underway and settle this once and for all. At this point I'm all in winner take all.

Wow pretty nasty I would say. I don't wish anyone dead, but support their decision to do stupid things that risk only their own lives.

And btw, that is the attitude of many extreme conservatives, dems may not like your views, but we typically don't wish death on others. The right wing wants to purge the earth or anyone that does not align with their views. The problem with the dems is we need to fight on the GOP level, we think reason and compassion will fix this, we need to get in the mud with the extreme right and fight on their turf. The extremes gun toting right figures they will just win by violence and guns.
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