Bubba is still sick

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Gee Whiz!
I'm off air for 24 hours and I come back to this news!:eek:
Thank you Peg for taking him to the doctor; he probably wouldn't go if left to his own devices.:confused:
I'm putting him in my prayers that there is a fast resolution, and he is back pestering me and everyone else real soon.:)
I called Danny's cell phone this morning, hoping Peggy would answer, but unfortunately, no luck.:(
I?m here to tell you this just ain?t no fun at all.

Went in last week at Peggy?s nagging (?Just to shut you up? was one comment). Primary Care Doc said I had a sinus infection and some congestion. When he found out how long I had already been sick he wanted to know why I hadn?t came in earlier. When Peggy volunteered that SHE had tried to get me to come in last week too, he said I had better start listening to her!! He said he had seen a lot of it going around and it seemed to linger longer than others. During the pre visit, the nurses had a hard time reading my BP and pulse rate. Pulse was in the mid 120?s just sitting there. I had told Peggy that this was almost as bad as just before my Mitral Valve Repair 4 years ago. My pulse would shoot up just walking to and from the bathroom.

He started me on antibiotics and a mild decongestant. He also gave me a Nasal Rinse. ATTENTION: I have now found something that is worse than that plastic breathing torture machine that you grow so fond of after surgery. I don?t think God meant for fluids to travel in THAT DIRECTION.

Anyway, I took the rest of the week off. Just raising my arm in the chair would shoot my heart rate up to 120 plus and I measured 155 once after getting back from a bathroom trip. That is higher than what my Cardio recommended for an exercise rate!!!! I got up Monday with the intentions of trying to go into work. You know us guys!!!!! SHUT UP, MARY, I HEARD THAT! I had a hard time even getting thru my shower routine and had to sit down several times during the rest of my morning prep. After measuring another 150 plus rate, I told Peggy maybe it was time to see what my Cardio had to say. Peggy made an appointment for that afternoon and a follow-up with my PC.

When I showed up at my Cardio the nurse took me back to get my stats. She said she was going to do a quick EKG. After hooking me up, she said she would be right back. In less than 15 seconds she returned with my Cardio in tow. I was in A-Fib and throwing a rate of 150 plus. For the next hour and a half they continued to monitor me while administering additional meds. I finally settled down enough to leave. He started me on Comadin again because of the A-Fib and because they didn?t know exactly how long I had been actually having these episodes. He also started another med to slow my heart rate and started me on Lasix again to try to remove the water.

My PC said it appeared my lungs were clear now and the infection was also clearing up.

Well, here I sit doing no more than typing with a heart rate of 145. I never knew it took that much energy to TYPE. Anyway, we are calling the Cardio first thing tomorrow morning to see what else they can do to get this rate down. I will report back when I can.

Again, thanks to Peg for letting everyone know I am still down (BUT NOT OUT-----YET). And thanks to everyone for their kind wishes and prayers. Any and all will be graciously accepted.

May God Bless,

Danny :)

I am so sorry you are going through this. But I have no doubt that the docs will get it under control. Joe was in afib for many, many years. He couldn't take the standard afib meds, nor could they do any other treatment for it, so he just lived with it. Sometimes he would convert back normally.

I guess what I am trying to say is that there are treatments and also that some people can survive with afib.

God Bless.
Danny, sorry you are having such a tough go of it. Continuing to send my prayers that you'll be getting that heart rate down (sure you're not looking at pictures of those hotties I introduced you to in Virginia? :p) and be completely well soon!
I'm glad you finally listened to the wise one in your marriage. Please continue to do just that. You have my prayers that you feel better soon!
Hope your feeling better REAL soon and I'll make sure Bina throws away the key to the basement so you don't have to worry about going back there ;)
oh, good, there you are. been checkin in to see. I am so glad you have a wife. Many thanks to her; she's taking good care of you.

So sorry to hear of your a fib. YOu just take it easy and let your heart settle down with this new treatment. We have missed you and are glad to see you and of course, are praying that all will be well soon.
Glad to see you yakking away, Danny, even though you did YELL AT ME!:D:eek: It lets me know you must be feeling a little bit better.:)
Continue to follow the cardio's advice and OBEY PEG!;):p
And of course, my prayers continue to be with you.
Danny, I'm so sorry to hear this- Keep listening to Peg and your doctors- we need you back here- we miss you!
Danny you are in my thoughts and prayers. Listen to your wife. My husband always thinks he has to be the manly man. I have to get out the whips and chains every now and then to show him who is boss. Oh thats another story and off track. Hope you feel all better real soon.