Choppers begin to get made today?

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I'm so aggravated that I can't sleep and I left out the part of where the Doc said he was going to talk to the people that make the dentures to see what they suggest. I don't know if he thinks they can pull rabbits out of hats or what, but I already know their suggestion is going to be implants, which is not even financially possible.

Got to thinking, you know, this guy has been in my mouth with his fingers a few times now. You can't tell me that he didn't know this before. I'm beginning to really feel like this place is a farce or at the very least, teaching new dental students deceptive practices. I'm really ashamed of them. When I told my PCP about it, he flipped out too. He said they told him they'd do me for free all the way around and then charged me the $5000+ for the original surgery.

does your pcp have any pull? I am with you. I would jump up and down, threaten to call my lawyer uncle, etc..........

how can they do this, esp knowing your situation re $? this is the unkindest cut.............

keep us in the loop. I'll be in touch when I get home (soon - maybe this weekend)

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