Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 9-21

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Thanks for all the anniversary well wishes. For dinner tonight, we went to the Peaks of Otter Lodge about 20 miles up the Blue Ridge Parkway from us, dining room overlooking a placid lake and mountains. Got the prime rib -- my slab was huge (chef must have figured I played center for the Redskins, or that I am the man I was 40 years ago, or something :D ) I could only eat about half of it. We will make dinner of the rest tomorrow. As for that blueberry pie, my wife guesses she will make it this weekend -- so maybe I can get the Friday weigh-in done before I indulge in blueberry delight! :D :D :D
Congratulations Bob...sounds like you had a lovely celebration evening with your darling wife...
The thought of homemade Blueberry pie is making my mouth water :eek: ...
cooker said:
Low Sodium:eek: I got me a salt lick in my cage:p :p
Are you aware of the fact that said sodium could add to your weight? By just cutting back on the sodium you'll loose water weight. My husband and I have been eating low sodium for years now, at least when we cook at home. We frequenly notice that things in restaurants are way too salty, now that we're used to our lower sodium cooking. The more we eat out, the more swelling I have. And just because those "lower sodium" soups say they have less sodium, doesn't mean there's none. Check the label. Most "regular" soups have somewhere in the 1,000 mg range (half the daily recomendation) and the "lower sodium" ones still have around 400-600. Whenever I go to the grocery store I make sure to choose the lowest sodium available. Sometimes it's just a matter of 10-50 mg difference, but I figure every little bit counts! I even have a brand of tortilla chips that I LOVE that had NO sodium at all! Yum! :) I hate it at restaurants when they add all that salt to it. If at all possible I ask for "no added salt" on any dish that they frequently sprinkle on top (like french fries).

Okay, enough sodium rambling for me. Just thought you might want to know it isn't as bad as you might think! :D
Gnusgal said:
Are you aware of the fact that said sodium could add to your weight? By just cutting back on the sodium you'll loose water weight. My husband and I have been eating low sodium for years now, at least when we cook at home. We frequenly notice that things in restaurants are way too salty, now that we're used to our lower sodium cooking. The more we eat out, the more swelling I have. And just because those "lower sodium" soups say they have less sodium, doesn't mean there's none. Check the label. Most "regular" soups have somewhere in the 1,000 mg range (half the daily recomendation) and the "lower sodium" ones still have around 400-600. Whenever I go to the grocery store I make sure to choose the lowest sodium available. Sometimes it's just a matter of 10-50 mg difference, but I figure every little bit counts! I even have a brand of tortilla chips that I LOVE that had NO sodium at all! Yum! :) I hate it at restaurants when they add all that salt to it. If at all possible I ask for "no added salt" on any dish that they frequently sprinkle on top (like french fries).

Okay, enough sodium rambling for me. Just thought you might want to know it isn't as bad as you might think! :D

Pass the pretzels:p :D :p
Ack! I've go to go talk to a bunch of college kids this morning as a guest speaker on career planning. I would rather do my talking right here. At least, thanks to Cooker's Throw-Down, I fit better into my business suit than I did a few months ago, and that will help the confidence level.
Well, it is official!! I got on the scales this morning and it SUCKED!!!:eek: Up 3.5 lbs!!!:mad: I thought I could get away with the party on Friday and two parties on Sunday. NOT!!!!
I don?t want to get in the habit of having to catch up every week from the weekend. I need to get back to walking and then I think all would be well. I just can?t stay away from the sweets lately.:eek: There is a chemical need for sugar for me but that is another story. I am walking tonight even if it means missing Dancing With The Stars.:D :D
Cooker, for me, if I don't allow myself room for fluctuations that are going to result when I indulge, I set myself up for failure. On the other hand, if I allow myself the occasional indulgence as part of my "program," I don't have to feel like I failed. If the indulgence weren't "allowed," I'd eventually get weary of "climbing back on the wagon" and say, "aw, forget it." Personally, I stay away from the scale when I know it's going to chastise me--it's a good thing I don't have to get on it 'til Friday, because I had a bit of fun on the weekend too!

So, give yourself permission for what you already did--don't feel badly--and just be sure to do the walking and otherwise behave yourself:D ! There is still hope!

If anyone is interested in checking out Weight Watchers, they have a free week promotion going on for their online program:
Cooker. Your Snickers avatar is just not fair!!! I protest. We need the chimp behind the bars back!!!! Much more appropriate.

Here's a trick that a practically anorexic woman I know used for chocolate cravings. She would put Nestle's chocolate chips in a zip loc baggie in the freezer. Whenever she had a craving for chocolate she would grab a very few and let each melt in her mouth nice and slow.

Remember, it takes 10 minutes for your brain to hear from your stomach. That means, if you take 10 minutes to let a few chips melt in your mouth, your brain should feel satiated. Well, at least that's supposed to work with how slowly you eat your regular meals. If you don't gobble down your food, but choose to eat it slowly, it can alert your brain more accurately that you have had enough and you won't be apt to overeat.

Now, PLEASE change that avatar!!

I just thought I'd mention that Tom Thumb (our local grocery store) is just plain EVIL! I went in to buy the ingredients to make a very healthy pasta salad... And as soon as I walk in the door I'm assaulted by the heavenly smell of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies! :eek: I managed to close my eyes as I walked past the bakery and escaped without buying cookies, but boy was my mouth watering. And I know for a fact that they pump that smell into the entryway on purpose. Why else would it be stronger in the entry than right next to the bakery?!

Evil, I say. Evil.
Notable Quotable

Notable Quotable

The biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet books - how not to eat what you've just learned how to cook. ~Andy Rooney
Took a sneak peek at the scale this morning... Gained a pound from last weigh-in. Better get back on track by Friday! :eek: I guess now that all the packing is done I haven't been as active as last week. Gym, here I come!
Leaving tomorrow for another long weekend on weighed this a.m.....Drumroll:) :) Finally broke thru to another 1 lb. weigh loss.:D making a total of 5 lbs loss..I have never gained back any loss since starting....Took 2 weeks to lose this last 1 lb. O,K with that.......Losing nice and slowly..:D Bonnie
I haven't read through this thread yet since I've had so much going on the last few weeks that what I weigh has not been a priority on my list. HOWEVER, I am rapidly recovering and my weight is again becoming more of an issue with me. Is it too late to join in with the rest of you? I promise I will go back and read all the posts!

Late note:
OK, I've now read all the posts on this thread and now have to go back and find the other threads.
bvdr said:
I haven't read through this thread yet since I've had so much going on the last few weeks that what I weigh has not been a priority on my list. HOWEVER, I am rapidly recovering and my weight is again becoming more of an issue with me. Is it too late to join in with the rest of you? I promise I will go back and read all the posts!

Betty??.you are more that welcome!!!!! With the amount of weight some of us have to lose this thread should be going on for some time!!! We post out weight loss on Fridays. Most people share their starting weight but it is not necessary.

Glad you are joining us!!!!!!
bvdr said:
I haven't read through this thread yet since I've had so much going on the last few weeks that what I weigh has not been a priority on my list. HOWEVER, I am rapidly recovering and my weight is again becoming more of an issue with me. Is it too late to join in with the rest of you? I promise I will go back and read all the posts!

Betty. You are one of the loveliest people on here!! Is it too late to join? I suspect not! We NEED you!! We could certainly use all the support we can get and you are a very supportive person!

I don't know that we actually have any rules, except to 'fess up each week and proclaim our losses or gains. We give each other tips and support and laughter. Whether you read our past threads, or not, happy to have another dedicated person amongst us.

That's what has been good for me.....fessing up to people I already kind of know and knowing that they are thinking of me all week and comisserating!

Now post that weight and get thee a plan!! ;)

:D Marguerite
cooker said:
The biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet books - how not to eat what you've just learned how to cook. ~Andy Rooney

Hilarious! Love that Andy Rooney! For fun, decided to go over to the bookshelf (well 3 bookshelves, actually) and count my own cookbooks. 116! That's actually fewer than I suspected.....I kind of collect them. Only 2 are diet books (oh, hey, I didn't even count those) and most of them just sit around collecting dust anymore....but you never know when you might want a new salad or fish or...or....or.....recipe!

Has this been part of my problem?? Probably!!

OK, I'm in! This is pretty hard for me to post since no one in the world other than my doctors and husband know how much I really weigh. I suppose my computer won't self destruct when I hit the send button but here goes..

9/5/07 when I weighed in for cervical surgery I was 186 lbs.
9/24/07 at my check up I weighed 187 lbs.

My home scale is adjusted to equal the doctor's scale so I will go with the starting weight of 187 and use that as this Fridays weigh-in.

My husband of 41 years (the same amount of time as several of you:) ) had a gastric lap-band surgery in June. It has required a big time change in his eating habits. It has been very successful for him and if I don't start trimming down then he will someday weigh less than me. Medically he needed to get the weight off and opted for that surgery. He flys every several weeks up to Detroit to see his surgeon and have the band adjusted. I have not lost weight vicariously while watching his success but now here I come! Thanks again everyone!
bvdr said:
OK, I'm in! This is pretty hard for me to post since no one in the world other than my doctors and husband know how much I really weigh. I suppose my computer won't self destruct when I hit the send button but here goes..

9/5/07 when I weighed in for cervical surgery I was 186 lbs.
9/24/07 at my check up I weighed 187 lbs.

My home scale is adjusted to equal the doctor's scale so I will go with the starting weight of 187 and use that as this Fridays weigh-in.

My husband of 41 years (the same amount of time as several of you:) ) had a gastric lap-band surgery in June. It has required a big time change in his eating habits. It has been very successful for him and if I don't start trimming down then he will someday weigh less than me. Medically he needed to get the weight off and opted for that surgery. He flys every several weeks up to Detroit to see his surgeon and have the band adjusted. I have not lost weight vicariously while watching his success but now here I come! Thanks again everyone!


Why not use the 9-24 weight has your starting point and weigh in the morning and post might be down some!!!! Many have shown loss and gain so this is kind of an up and down kind of thing. We are having a great deal of fun with it and I don't think anyone has felt any embarrassment!!!


OK, I'm in! This is pretty hard for me to post since no one in the world other than my doctors and husband know how much I really weigh. I suppose my computer won't self destruct when I hit the send button but here goes..

9/5/07 when I weighed in for cervical surgery I was 126 lbs.
9/24/07 at my check up I weighed 127 lbs.

My home scale is adjusted to equal the doctor's scale so I will go with the starting weight of 127 and use that as this Fridays weigh-in.

My husband of 41 years (the same amount of time as several of you ) had a gastric lap-band surgery in June. It has required a big time change in his eating habits. It has been very successful for him and if I don't start trimming down then he will someday weigh less than me. Medically he needed to get the weight off and opted for that surgery. He flys every several weeks up to Detroit to see his surgeon and have the band adjusted. I have not lost weight vicariously while watching his success but now here I come! Thanks again everyone!

Yeah, Betty, like Cooker said just use the 9/24 weight above!:D So glad to have another cohort. Welcome aboard!
PJmomrunner said:

Yeah, Betty, like Cooker said just use the 9/24 weight above!:D So glad to have another cohort. Welcome aboard!

I like the way you think! Imagine dropping 60 lbs just like that!:)