Cooker's Throwdown Friday III -- 9-17

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Okay, guys and dolls, The Great Pumpkin Race continues.

Weigh in proudly this week, guys; I think we've got the baby dolls on the run. :p The Texas gals haven't been heard from, and the Yo-Yo queen is busily consuming those Hershey candy bars someone mysteriously keeps sending her. :rolleyes:

So I think we can close the gap some more this week on the way to our glorious comeback win!

If newcomers are looking in on this thread and wondering what the heck, we started the Throwdown about 3 years ago to keep track of our weights and hopefully get where we needed/wanted to be. That continues. Feel to join in the discussion or the weight-loss reporting.

Meanwhile, to add a little extra spice, we started a 10-week special competition between the guys and gals ending just before Halloween. We're calling it The Great Pumpkin Race. So far the girls are ahead, but they are obviously over-confident and lack staying power, so the boys surely shall prevail. :D Join in if you like -- especially if you are a dude losing serious weight. :p

Happy new weigh-in week, everyone. The Man of Steel will weigh tomorrow.
I weighed in early after visiting the doc the other day. It's good news, bad news from me this week.

Last Week: 82.4kg
This Week: 81.4kg
Loss: 1Kg
Total Loss: 22.1Kg
Total Pumpkin Race Loss: ummmmm......2.6Kg I think??

The bad news for the guys is that my doctor thinks I am now at my ideal weight, and I shouldn't be trying to lose any more.
Scott, congratulations! That is a 2.2 pound loss for the week (if my kilograms to pounds conversion is correct)...But congratulations even more for reaching your doctor-approved ideal weight. We will count on you for maintenance at your healthy weight from now on. An ideal weight is something big ol' Superbob probably will never see, but he will keep striving. But what you have accomplished is exactly what we hope for with the Throwdown. So folks like you and Laurie (Agilitydog) have already won the race.

The rest of us guys and dolls will continue, however, with our fight to the finish. :D
Smokin' hot is right! At noontime, Superbob saw many Throwdowners cavorting in the "chat" area. (Remember, SB has x-ray vision and he can see you!) Duffey, Bina (associate member), even.... The Chimp! ... all chatting and ignoring their duty to check in with the Throwdown! And with The Chimp involved, Lord knows what monkey business was going on behind the closed doors of that room! :p:p

So Superbob is smokin' hot mad that his new thread was ignored while Throwdowners cavorted (probably nekkid, with webcams). There is going to be some serious pain meted out if you folks don't get in line. No more Mr. Nice Guy! :rolleyes::p
Nekkid Chatting VS Throwdown Reporting ... :confused2: ... let me see now ... getting the scales out to weigh both sides ... um, er, sorry SB .... nekkid chat won hands dow... well never mind where my hands are:biggrin2::cool2::eek2:
Nekkid Chatting VS Throwdown Reporting ... :confused2: ... let me see now ... getting the scales out to weigh both sides ... um, er, sorry SB .... nekkid chat won hands dow... well never mind where my hands are:biggrin2::cool2::eek2:

Get a haircut, Chimp! The guys will win, uh, hands down if you do. :p:p
Don't be braggin' too much yet Boys (and I don't mean theCowboys!) I've done pretty well this week food wise - we shall see if the scales will reward me.

OK OK I guess I have to say it - good job Scott. Too bad your were born the wrong gender. ;) Congrats on reaching ideal weight!! I'm with SB - I'm not sure I'll ever be where I'd like to be - but really just want to feel good about myself and be healthy.

Janie already warned us she was going to be out this week. She is probably eating it up somewhere. I see Duffey is getting sabotaged by some member of the opposite sex who has been bribing her husband. You will be found out whoever you are! You had Texas cake? I'm from Texas and I dont' even know what that is but it is bound to be good and also big!

So - the guys may (and I said may) have us beat this week - but you haven't won the race!! You ain't skeering me off by any means!

Cindy I do hope you stick with us even though your hubby is taking a break for awhile. We all need that from time to time. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well Wise.

I'm not sure what all the controversy is about that everyone is flapping over. :confused: I haven't visited the chat rooms and I kind of stick to this forum pretty much. That is fixing to change though as I need to start doing some more research on what valve I think I want, what questions to ask etc. I have an appt with the Surgeon Monday and his nurse told me to come prepared with dates. I'm trying not to panic!:eek2:
Wow, Rhena, didn't realize you were at the point of seeing the surgeon. Obviously, for all that, the boys are on your side. :) Hopefully our good natured competition is helping you relax. You will do fine when the time comes, I'm sure. We'll all here to help in any way we can. Cheers....
Superbob, why weren't you in nekkid chat with us?????:confused2: Too good for our nekkidness?:eek2:
My nekkidness is insulted!:mad2::mad2:

Now, have you forgotten your original question?:thumbup:
Superbob refuses to go into a nekkid chat with a nekkid Chimp running amok. Gross! :eek::eek:

Superbob will get nekkid for his weigh-in tomorrow morning. (So long as there are no hot Mexican female reporters beside his scales seeking an interview.) :p:p:p

If Superbob went nekkid into nekkid chat, it would so discombobulate the ladies that they would be unable to concentrate on the Great Pumpkin Race. So Superbob is doin' ya a favor by staying in his tights and cape. ;)
Good thing you missed nekkid chat. You might be too close to surgery to undergo such a shock!:eek2::biggrin2::biggrin2:

No kidding! That'd really set my heart to racing. The thought is even difficult to imagine without giggling! :eek::biggrin2:

SB you are such a big teddy bear but with a heart of steel of course. I know all my Throwdown buds will be there for me. I've had a false alarm before, but thsi time my Aug echo was 'significantly different' won't bore you with all the details. Plus I can notice differences, like when walking with the 'girls' at lunch, I can keep up with them walking , but I can't do that and keep up with them gabbing. Just not enogh breath for both. Stairs a little harder to climb, etc. Long hrs at work aren't helping my energy level any either. OK OK - yes, I will have some cheese with my whine. :smile2:

I'm hopin for like Jan. Feb to start a fresh year with 2 weeks sick leave that'll get to me to short term disability. I can up my Flexible spending, acct., etc. We'll see what the surgeon has to say. Hope this doesn't impact my cruise for my parents 60th wedding anniversary in early Nov. My cardio knows though and didn't say no, but did kind of frown.

Anyway - all the more reason to motivate me to lose those lbs and beat the boys' nekkid butts! :biggrin2::eek2::thumbup: Plus I'll look a lot better for the next nekkid chat.:angel:
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1. Rhena ... Hope the timing works out like you want, we have you in our prayers ... it appears that I can absorb the weight you need to lose through the INTERNET osmosis:redface2:

2. SuperBob ... don't be skeered of nekkid chimps ... we are much more subdued in our natural (nekkid) state :biggrin2:

3. I'm up ... sorry men ... stress eating is kicking my butt:mad2:

Starting Weight: 233
Last Week: 198.5
This Week: 203

Great Pumpkin Race
Starting Weight: 200
Last Week: 198.2
This Week: 203
Plus Three For The Race:thumbd:
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Sorry I've been MIA lately.
I whined to my bosses that I was bored, so they sent me some work to do from home. A LOT of work. With deadlines.

Of course, I've also had doctor's appointments and intake for cardio rehab, up near the office, which meant I had to grab lunch wherever I could. Not good for someone trying to minimize lasix intake!
Yesterday my boss called while I was at rehab and wanted to send a file to the house. So instead I met him for lunch and he brought me the file.
With all this driving, I may as well BE at work, except for the fatigue factor. I'm worn out today after two days of running around town and working at home, but I've got a big project to finish.

Anyway, because of those restaurant meals I'm up this week, at 134.5 Blech. But most of it is water and will come back off next week. Sorry to let you down this week, gals.

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