Cooker's Throwdown Friday III --- 9-24

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I can get fat just reading this thread!!! Happy anniversary, SB et ux.

I weighed myself this morning, but forgot what it was by the time I got the computer on. So I have to weigh again tomorrow, and behave in the meantime. Sigh.

I've been working my TAIL off in cardiac rehab. Seriously, rehab is kicking my butt. I'm fairly tired when I finish, and then it catches up to me after dinner. I went to bed at 9 last night, and didn't get up until after 7 this morning! At least it burns some calories.

I haven't asked for more work from the office yet, either, having just completed the projects I was given today. Betcha they'll have more for me when I stop by tomorrow to take the files back.

Given how tired rehab makes me, I'll probably just work part time the first couple of weeks of October, especially if I continue with the rehab during that period. Boss just called and asked (among other things) when I was coming back to work full time. Yes, dear.
It's a Happy 44th Anniversary for SuperBob and his wife, so SB, please celebrate and have FOUR pieces of cake..!!

No can have all of these cakes you like..:angel:

I am usually not a fan of cakes but I want to jump through the screen and dig in. That looks incredible sinful!;)
OK ... I have had my cake and ate it too:tongue2: .... Back on track with the secret Chimp plan and will be rooting for the guys and sending subliminal treat messages to the gals:biggrin2: .... On to victory men!!!:thumbup:
Starting Weight: 160
Last Week: 159
This Week: 160

Oh Man. Sorry guys......................
This morning:
133.4 I think that's down a tad from last week, but still over goal.

Now we're going out for pancakes. I have to go OUT for pancakes because I don't have a pop-pop around to make them for me!
Well, thunder and tarnation...!!

Well, thunder and tarnation...!!

Can I blame it on all those wonderful Canadian cakes, pies, donuts, chocolates - yes, you could even buy melted chocolate in a cup and eat it with a spoon..:redface2:

My weakness is baked goods and they have the absolute best this side of Paris..:thumbup: Would y'all Canadians shape up and quit tempting me..:angel::biggrin2:

And my sister and BIL are here from Long Beach for a visit and we live in restaurant heaven in this little between the holiday in food-heaven-Canada and the wonderful restaurants here, the dreadful result is a 6.5 gain.:eek2: And to top all this off, tomorrow is our Momma's 95th birthday and it's party time again..!

Now, where is SuperBob's lawn mower calorie burner chart...:biggrin2: I have some penance to do..:rolleyes2:
Janie, you had good reason to gain. Don't worry; the Chimp's off on another food tear so he'll counterbalance your gain.:wink2::biggrin2:

I knocked off a pound. It should have been more, but I won't quibble.

Last week: 160
This week: 159
Loss: 1 pound

Guess Superbob's computer is still down? Maybe he's busy making pop pop pancakes? We can only hope!:angel:
Fear not, ladies, Superbob is back, ready to rescue damsels. ;) Have computer prob partially solved. The old base PC at least fires up enough to activate the network and let me use the Mac for networking. But I can't get on PC central yet --- oh well, next to unplug everything and try again. But Superbob is grateful for now just being back on line. Probably going to need to bite the bullet (no prob for Man of Steel) before long and replace that old puter. :rolleyes2:

Okay, Superbob's original steel weight: 266.6

Last week: 258

This week: 257.4

Loss in past week: .6

Duffey is quite right that having lost 6 pounds in a week, The Chimp seems on a course to gain 12 by next weigh-in. So take heart, gals. Also, Superbob is slowing down, and tonight will take DW to an anniversary feast. So despair not, gals, though the reporting so far looks like it will be good for the boys this week. :D:D:D
Hi All - checking in from the tropics in Central Texas! (Everyday a tropical shower this week) All those goodies Janie- who knew you'd find Texas donuts in Canada!! I've gained more than that on vacation before and with all the birthday celebrating starting this weekend who knows what the scales will look like next week. I have to remind myself I do have good choices eating out - just so hard to resist the really good/bad stuff.

Laurie - don't let them push you around at work. Only do what you can do and give yourself time to get your stamina back.

I'm happy to report a loss of 1.8 this week! I had to work really hard for that too! I took my two mile walks 3 times this week and even made it back to Curves once. Don't have the stamina I used to, but can still manage the circuit, just can't push as hard as I'd like.

Go ahead and breakdown and buy that 'puter SB - you'll love having a newer faster and probably cheaper machine than you have now.

I concur that the Chimpman will not keep up this 6 lb loss monkey business Do they have such a thing as Carbaholics Anonymous??:biggrin2::angel: SB is slowing down a little too. ..... so we gals aren't worried! :rolleyes2: We are halfway through the race as of this week!

This Week: 193.4
Last Week : 195.2
Loss: 1.8

Later gators! Let's Go Gals!
Glad that The Chimp's heart is functioning well even if other parts are not doing quite as well. :p

Superbob had some nice broiled seafood for anniversary dinner and then just couldn't resist so he and DW got the largest strawberry shortcake I have ever seen and we ate it all. So the gals here would have been thrilled. At least Sb has not had to go to ER -- yet -- with soaring blood sugar. :eek:

Never fear, though, Superbob now has Shape-Up shoes that are going to help him and Superdawg walk extra miles and burn cals. :D Leaving the girlies behind....:rolleyes:
Thinks Rhena must be heavily into comfort food -- maybe even some good booze -- after her Longhorns got wiped out by UCLA -- and on the Horns' home field! :eek:

Unfortunately for the boys, The Chimp may be eating multiple Snickers bars washed down with thick milkshakes while mourning the Gamecocks' loss to Auburn.

Meanwhile, Superbob is celebrating his Volunteers' double-OT win over UAB. Yes, UAB. Playing a bunch of freshmen, we Vol faithful take wins anywhere we can get them. :)
Thinks Rhena must be heavily into comfort food -- maybe even some good booze -- after her Longhorns got wiped out by UCLA -- and on the Horns' home field! :eek:

Unfortunately for the boys, The Chimp may be eating multiple Snickers bars washed down with thick milkshakes while mourning the Gamecocks' loss to Auburn.

Meanwhile, Superbob is celebrating his Volunteers' double-OT win over UAB. Yes, UAB. Playing a bunch of freshmen, we Vol faithful take wins anywhere we can get them. :)

Well the goose hung high for a spell but in usual Gamecock fashion it came crashing down in the 4th quarter ... it is what it is ... pass the pound cake and milk shakes ... NOT:thumbup:
I guess I didn't really take a sabbatical. It ended up being a mental health day, or something like that. I swear that sometimes I think an off-balance thyroid makes you feel evil.

Anyway, I'm back at it, which is the good news. The bad news is that I'm up in weight (but not as much as I was last week when I didn't post). My last weight was 174. This week's weight is 175.7, a gain of 1.7. Sorry fellows, maybe I should not have reported until next week.

Cindy last weighed 142.1. This week she weighs 141.9, for a loss of .2.

We are getting more activity in and back on track. Both of us are up from out starting weights for this particular challenge, but we're getting it together.
Well, I took my doctors advise and haven't been trying to loose any more weight. However, I have been working 16 hours + a day renovating the house and despite eating like a horse last week, still came up with a loss.

Last Week: 81.4kg
This Week: 80.9kg
Loss: 0.5Kg
Total Loss: 22.6Kg
Total Pumpkin Race Loss: 3.1Kg
Well, I took my doctors advise and haven't been trying to loose any more weight. However, I have been working 16 hours + a day renovating the house and despite eating like a horse last week, still came up with a loss.

Last Week: 81.4kg
This Week: 80.9kg
Loss: 0.5Kg
Total Loss: 22.6Kg
Total Pumpkin Race Loss: 3.1Kg

Way to go, Scott, even if it was an accidental or incidental or unauthorized weight loss. :D:D My conversion chart says that was a 12 pound loss for the week. Got that, Rhena? ;)

Okay, I know the gals are too smart for me to put that over on them. ;) Actually it was a 1.102 pound loss, which adds to a pretty good weight loss for we of the beefcake side, Superbob would venture to say. :cool: Looking forward to your dandy revised spreadsheet, Rhena. :)

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