Deep Breath
I start this new thread (here in ?SMALL TALK?) to ?type? my opinion on recent discussions dealing with subject matter/not subject matter.
Wow!!! Are we trying to get too clinical here? I have ?typed? answers to ?off topic? threads before and voiced my ?opinion? (just like A**Holes?everybody?s got ONE) on the need for some restraint but not censorship. I am guilty (as are others) of getting ?off topic? on a thread, much to the dismay of some. However, I served 26+ years in the military helping to defend ALL Americans (and other countries right?as a tip of the hat to our ?out of State? members) to say whatever they want, whether I agree with it or not. Of course, you can?t yell ?FIRE? in a crowded theater unless there really is one, but freedom is the cornerstone of most of our countries. I know, respect and understand that was founded and is maintained for a specific reason and monitors (Hank & Ross?to name a few) must exist to keep order. They normally do this in the background without us even knowing they are there?except when they removed the LOCATIONS?three wet noodles. There are some out there that need to be smitten from time to time. By its nature, the internet is open to both good and bad. That occasional hacker will ?join?, post some questionable thread, and then disappear. As a member of several other forums (ranging from ZAPPERs for my ICD, TRACTORS and OUTDOOR LIVING for my living in the country interest, to several game sites dealing with computer games I play (much to my Wife?s dismay), I see these sites go ?off subject? to items usually discussed around the ?water cooler?. For those who no longer work or are recovering from their surgery, these sites sometimes turn out to be our ?water cooler?.
I have been surprised by the ?fuddy duddies? that want to place specific limits on what our family can discuss here and/or limit our responses to brief ?subject matter? only. Unfortunately, I (like Ross) handle most challenges in my life with a strong sense of humor. It comes through some (not all) of my ?typings? here and at other sites. As Barry (I think) said, ?typing? does not lend itself to sarcastic humor because the tongue in cheek (another smilie Ross?) sometimes doesn?t come across. And Barry (not picking on you?yes I am) is one of those guys that enjoys walking (in this case "typing") into a group, bringing up some controversial topic, then sitting back and watching the reaction. My God, there have been almost 160 postings to the Terri thread!!!! Each of us here has life experiences and wisdom to share with others. It may be Drugs (both legal and illegal, been there, done that with one or the other?or both) or Guns. It may be Heart related. It may be related to other Hospital experiences or trials. It may be opinions about NDE, weird dreams or experiences, memory loss, Doctors and Surgeons, new members to our family (either person or pet), recent losses to our family (either person or pet), bad food experiences, or others that I have read (and mostly enjoyed) here since my short stay. I look at this site as our ?dinner table? where we can sit down and discuss our fears, loves, and experiences with others who have taken (or will take) a Heart Related Walk. I have cried, laughed out loud, and said ?you?ve got to be kidding me? on a lot of threads here. We all have a lot to share. Let us continue to allow sharing, without judging.
Must now sign off and go do my physical therapy. Enjoy.
May God Bless this Site, our Monitors, and All Its Members,
I start this new thread (here in ?SMALL TALK?) to ?type? my opinion on recent discussions dealing with subject matter/not subject matter.
Wow!!! Are we trying to get too clinical here? I have ?typed? answers to ?off topic? threads before and voiced my ?opinion? (just like A**Holes?everybody?s got ONE) on the need for some restraint but not censorship. I am guilty (as are others) of getting ?off topic? on a thread, much to the dismay of some. However, I served 26+ years in the military helping to defend ALL Americans (and other countries right?as a tip of the hat to our ?out of State? members) to say whatever they want, whether I agree with it or not. Of course, you can?t yell ?FIRE? in a crowded theater unless there really is one, but freedom is the cornerstone of most of our countries. I know, respect and understand that was founded and is maintained for a specific reason and monitors (Hank & Ross?to name a few) must exist to keep order. They normally do this in the background without us even knowing they are there?except when they removed the LOCATIONS?three wet noodles. There are some out there that need to be smitten from time to time. By its nature, the internet is open to both good and bad. That occasional hacker will ?join?, post some questionable thread, and then disappear. As a member of several other forums (ranging from ZAPPERs for my ICD, TRACTORS and OUTDOOR LIVING for my living in the country interest, to several game sites dealing with computer games I play (much to my Wife?s dismay), I see these sites go ?off subject? to items usually discussed around the ?water cooler?. For those who no longer work or are recovering from their surgery, these sites sometimes turn out to be our ?water cooler?.
I have been surprised by the ?fuddy duddies? that want to place specific limits on what our family can discuss here and/or limit our responses to brief ?subject matter? only. Unfortunately, I (like Ross) handle most challenges in my life with a strong sense of humor. It comes through some (not all) of my ?typings? here and at other sites. As Barry (I think) said, ?typing? does not lend itself to sarcastic humor because the tongue in cheek (another smilie Ross?) sometimes doesn?t come across. And Barry (not picking on you?yes I am) is one of those guys that enjoys walking (in this case "typing") into a group, bringing up some controversial topic, then sitting back and watching the reaction. My God, there have been almost 160 postings to the Terri thread!!!! Each of us here has life experiences and wisdom to share with others. It may be Drugs (both legal and illegal, been there, done that with one or the other?or both) or Guns. It may be Heart related. It may be related to other Hospital experiences or trials. It may be opinions about NDE, weird dreams or experiences, memory loss, Doctors and Surgeons, new members to our family (either person or pet), recent losses to our family (either person or pet), bad food experiences, or others that I have read (and mostly enjoyed) here since my short stay. I look at this site as our ?dinner table? where we can sit down and discuss our fears, loves, and experiences with others who have taken (or will take) a Heart Related Walk. I have cried, laughed out loud, and said ?you?ve got to be kidding me? on a lot of threads here. We all have a lot to share. Let us continue to allow sharing, without judging.
Must now sign off and go do my physical therapy. Enjoy.
May God Bless this Site, our Monitors, and All Its Members,