Choppers begin to get made today?

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I'm so aggravated that I can't sleep and I left out the part of where the Doc said he was going to talk to the people that make the dentures to see what they suggest. I don't know if he thinks they can pull rabbits out of hats or what, but I already know their suggestion is going to be implants, which is not even financially possible.

Got to thinking, you know, this guy has been in my mouth with his fingers a few times now. You can't tell me that he didn't know this before. I'm beginning to really feel like this place is a farce or at the very least, teaching new dental students deceptive practices. I'm really ashamed of them. When I told my PCP about it, he flipped out too. He said they told him they'd do me for free all the way around and then charged me the $5000+ for the original surgery.
Do you think they are legally responsible to finish the job they started?
I mean wouldn't this fall into the category of not completing a job or at
the worst pumping a patient for $$. They sound like alot of garages I went
to "fix" my car. I hope you can get them to do what they are supposed to
do for you,but it seems fair practice and morality have gone out the
window when it comes to just about any area in business these days.
Hope things work out,its to the point where you are making me want a
steak and I don't even eat beef anymore--good luck!
Do you think they are legally responsible to finish the job they started?
I mean wouldn't this fall into the category of not completing a job or at
the worst pumping a patient for $$. They sound like alot of garages I went
to "fix" my car. I hope you can get them to do what they are supposed to
do for you,but it seems fair practice and morality have gone out the
window when it comes to just about any area in business these days.
Hope things work out,its to the point where you are making me want a
steak and I don't even eat beef anymore--good luck!

This is the exact analogy I used telling Lyn. Sell you one job, then evolve it into others.
Ahhh, geewizz Ross -- sorry to hear about all this. And here I thought that you would be getting your new chompers soon.

Don't give up my friend or get down about it, it will happen for you, you'll see! :)
Unbelieveable! Only thing I could think to even say. Hope it all works out for you. My DH is going through 2 implants right now for a receding lower jaw before they can make new teeth. These guys think we have some kind of a money tree! Hang tough Ross.
GEEEEZ Ross i'm just reading this post and good grief
That dam black cloud ever move away:(
The sun will shine,but when it does you'll have a big white smile:)
to show,you will.;)

zipper2 (DEB)
Well now, just got off the phone with Dr. Young and he said that the people who make the dentures can/will work around the Torus Manibularis (2), so surgery won't be needed. They're making me wait 6 more weeks though. I go for final impressions on June 10th. :D
Well now, just got off the phone with Dr. Young and he said that the people who make the dentures can/will work around the Torus Manibularis (2), so surgery won't be needed. They're making me wait 6 more weeks though. I go for final impressions on June 10th. :D

Bon's birthday. That must be a sign that all will go well.

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