Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 9-21

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Just a note for everyone - make sure you are getting the calories you need. If you are cutting way back on calories your body will hang on to any weight, starvation mode.

Sometimes the way out of a plateau is to eat more - to go ahead and have a weekend where you eat lots of good stuff. Now 3 weeks isn't a plateau - so don't try using that excuse yet.
Karlynn's right!
"Starvation mode" doesn't work. That's what I've learned in 3+ years of being a Weight Watchers member.

I've been watching all of y'all's efforts and you're doing a great job! If one week you don't lose or gain, congratulate yourself that you maintained. If one week you gain 1 pound, congratulate yourself that you gained ONLY 1 pound.

On Olive Garden: I usually get the whole-wheat pasta, or soup & salad. I like the whole-wheat pasta at Macaroni Grill better, though, because you can choose the "build your pasta" option. Eat 1/2 and take the other 1/2 home for lunch the next day.

Good luck during the coming week!
Starvation Mode

Starvation Mode

I asked my sister. how did you lose so much weight about 10 years ago?she said, on 900 calories a day:eek: Her body went into the starvation mode..but..she gained all of it back..within a year..and said, she knows that is what is wrong with her now..Very bad feet, legs...can barely walk...She has huge legs..I am trying to talk her into quitting fast food. Lives alone and that is ALL she eats....With my diet food, ect. I am getting 1,500 calories a day..but not near what the younger members are doing for my age 67..not worth the pain..:p I was 145 lb when I had my surgery 5 years ago..gained 30 lbs from traveling, fast-food, with giving up Fast-Food. hope to see half of that year.:D Bonnie
Has anyone got some wisdom to offer on identifying this startvation-mode???

I dont think I am in startvation-mode but then again how would you know?...I am more inclined to think its "calories in vs. calories out" that is at the centre of my inability to lose. Like Karlynn , I am only 10-15 pounds over my desired weight. I am finding it almost impossible to shift this last bit of flab :(

By the way...I am thrilled for all here on the challenge that continue to lose some of those extra kilos/pounds (and a little jealous;) )

Summer is fast approaching here so I have until 1st December to get a "Bikini-body" .:eek:
Earlier today, I wrote I was going to treat myself to a scone at the coffeehouse today but eat only part of it and save morsels for the weekend. Yeah, right! They had fresh blueberry scones. Ate every crumb. Yum! :)

No starvation mode for me! :D
I'm back online! However, the scale is packed, so I can't weigh in just yet. Maybe I'll find it in the morning (or maybe it's conveniently lost forever... ;) Kidding!). I didn't do great with the food (fast food burger, but no fries, chicken wings [hubby's surprise], and mexican), but not horrible either. Surely all the packing and carrying boxes should prevent me from having GAINED at the very least. I'll let you know when I find the scale. Thanks for all the support!
Well, my weekend is shot. But for the best of reasons. My daughter and I are having a surprise party for Glenn tonight because he turns 49 on Monday and he's leaving the company he's been with for 20 years, in a leap of faith, to scale back on his busy life. My son, DIL and granddaughter live 9 hours away and I figured they couldn't make it in for the party. Much to my surprise, I walked through the door yesterday morning after running errands and there sat my almost 1 year-old grandbaby on her scooter toy in our entry-way smiling and waving at me. Derek and Lauren popped out from their hiding place and yelled SURPRISE! It was also Lauren's birthday - so we took them out for dinner and I bought a her a cake.

Maybe the busy-ness of the weekend will make me to distracted to eat much!
We didn't want to deal with this subject yesterday, so here goes:

Cindy's statement:

I am up 4 pounds above my original weight, which puts me at 158. I'm having a hard time getting back on track.:eek: Now I'm back to trying again, so wish me success this week.

Wise's statement:

No change. Still up from my original weight; holding my own, but nearly not. Haven't felt good (allergies), but that's just an excuse. Back on track with Cindy. The week of my birthday proved to be eat eat eat week which left us weak the next week.

Our next report will be in the right direction. :eek:
Re starvation mode: My "diet" (which has helped me lose a dozen pounds so far) consists basically of two things: (1) Not eating so much bread and potatoes, (2) snacking on much healthier food during nighttime hours instead of just eating whatever I can put my hands on. I already had given up fast food for the most part, and because of being type2, wasn't eating many sweets.

Otherwise, I eat pretty much as I was before, so I don't think I've put myself into the starvation mode.

We do tend to talk a lot on here about what we are denying ourselves in the way of food. Maybe it would be good for us (me included) to talk more about the healthy foods we are learning to love. The joy of asparagus, for instance. :) :) :)
Ok here is my take on the starvation mode. It does not exist for me?.if I get hungry I eat. My problem is that many times I eat out of boredom and I read somewhere that people confuse hunger for thirst and I am sure this applies to me.

The changes I made are simple. I cut way back on breads, rice, potatoes and sweets. I have not put a dime in the snack machine in four weeks.:D I am drinking more water, tea and less sodas. If were exercising the way I should I would be damn near perfect.:p

In my book there is no mystery to weight loss. The equation is simple, more calories burned than consumed.:rolleyes: The problem, the choices I make. I love sex and I love pizza but lets face it, pizza goes better with football games (most of the time).:D ;) :D

Originally Posted by PJmomrunner
I weighed 167.5 this morning. That's 3 pounds since last week and 11.5 total! Thanks for being here, people!

Great job!!! Any pointers that you can share??

Weight Watchers. In my estimation, WW is about portion control, moderation and forgiveness. My 16-year-old daughter had talked about joining WW for a couple months and I finally bit the bullet and shelled out the $65 for the first three months. Since we are similar in size and I didn't want to spend $130, she's the actual member and I sort of piggyback.

We do WW online. They offer two different programs. I know nothing about one, the other is a points system. We are allowed to eat 24 points of food each day PLUS we have an additional 35 points of food to spread out over the week as we choose. The WW website has a huge database of point values for different foods as well as a calculator to enter nutrition facts into to generate point values. In addition, WW gives extra points for physical activity, so on days when I walk an hour, I get 4 extra points. My daughter enters everything she eats into a point tracker and I compare what she eats to what I eat and adjust accordingly.

I never seem to use my activity points (not by plan, I just don't feel the need enough to jeopardize the weightloss momentum). I've come to think of those points as an extra pound lost.

A typical weekday of food is:
Breakfast: 1 C. cereal + 1/2 C. skim milk (4 points) OR 1 egg and 2 whites scrambled with 3 slices Butterball turkey bacon (4.5 points)

Snack: Dannon Light and Fit nonfat yogurt (1 point)

Lunch: Wrap with Aunt Millie's high fiber wrap thing (I'm out and don't know exactly what they're called but they contain flax seed, no fat, and 7 grams of fiber), two slices of Healthy Choice Chicken luncheon meat, tomato, onion, two leaves of romaine lettuce and mustard and nonfat mayo)(3 points) and a small apple (1 point) and a WW or Skinny Cow Fudgcicle/ ice cream treat (1-3 points)

Dinner: 4 oz. pork tenderloin or chicken or turkey (3.5 points), medium baked potato with promise fat free spread (2.5 points) and a heap of green beans or asparagus or brocolli or just about any vegetable, sometimes plain, sometimes sauted with garlic or onions and herbs (1 point or no points) and an ice cream treat for dessert (1-3 points)

Snack: ANOTHER ice cream treat (these always involve chocolate!) (1-3 points)

For a total of 19 to 24 points. On the weekends, starting Friday night, I drink 2 or three generous glasses of lovely red wine, eat a normal (as above) breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and a nice dinner out. When eating out I eat one piece of bread--at a usual restaurant that's usually a small piece of foccacia--I always order salads with dressing on the side and dip my fork in the dressing before each bite to minimise dressing use and I order fish or pasta arrabiata or just about anything not-saucy. I just don't like a lot of cheesy, drippy gunk on my food. I might order a petit filet or sirloin steak. Often, especially if I get to go out to dinner twice on a weekend, I'll have an appetizer of bruschetta (with loads of tomatoes) and follow that with a mushroom, spinach, red onion and kalamata olive woodfired pizza with NO CHEESE or oil. (Some restaurants don't even blink, some obviously think we're (hubby does this too) nuts. Honestly, it's delicious. The kalamatas are important because they add the saltiness that lacks without the cheese.) I don't count points on weekends, but I try to eat reasonably healthily without completely restricting and I don't have desserts except my ice cream treats. And wine. Plenty of wine. And ice cold water constantly. On Mondays I'm back to behaving and I don't weigh until Friday.

For exercise, I walk 1 to 1 1/2 hours twice a week with friends and once or twice with my daughter on the weekends. I also go rowing with my husband on Saturdays--my only physical activity involves getting the boat from the roof of the car to the water, which is a workout for me and at the upper limit of my lifting restriction. He does the rowing, I tell him where to go:D !

I find this very do-able. My daughter's weight is just falling off. She's lost 18 pounds. She's a very picky eater--eats almost no vegetables. But WW works really well for her. They encourage eating fruits and veggies, but it's all about the points. We keep saying we're going to have a day where we each eat nothing but 24 fudgcicles!:D
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Okay, apparently moving agrees with weight loss! I realize, of course, that it could be that in the move the scale got slightly off, but I really don't want to think of it that way. Instead, I'll just think of it as big progress on my part! ;) So here's my weigh-in a day late:

Starting weight: 142
Last week: 138
Today: 135
Loss this week: 3
Total loss: 7

I also got to thinking that it may have been the time of day I was weighing. I didn't actually find the scale until about 10 this morning, but I'd been up for 4 hours. I'd taken my lasix, but I hadn't eaten anything yet (really need to hit the grocery store!). I'm wondering if maybe that gave me time to get rid of the water weight accumulated over night.

Well, no matter what it was, I'm pretty happy to see the big (for me) drop when I had to rely on eating out so much. Hopefully we'll be finished unpacking the kitchen soon and we can start cooking again. We eat so much better when we do! Today I ate a Healthy Choice low sodium soup (half a can) for lunch. I just didn't want to eat drive through again! Maybe I can get things cleaned up enough by tonight to make a simple meal.
Started: 255lbs
This morning 250lbs

Same loss (but much different starting point!) for Barb. She says thanks to Tom for getting this started. There are just the two of us here, and it's a big help to work on this together.

Actually Cindy and I have been on WW also. We haven't done as well as you, but that's out fault.

You make some very good suggestions. We will look for those wraps; if you remember the names of them later, please let us know. It's hard to find good things like that around here.

Keep up the good work!

Wise & Cindy
Dennis S said:
Started: 255lbs
This morning 250lbs

Same loss (but much different starting point!) for Barb. She says thanks to Tom for getting this started. There are just the two of us here, and it's a big help to work on this together.

Great job!! It will take time but we all will reach our goal!!!

I thought the bird might be a Bluebird but the amount of redish color threw me off. It was close to the one in my guide. We do not get many here unless boxes are up and maintained.

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