Sleep, wonderful sleep. I'm so glad that you and Brian got some rest.
Oh, and things blinked while I was writing, so now you've given us another update. A Plan!! Hooray!!
Good for you for having the grace to be civil to this doctor. And good for him (wise) for him to apologize. We are all still dealing with doctors who were trained before information became so available to patients and family. I suspect they were trained to balk lest they scare people. What they do not realize is that it is far scarier to
not be given information, and to not be given some shared part in the plan.
Good, good good good!!!!!! Go spend some more time with your precious dog. They do wonders; they sense everything and can be very healing. Is there any way at all that you can pipe in the dog to Brian? I mean, use your laptop webcam from the motorhome and have Brian get a visit from the wagging tail, too??
Poor kid. Jeeez. So much to go through.
Try to relax some now. Brian needs a no stress day.
A proud pat on the back for you today!!