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Michelle D

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2010
I tell you guys everything and so you all know I'm going to school for mental health counseling. I've read a lot about biofeedback, I have learned to control my heart rate by listening to a heart rate that I want to match. I've decided whether or not my heart remodels itself out of having PVCs, PACs, and a-fib I will make it my lifes work to learn how to control them with biofeedback. I knew out of this surgery I'd find something worth fighting for and this is it my friends. And I always do what I say I'll do. I think it can be done, I truly do so I'll will get trained in biofeedback as soon as I can.
I also will watch your updates with great interest. The only thing I found that helped me with the PVCs is 4+/day grams of purified fish oil, lovaza. This may sound crazy, but it was almost soothing for my heart, sort of like a gulp of pepto for an upset stomach.
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So far I have found only a few things that make them worse and nothing that makes them better. One Reeces pb cup can ruin my night, eating too quickly anything heavy or spicy, believe it or not dairy products, going for relaxed and sitting to active and standing too quickly, and of course anxiety.

Last night I've had them the worst ever, I had one after the fourth beat, then after the second beat, then a few times in a row after every beat, then repeat for about three hours. When I'd have them after each beat a few times in a row I'd get a little light headed. There are three things that may have caused this, I'm having my period, I ate a lot yesterday, or I took a Valium which I don't take often.

I still can find no record of anyone being able to control their rhythm with biofeedback so hopefully in a few years when I'm certified to do biofeedback I'll figure it out and I will definetly let you guys know.
I would think it would be interesting to look at different cultures, and their occurrence of PVCs. I often wonder if diet and environmental variables have a big influence.
It would be interesting to see the prevalence in other cultures. But I'm sure there will be more documented occurrences here since we are probably more likely to go to the doctor about it, we live in a kind of paranoid culture.

I just think that it us amazing that our doctors just tell us to stop worrying and send us home. Something needs to be done.
....The only thing I found that helped me with the PVCs is 4+/day grams of purified fish oil, lovaza. This may sound crazy, but it was almost soothing for my heart, sort of like a gulp of pepto for an upset stomach.

Very interesting, Todd. Lovaza fish oil? Not anyother kind of fish oil?! Did it also help with your glycerides?! How long have you been taking this?

I am going to check into this. I take 1000 mg of regular non-fishy-taste fish oil. I will double the mount and listen to my PVCs :)
I would encourage Everyone who takes Fish Oil to ask their Cardiologist about the Maximum Dose he recommends. My Carkio told me to take NO MORE THAN 1000 mg.
I would encourage Everyone who takes Fish Oil to ask their Cardiologist about the Maximum Dose he recommends.

MY Cardio recommended 1000 mg / day MAXIMUM and No More than the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of Vitamin E and CoQ10.
I know for me... pb cups did the same... I am pretty sure it was the caffeine in the chocolate, stress is also huge factor..before surgery and after and of course not enough water intake.. if I pay attention to all of these.. I am good to go.. no weird beats at all... hope you figure it out Michelle I know how bothersome it can be... take care..
That's wonderful, Michelle! Way to jump in and do it! I didn't really think about someone being trained in biofeedback. What a fabulous thing to be!!! Imagine all the people you can help with all kinds of things.

And if you are researching other cultures, as Hook suggests, why not talk to a very broadly trained acupuncturist and see if you can learn anything there. I don't think I ever did ask my acupuncturist about PVC/s. She helped me with my scar, though! And in just getting everything healing in the right direction. I don't doubt that there might be some avenue in acupuncture to explore for PVCs.

Keep us posted on your very interesting new direction!

And hang in there. In time, much of this may calm down on it's own. Remember, your heart is still dancing with joy to be functioning as it should; and quite suddenly so. Be patient.

:eek:) Marguerite
I know for me... pb cups did the same... I am pretty sure it was the caffeine in the chocolate, stress is also huge factor..before surgery and after and of course not enough water intake.. if I pay attention to all of these.. I am good to go.. no weird beats at all... hope you figure it out Michelle I know how bothersome it can be... take care..

Very true! My heart reacts quickly to caffeine and to decaffeinated coffee or coke which I can easily stop. But my weakness are the chocolates.

Water water water! Yes, it makes a huge positive difference when I drink enough fluids.

I'm on a 24 hour holter today. I hope we can pinpoint some triggers.

Good luck and let us know :)
Could the key be to ignore them? If you have checked with the doctor and he determines they are benign, i think that ignoring them actually could help as crazy as that sounds. I have them still after surgery, but they don't bother me as much. I notice that whenever i get stressed over them it makes them way worse.
I try but sometimes the trigamy makes me a little dizzy which isn't good when driving for instance. I have many more than I notice.
I try but sometimes the trigamy makes me a little dizzy which isn't good when driving for instance. I have many more than I notice.

Ah. It is easier said than done. The other night i was having a bad spell and will get a cold sweat and start becoming anxious.
I had so many PVCs that were beating so hard that I went to the emergency room one night. I already took a 1 mg Xanax on my way in and they gave me an injection of another 1 mg before I left and still loaded on Xanax I still couldn't ignore the pounding. But one thing that helps is leaning forward and coughing hard. It doesn't always work and it doesn't last long but it can help if you are having bigamy or trigamy.

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