BUN(s) up. No you perverts, not those BUNS!

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Keep thinking ahead friend. You can get over this, you really can. Make sure in the future that your cardiologist keeps a closer eye on your fluid situation, so it doesn't get too far afield. It takes a lot of communicating. I have to talk with Joe's cardiologist's NP at least a couple of times each month. And I can email her, which is convenient for both of us. Most of the stuff can be done verbally with some labs thrown in here and there.
Ross I've been gone for a couple of days and I get back and find this information. This is not what I wanted to hear. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. You are in my prayers. Pretend that I'm there giving you a great big "hug, hug, hug."

By the way did you get my e-mail I sent you on the 26th?
Refresh my memory Glenda, I remember something, but I get so much mail in a short amount of time that I forget for sure.
At least you got the pants stretched out.

It mostly sounds like it's going to take time, Ross. I hope they don't run you too much in the process. I know I hate it when others intrude on my life.

I'm rootin' for you, Ross. Patience. Perseverence.

Maintaine forte.
Ross I had sent you a neat e-mail I had received called "The Positive Side of Life." It showed a stool icon that was so neat. :D I thought you might get a good laugh out of it. :D :D I also wondered what happened to Suz. :confused: I've missed her postings. I enjoyed hearing about her dad and how well he was doing after his surgery. I see Mark is posting again. I'm so glad. :) :) :)
Yes I did get that one Glenda. I've sent Suz a PM and as yet, it is unread. Might try sending her some email.
Hey Ross.. I don't post very often..but I do try and lurk as much as possible..and I know you..even if you don't know me :) Sure go and wallow a bit..why not..wallowing is a good thing for a short time..you deserve a good wallow once and a while. My husband was in the hospital about a year and a half ago..they thought that he had CHF and pneumonia. His legs were swollen beyond belief as well as his abdomin and his Creatinine was way up. He is a diabetic and was on Actos and on Norvasc for High Blood pressure. It turned out that the combination of these two drugs was deadly for him..they both tend to have a nasty side effect for many people of fluid retention.After two blood transfusions and running Lasix IV's for 6 days and 20 pounds of fluid excreted..he went home. He will never use these drugs again. The Cardio people called in a Nephrology team right away. I belive it was Nephrology that got things under control quickly rather than the cardiac team. I would encourage you to try and have the Nephrolgist see you quickly so you do not get any kidney damage or they can prevent any further damage if any has started. My husband has the start of some Renal failure due to his Diabetes and some arterial kidney blockage in his right kidney. He never really had CHF..it was all due to his meds.
Wishing you much luck and a nice long pee :D
AVR 9/25/01 ,St Jude Stentless Toronto Porcine Valve ,Duke Medical Center ,Dr Donald Glower