Bubba is still sick

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Wishing you an easier time - hope the cardio can get that rate down - amazing how tiring it can be.

All the best.
Danny, all that time in the basement has made you terribly sick and run down.....who was the dumb @ss that sent you down there anyway?
You stay up here with us and we'll take care of you. Best wishes. :)
Glad Peg was able to convince you to go to the doctor. You must be slightly less hard headed than my husband! Hope you are better soon. This sounds like the 5 years prior to my surgery when I would get CHF every time I had a sinus infection or cold.
Glad to hear that you are under dr. care and hopefully on the mend!
Danny, hugs & prayers are coming your way. Isn't is great to have such a caring wife! Keep up the good work Peggy, us wife's have to take charge sometimes. As my husband gets older (66) I have to take charge more often. Yeah, for me!!:):) I also can't afford for him to get down, he has to take care of me!! I'm a handful! !
Aye, Danny ... very sorry you are experiencing this.

Thoughts/prayers coming your way, of course....

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...Chitown #2 = 07/25/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"A smile can hide all the pain" ... Glen Campbell ... 'Rhinestone Cowboy'


My second day back at work. OK, I only made half a day yesterday. And thanks to having a fire alarm go off about half an hour ago and spending about 20 minutes OUTSIDE in low 40s (windchill low 30s) I am packing it in early today.

My Cardio finally was able to break the heart rate back down to around 75 resting (it had been as high as 155 just sitting in the chair). He is still perplexed as to what set it off. Seems like I am holding steady right now.

How could just sitting around for the last two weeks make you SO WEAK? I'm also breaking off the bloated water weight finally. I had swollen so much I had to go out and buy SIZE 48 jeans just to have something to wear to work beside the jogging pants I had been living in. I usually wear 42s. I am back in my 42s today.

This has been a very long and slow process. Again, many thanks to the thoughts and prayers. I will continue to heal. Head cold seems to have run its course and I'm not having the shortness of breath I was experiencing. Maybe that light at the end of the tunnel is not the train getting ready to run me down after all.

I've got a bunch of blood work scheduled for Friday morning. Maybe that will reveal something.

May God Bless,

Danny :)
Glad to have you back. Sounds like CHF to me, which I had several times prior to my surgery, but I figure the Cardio would recognize that, so maybe not. Anyway, glad you are up and around. Simply getting up, walking, and having more to look at than the same 4 walls has a way of making you feel better sometimes.

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